Thursday, November 29, 2012

Genius is to Believe in Your Ability

Motivational Power Quote

Genius is to Believe in Your Ability
Genius is the ability to reduce
the complicated to the simple.”
C.W. Ceram, author   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Genius is to believe in your ability

Genius is . . . . the thin slice between ordinary and extraordinary.

Genius is . . . . turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Genius is . . . . finding a way to do the things that other people are not doing and to do them and to turn them into opportunities and success.

Genius is . . . . focusing on the little details and doing them with excellences and turning them into the big things that make a big difference.

Genius is . . . . when you hit a wall is to have the courage to scale it to a new height.

Genius is . . . . to do your best in any situation that you find yourself in.

Genius is . . . . to look down a dark road and to see the light and to take the step into the light.

Genius is to believe in your ability . . . . and to act on it.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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