Motivational Power Quote
Helping Others
“It’s is
literally true that you can success best and
quickest by helping others to succeed.”
Napoleon Hill, author
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Helping others
By helping others you can break a log
jam in their life . . . . and help them to take a step forward to where they
breaking down old barriers . . . . and step into the sunshine.
In helping others can come in the form
of advice and counsel . . . . or a listening ear. Where you’re letting the
people know that we care enough about them to extend a helping hand . . . . and
a compassionate ear.
It can be opening a door of opportunity
for a person without expecting any personal gain . . . . or just opening a door
for the person.
It’s recognizing a person’s effort’s by acknowledging
what they do . . . . along with by telling them that you appreciate their
efforts. It’s boosting a person’s ego to help them grow to be the best person
that can be . . . . and picking them up after a setback.
It’s giving a child the opportunity of a
full and successful life. You can help a child to form . . . . a solid
foundation for their life by being a positive role model for them. Show them
through your actions the differences between what’s right and wrong. Also it’s in
spending quality time with a child . . . . and in making them feel important.
The gift of helping others comes in many
forms in business and your personal lives. The cost of helping others in paid
for in our compassion, caring . . . . and extending a helping hand and ear. The
benefits to the people that you help are enormous and in many cases you will have
the captivity to change their life.
The benefit in helping others is
returned to you in the form of personal satisfaction of knowing that you have
made a positive impact . . . . and made positive difference in someone’s life.
©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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