Friday, November 16, 2012

Your Life Becomes an Echo of Your Choices

Motivational Power Quote

Your Life Becomes an Echo of Your Choices
“Life is an echo – what you send out comes back.”
Chinese Proverb   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your life becomes an echo of your choices

What you send out into the world is returned to you in like kind  . . . . . and your life becomes an echo of your choices and beliefs.

How you see your world will be determined by the view from the path that we had chosen to travel. Your view is shaped by the events of our life’s journey and your choices.

The path of your life

The direction of your life is the path that you have chosen to follow.

Many times your current path has turned into a rut that leads to nowhere but heartache.

You are the only person that can make the choice to change your life and make the choice to climb out of the rut and into the sunshine of new opportunities.      

At any moment in time you can make the choice to change the direction of your life by changing the path that you have been following.

Your attitude is an echo of who we are

Your attitude will determine the way you see the world and the people that you come into contact with . . . . will judge you by our attitude. 

Your attitude will determine your actions and your results.

What message is your attitude sending out to the world?

The qualities of your choices

The qualities of your choices are returned to you by the quality of your results.

The quality of your results will determine your direction, either by moving you closer to achieving your goals or moving you further away from your objectives.

How we see yourself

How you see yourself is a mirror of how the world sees you.

Having positive self-image enables you to believe in yourself, in their actions and in your choices to move forward with confidence. 

A benefit of a positive self-image is being treated with respect and confidence by others.

How you treat people

People will treat you in a manner consistent with the way you treat them.

Listen to people and they will listen to you. Treat with respect and they will respect you. Show them that you care and share their concerns and you will create rapport. When you make them feel important you will become a person of influence in their lives.

Treat people the way we want to be treated.

Your life becomes an echo of your choices . . . . your  actions and beliefs.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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