Saturday, July 13, 2013

Your Happiness Will Come From Within

Motivational Power Quote

Your Happiness Will Come From Within
Be happy. Talk happiness.
Happiness calls out responsive gladness in others.
There is enough sadness in the world without yours,
never doubt the excellence and permanence
of what is yet to be.
Join the great company of those who make
the barren place of life fruitful with kindness.
Your success and happiness lie in you.
The great enduring realities are love and service.
Resolve to keep happy and your joy and
you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”
Helen Keller 1882 – 1968, American Author,
Political Activist, Humanitarian, Lecturer,
Presidential Medal of Freedom  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your happiness will come from within  

Some people choose to be happy . . . . and look at the things in their life from the prospective of a positive prism. It not that happy people experience less challenges in their lives in reality they don’t. They just choose to make . . . . the most out of their lives and to be happy. You see another person that’s happy and you say to yourself; that the person must be happy because they have less stress in their life and they have not experienced setbacks and failure in their life. Which is also not true, happiness is not the result of the person’s circumstances. Happiness comes within the person not in conditions.

Having money doesn’t bring lasting happiness . . . .  we all know people that are financially well off and are not happy. We also know people who are not wealthy and are very happy.

So what creates happiness?

Happiness COMES FROM WITHIN the person . . . . Not IN material things.  A person has to be first happy with them self before they can be happy with the people in their lives.

Happy people encounter setbacks and failure like everyone else. The big difference with a happy person . . . . is the way they look at things and how they respond to the conditions that come into their lives.

They will look at conditions as temporary.

They will evaluate the conditions that they encounter to determine what’s important. In addition they will evaluate what’s under their control to determine the outcome . . . . and what’s the order of the priorities.  But they will take an addition step . . . .  they will evaluate what can be left undone without negatively affecting the overall outcome.

Happy people don’t buckle under to the conditions that they encounter or to pressures. They are focused on successful results . . . . and they being that philosophy to their life and relationships.

Happy people attract happiness into life through the way they think . . . . and by staying in control of their emotions. You will find that your emotions come from within . . . . and those emotions are then expressed in your relationships and your actions. You will either allow the emotions of happiness to grow within you or to let it shrivel and fade away . . . . and be replaced be the emotion of unhappiness.

Your happiness will come from within . . . . and your positive emotions will bring it to the surface. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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