Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Personal Motivation Makes the Difference

Motivational Power Quote

Personal Motivation Makes the Difference
People who are unable to motivate themselves must be
 content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive
their other talents.”
Andrew Carnegie 1835 - 1919, Scottish – American
Industrialist, Entrepreneur,
As I see it. . . . . . . .

Personal motivation makes the difference

Personal motivation becomes the key that unlocks the door . . . . of your enthusiasm and to a productive life.

When you have a high level of personal motivation you have a high level of enthusiasm . . . . and it shows in your work ethics and in your relationships. You attract people into your life as a result of your enthusiasm.

You will also find people with high level of enthusiasm approach their days with a positive can do attitude that helps them greatly in successfully overcoming their obstacles.

A person who lacks personal motivation also lacks enthusiasm . . . . and it shows in their efforts. It will also be reflected in their relationships and the path that they will follow in their lives.

Personal motivation is a thin slice of difference in people . . . . and under stress the person that’s personally motivated will find a way to prevail.

When people want a job done and done well they select the person with personal motivation makes the difference that will product the results. Be that person and you will achieve amazing results.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, July 29, 2013

Motivational Power Quote

The Impossible Takes a Little Longer
“Start by doing what’s necessary;
then do what’s possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
 St. Francis of Assisi 1182 – 1226, Italian Catholic Friar,

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The impossible takes a little longer

We all have limitations . . . . those limitations exist in your thoughts of what you believe you’re able to do or not do. Your beliefs can create a ceiling of limitations . . . . or will lift us to greater opportunities.

Doing the impossible starts with your personal belief system . . . . and you will do and achieve what you believe you can do. Doing the impossible starts with doing what is possible and stretching you’re thinking into the possible zone of what appears to be impossible . . . . and successfully doing it.

The difference between doing what’s possible . . . . and what appears to be impossible is a thin slice. The thin slice is in your thinking and believing that what you want to do is possible and that you will do it.

Doing the impossible takes a little longer . . . . but it’s exciting to break down the barriers and watch the old myths fall. It’s also interesting to watch the naysayer faces when you accomplished what was deemed to be impossible.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Choose the Right Path

Motivational Power Quote

Choose the Right Path
It is easy to choose a path in life that has been well traveled by
many before you and crowed  by many walking beside you.
There is safety in knowing the obstacles ahead, comfort and
warmth from the companionship of others and certainty in the
destination. Embarking on a journey into unknown territory
steely courage, an adventurous spirit, a deep belief in oneself
and simple hope for a better tomorrow.”
Marcy Blochowiak, CEO World Financial World    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Choose the right path

There will choices on what path to travel in your life time.

There is the path that so many have taken before you . . . . that path is easy to identify become you can see the ruts that have been worn into that path. The more the path is used the deeper the ruts become.

For those who on that path there seems to be a sense of safety in repetition. We will see the same people on that path everyday they become familiar and comfortable with that path . . . . and the path has become a habit.

The same people get on the path everyday and get off it at night only to repeat . . . . the same journey day after day. The journey starts at the same place everyday . . . . and seems to end at the same place every night. If the person were to look back on their journey they would see that they are where they started . . . . and they have not made any meaningful progress.

There is also another path which is much harder to find, there’s no signs that reads the road to success. The path is there but is used by very few people . . . . so it not so easy to indentify. If we’re looking for footprints to follow they may be hard to find so we have to decide to leave our own footprints for others to follow.

If we choose the take this path you will become a trail blazer.

As a trail blazer you will have step out of the rut of your current path . . . . and choose to create your own path to explore new territory and new opportunity.  

You have to have the courage to step out of the safety of your rut . . . . And have the confidences in yourself to step into the unknown and onto the path of personal growth and greater success.  

Staying on your current path you see the same view everyday . . . .  and your results will remain the same and not improve.

Choose the right path for you . . . . The one that will let you grow into the person that you want to be . . . . and to achieve the results that you want to achieve. The path is there for you but you will have to create it

. . . . and make the choice to step onto the path. Choose the step out of the rut and onto the path that will continue move in the directions of your goals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, July 27, 2013

You Learn From Your Mistakes

Motivational Power Quote

You Learn From Your Mistakes
“I have learned more from my mistakes
than from my success.”
 Sir Humphrey Davy 1778 – 1829, English Chemist,

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You learn from your mistakes

You learn lessons from your past . . . . from both your successes and your mistakes.

The lessons that you learn from your mistakes can offer . . . . a greater opportunity for success in the future than what you learn from your successes. Your mistakes create life lessons that give you the insight on what to do in the future to create greater success . . . . and what to avoid.

Mistakes are a window into your past and offers excellent opportunities to learn . . . . and to benefit from the lessons in the future.

Experiences become a great teacher but can also be very expensive lessons.  Your experiences offer an opportunity to look at new challenges in a new insight. You are able to draw on the lessons from your past to make better use of your time and to focus your efforts on the most productive areas of our life.

You learn from your mistakes . . . . creates an excellent opportunity to play those lessons forward for greater success.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Educator and Author





Friday, July 26, 2013

A Life Lived With Integrity

Motivational Power Quote 

A Life Lived With Integrity 
“A life lived with integrity-even if it lacks the trappings
of fame and fortune is a shining star in whose light others
may follow in the years to come.”
Denis Waitley, author, speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A life lived with integrity

Integrity is the foundation of . . . . who a person becomes.

You can’t buy integrity it’s earned as a result of the way you carry yourself throughout your life . . . . and in your actions.

Having integrity won’t guarantee your success . . . . but without integrity there will be no lasting success.

Ones integrity will set the person apart from the crowd.  A person with integrity . . . . will stand above the crowed masses and standout. They will be seen as a person that can be counter on . . . . and that will deliver on their promises.

Live with integrity . . . . and you’ll live a life of honor and one that you can   look on with pride. Integrity is not a shortcut to success but one of continued personal growth and achievement.

A life lived with integrity . . . . is to live a life of the best is yet to come.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Accepting the Responsibility

Motivational Power Quote 

Accepting the Responsibility
“Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to
over-coming the consequence of any misfortune.”
 William James 1842 – 1910, American Author, Philosopher,

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Accepting the responsibility  

You may not always be in control of a misfortune . . . . from coming into your life, but we can accept the fact that the condition has occurred. Accepting the condition is the first step . . . . in successfully correcting it.

Denial of the condition will most likely make the condition worst . . . . and can make it increasing difficult to successfully correct the condition without enduring more pain.

After a misfortune has happened you have evaluate the condition . . . . and make a decision on what would be the best course action to take . . . . to either  correct or successfully modify the condition.

You may not have created the condition. But you have to accept the fact that the condition has occurred and accepting the responsibility to correct the circumstances. Take massive action to create your desired outcome.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Recurring Thoughts

Motivational Power Quote

Recurring Thoughts
Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in
the mind through repetitive of thought.”
Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970, American Self –Help Expert
and Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Recurring thoughts  

What you continually think about becomes an embedded thought . . . . in your sub-conscience mind.

The thoughts are continuously repeated in your sub-conscience mind until . . . . they are on automatic replay. The interesting part is they are continually repeating themselves over and over again . . . . in your self-conscience mind without conscience thought.  

What started as a passing thought has now turned into a recurring thought. In those thoughts you will find ways that will impact your life in ways that you have dreamed about.

The thoughts that become are recurring in your mind will start to dominate your thinking . . . . and become the driving force in your actions. You will mentally and physically move in the direction of your recurring thoughts.

When you have conditioned your mind to think in harmony with your goals and objectives . . . . You have created a mental pathway to move in the direction of achieving your goals and objectives.

Condition your mind to think in terms of possibilities and in the positive. Your recurring thoughts . . . . will impact the direction of your life and your accomplishments.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

PUSH the Door of Opportunity Open

Motivational Power Quote

 PUSH the Door of Opportunity Open
The sign on the door of opportunity reads PUSH.”
Author Unknown  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

PUSH the door of opportunity open

You will find mentors . . . . and people that will be willing to help you on your success journey. They become invaluable resources to you on your career path . . . . and in your quest to succeed.   But in the long run you will be the only one that can push the door of opportunity open . . . . and step through the door.

When you see the door of opportunity there won’t be a doorman waiting there to open it for you. If you want to open the door you will have to take the initiative . . . . and push the door open and walk through door yourself.

There’s no doorman at the door of opportunity and if you want to open it . . . . you have to PUSH the door of opportunity open yourself.     

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, July 22, 2013

Possibility Thinkers Grasp the Opportunities

Motivational Power Quote

Possibility Thinkers Grasp the Opportunities
Luck is the sense to recognize an opportunity
and the ability to take advantage of it.”
Samuel Goldwyn 1879 - 1974, American Film Producer 

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Possibility thinkers grasp the opportunities

Think in terms of what can be . . . . and you begin to see things in a difference light. Looks at things with the attitude of what can be . . . . and you’ll see opportunity.

Be a possibility thinker . . . . and you will see the opportunities . . . .

An opportunity can come into your life as a spark . . . . and unless you recognize that spark . . . . it will flicker . . . . and go out never to appear again. It becomes an unrecognized opportunity and fades away into the trash heap of unfulfilled opportunities.

To grasp your opportunities you have to be a possibility thinker . . . . with an attitude of seeing things not as they are but for what they can be. Most opportunities appear as a work in process . . .  and will take an effort to make them work. Also in things that other people did not recognize for there potential . . . . or in things that have been that have been abandoned by others.  

You have the ability to recognize an opportunity in its present form and take that opportunity . . . . and work with it until you release the full potential that the opportunity offers.

To maximize an opportunity you have to be prepared to take full advantage of the opportunity.

Possibility thinkers grasp the opportunities . . . . as they find them because they know it passes this way only one time . . . . And there is no way to know what opportunity will turn into an opportunity of a lifetime.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dare to Be a Doer

Motivational Power Quote

Dare to Be a Doer
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare;
it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”
Seneca 4 BC to AD 65, Roman Stoic Philosopher,
Statesman, Dramatist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Dare to be a doer  

The doer has the mindset of getting things done . . . . and in producing their desired results.

The person that sits and complaints . . . . is the producer of negative thinking and very little success.

Dare to be a doer . . . . . . . .

The doer will take calculated risks . . . . to achieve greater success.

Doers will experience setbacks and failures on their success journey as a result of stretching themselves . . . . to achieve greater success. They will learn from their setbacks and failures . . . . and they’ll use their experiences to do things better and more effective the next time. They see their setbacks and failures as temporary conditions . . . . and they push forward to go pass them.

The doers in life are a special group on people who . . . . are not content to stand on the sidelines and watch their life go by. They want to get into the game of life . . . . and be an active participant in the game and the outcome.

The doer wants to take control of their lives . . . . and have goals for what they want to achieve . . . . and have a plan of action to ensure that they are successful.

Dare to be a doer . . . . and set the course for a successful life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fulfilling Your Dreams Comes With a Price

Motivational Power Quote

Fulfilling Your Dreams Comes With a Price
“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready
to pay the price to make them come true.”
 Leon J. Suenes 1904 - 1996, Archbishop of Mechelen
- Brussels 1961 - 1979

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Fulfilling your dreams comes with a price

The people who dream have hope and they find happiness in their dream . . . . and turning their dreams into reality. Be willing to be that dreamer . . . . and dream your dreams. Be willing to dream big . . . .  and be willing to make your dream come true.

Open your heart and mind to dream of all the possibilities. The larger your dreams the larger the possibilities become.

Fulfilling your dreams comes with a price. The price that you have to pay is the price commitment . . . . to make your dreams come true. Your have to pay the price of determination and pursue dreams with passion . . . . You will also pay the price of persistence’s to stay on the right course through the thick and thin of your journey to fulfill your dreams.

Dream your dreams but they will only be a dream until your put your dreams in writing. Once you put them into writing you turn your dreams . . . . into measurable goals.

Your written goals clarify your dreams . . . . and creates the direction to follow . . . . and will keep you focused on achieving the desired outcome.

Be willing to extend yourself everyday to move towards fulfilling your dreams.

When the road gets rough it is important to remain focused on your dreams . . . . and to stay on course.

Fulfilling your dreams come with a price . . . . Dream your dreams and be willing to pay the price that’s required to make your dreams come true.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, July 19, 2013

Positive In . . . . Positive Out

Motivational Power Quote

Positive In . . . . Positive Out
“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go
any higher than what you think.”
 Benjamin Disraeli, was a British statesman and author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Positive in . . . . Positive out

What you feed into your mind comes out as your thoughts

Nurture your mind with positive thoughts . . . . and you will become a positive thinker. Conversely the person that thinks negative thoughts . . . . will become a negative thinker.

You will go where your thoughts take you

Your thoughts are the gateway to the level of success that you achieve . . . . You will never go higher then you inspirer to go in your thoughts.

Your thoughts will move you in the direction of your goals and objectives. Or they will move us in the opposite direction . . . . and further away from your goals. The highest level of your thoughts will determine the level of your achievement.

Direct your thoughts in the direction that you want to go . . . . and your thoughts will take us where we want to go.

Positive in . . . . Positive out . . . . Whatever you put into your mind with be a mirror image of your thoughts. Feel your mind a daily dose of positive thoughts . . . . and you will find yourself on a positive path.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Your Time is a Priceless Resource

Motivational Power Quote

Your Time is a Priceless Resource
Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it,
but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can
spend it. Once you’re lost it you can never get it back.”
Harvey MacKay, Author, Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your time is a priceless resource

Time is more valuable then gold . . . . and how you use your time will determine the value it returns to you.

Your time can be frittered away returning . . . . no value or benefits to you. Or your time can be used with a purpose. Making your days productive moving you closer to your goals . . . . and returning a long term benefits to you as a result of how you used your time.

The choices you make on the way you use your time are yours to make  . . . and you reap the benefits of what you sow.

Living a life of purpose puts meaning into your days . . . . . your activities and maximizes the use of your time. The affect will be . . . . you will make the most of your day and your time.

When you treat your time as a priceless resource you are placing . . . . a high value on your life and time. Realize that you have been given the special gift the gift of time. To maximize the use of you time you have to take the personal responsibility . . . . to take control of your life and the use of your time.

Prioritize your life and your days . . . . and you prioritize how you live your life and how you use your time. Once you take control of your time you will realize the value of your time . . . . and you see it as priceless resource.

Your ime is a priceless resource . . . . and the choices that you make on how you use your time will determine its ultimate value to you and  the benefits and value that your time returns to you. Control your time and you will control its value.  

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Knock Down the Walls of Procrastination

Motivational Power Quote

Knock Down the Walls of Procrastination
Everything you could have been, all the accolades you could
have won and all the achievements that have been nagging at
your mind until now, didn’t happen for one reason only
you procrastinated.”
Nisandeh Neta, author, speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Knock down the walls of procrastination  

Procrastination can become of wall on your success journey . . . . blocking you from reaching your objectives.

Procrastination is a roadblock of the mind . . . . and can spread to become the killer of a career.

Procrastination can manifest itself in many areas of your life to where you put off what has to be done today . . . . to some unspecified time in the future that never comes.

You can convince yourself that you will do it tomorrow but when tomorrow comes . . . . you defer it until tomorrow.

The more you drag your feet the heavier the weight of your procrastination becomes . . . . Until the sheer weight of your procrastination suppresses your motivation and forward progress.

Think about procrastination as a brick wall of your mind. When you reach that wall your mind tells you that you can’t scale the wall . . . . and that you are better off on trying another day. When the day comes the wall looks enormous that you won’t make an effort to climb it or to go around it.

Procrastination doesn’t make things easier or better, procrastination makes things worst . . . . a lot worst.

Procrastination is a brick wall of the mind . . . . and to successfully scale that wall you have to change your mind set and your thinking to become solution orientated.  When you hit that brick wall . . . . don’t think about giving in to procrastinating look for the best solution to resolve the situation.  Take the actions that will remove the brick wall and resume your success journey. 

Knock down the walls of procrastination . . . . and you will clear the path to reach your goals. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You Earn . . . . What You Believe Your Worth

Motivational Power Quote

You Earn . . . . What You Believe Your Worth
You can never earn in the outside world
more than you earn in your own mind.”
Brian Tracy, Motivational Author, Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You earn . . . . what you believe your worth

What you believe you can achieve . . . . becomes within your reach when you believe you can achieve it . . . . and your willing to work hard to accomplish it.

What you earn will be in a direct relationship . . . . to what you believe your worth.

A person with high self-esteem believes that there are no limitations on what they can earn . . . . And they will find themselves taking giant steps in that direction. They will continually strive to extent their reach to go a little farther for greater success . . . . and to expand their ability to earn more. Once that they stretch themselves . . . . they will repeat it again and again.

What a person believes about their self-worth is in their thinking.  Those thoughts then are acted out everyday in their actions. What you believe about yourself will be a reflection of your self-image and what you believe you are worth.

Believe in yourself . . . . in who you are . . . . and you will be

Create the vision in your thinking of who you want to be . . . . and in your actions to become that person. Believe in your self-worth as a person . . . . and everyday take the steps that will make you’re that person.

You earn . . . . what you believe your worth. When you believe in yourself and take the actions to earn what you believe your worth. Believe in yourself and don’t allow anyone to take that belief away from you.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



Monday, July 15, 2013

Six Key Qualities of Successful People

Motivational Power Quote 

Six Key Qualities of Successful People
“Six essential qualities that are the key to success; sincerity,
personal integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom, charity.”
William C. Menninger 1899 -1966, the Menninger Foundation   



As I see it. . . . . . . .

Six key qualities of successful people

1. One must be honest with themselves . . . . to others . . . . and in their     

2. To be a person of . . . . honor . . . .  truthfulness . . . . and reliability.

3. To be humble in their success . . . . and compassionate to others in
    their times of need.

4. To be considerate of a persons needs . . . . polite . . . . and have good   

5. To be a person of . . . . good judgment. To have knowledge and . . . .
    the understanding on how to use it in an intelligence and effective

6. To be charitable with our resources . . . . and to use our mind to aid  
    and contribute to others.

Success is a process and not an event . . . . it takes commitment . . . . an consistent effort . . . . and determination.

Six essential qualities of success people . . . . will make all the difference to the people you meet and in the business relationship.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Your Happiness Will Come From Within

Motivational Power Quote

Your Happiness Will Come From Within
Be happy. Talk happiness.
Happiness calls out responsive gladness in others.
There is enough sadness in the world without yours,
never doubt the excellence and permanence
of what is yet to be.
Join the great company of those who make
the barren place of life fruitful with kindness.
Your success and happiness lie in you.
The great enduring realities are love and service.
Resolve to keep happy and your joy and
you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”
Helen Keller 1882 – 1968, American Author,
Political Activist, Humanitarian, Lecturer,
Presidential Medal of Freedom  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your happiness will come from within  

Some people choose to be happy . . . . and look at the things in their life from the prospective of a positive prism. It not that happy people experience less challenges in their lives in reality they don’t. They just choose to make . . . . the most out of their lives and to be happy. You see another person that’s happy and you say to yourself; that the person must be happy because they have less stress in their life and they have not experienced setbacks and failure in their life. Which is also not true, happiness is not the result of the person’s circumstances. Happiness comes within the person not in conditions.

Having money doesn’t bring lasting happiness . . . .  we all know people that are financially well off and are not happy. We also know people who are not wealthy and are very happy.

So what creates happiness?

Happiness COMES FROM WITHIN the person . . . . Not IN material things.  A person has to be first happy with them self before they can be happy with the people in their lives.

Happy people encounter setbacks and failure like everyone else. The big difference with a happy person . . . . is the way they look at things and how they respond to the conditions that come into their lives.

They will look at conditions as temporary.

They will evaluate the conditions that they encounter to determine what’s important. In addition they will evaluate what’s under their control to determine the outcome . . . . and what’s the order of the priorities.  But they will take an addition step . . . .  they will evaluate what can be left undone without negatively affecting the overall outcome.

Happy people don’t buckle under to the conditions that they encounter or to pressures. They are focused on successful results . . . . and they being that philosophy to their life and relationships.

Happy people attract happiness into life through the way they think . . . . and by staying in control of their emotions. You will find that your emotions come from within . . . . and those emotions are then expressed in your relationships and your actions. You will either allow the emotions of happiness to grow within you or to let it shrivel and fade away . . . . and be replaced be the emotion of unhappiness.

Your happiness will come from within . . . . and your positive emotions will bring it to the surface. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author