Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fear Become a Life Sentence of Inaction

Motivational Power Quote

Fear Become a Life Sentence of Inaction
The fear is worse than the pain.”
Shannon Bahr, forward thinker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Fear becomes a life sentence of inaction. . . .

Fear becomes a life sentence of inaction . . . . and frustration following a winding path with no destination when we allow fear to control our life.

Fear disables the person into inaction.

The person that lives in fear dies a thousand deaths without making any forward progress in their lives.

Living in fear is like many things in our life . . . . what we do about fear is a choice . . . . we can surrender to fear or we can address it and find a to remove it and to get past it.

Fear can be best defined as false evidence appearing real. That allowed to grow will freeze a person and distort their t decision making and consume their life.

It takes courage to acknowledge your fears exist and to take the steps to eliminate them. But once you step out of the shadows of your fear they will begin to melt away.

Fear is a life sentence of inaction. . . . until take the first step to eliminate them. Take that step today and you’re on the pathway of removing them and feeling a weight being lifted from your shoulders.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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