Motivational Power Quote
Your Time is a Priceless Resource
“Time is
free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it,
but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can
spend it. Once you’re lost it you can never get it
Harvey MacKay, Author, Speaker
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your time is a priceless resource
Time is more valuable then gold . . . . and
how you use your time will determine the value it returns to you.
Your time can be frittered away returning
. . . . no value or benefits to you. Or your time can be used with a purpose. Making
your days productive moving you closer to your goals . . . . and returning a
long term benefits to you as a result of how you used your time.
The choices you make on the way you use
your time are yours to make . . . and you reap the benefits of
what you sow.
Living a life of purpose puts meaning
into your days . . . . . your activities and maximizes the use of your time.
The affect will be . . . . you will make the most of your day and your time.
When you treat your time as a priceless
resource you are placing . . . . a high value on your life and time. Realize
that you have been given the special gift the gift of time. To maximize the use
of you time you have to take the personal responsibility . . . . to take
control of your life and the use of your time.
Prioritize your life and your days . . .
. and you prioritize how you live your life and how you use your time. Once you
take control of your time you will realize the value of your time . . . . and
you see it as priceless resource.
Your ime is a priceless resource . . . .
and the choices that you make on how you use your time will determine its
ultimate value to you and the benefits
and value that your time returns to you. Control your time and you will control
its value.
©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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