Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You Earn . . . . What You Believe Your Worth

Motivational Power Quote

You Earn . . . . What You Believe Your Worth
You can never earn in the outside world
more than you earn in your own mind.”
Brian Tracy, Motivational Author, Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You earn . . . . what you believe your worth

What you believe you can achieve . . . . becomes within your reach when you believe you can achieve it . . . . and your willing to work hard to accomplish it.

What you earn will be in a direct relationship . . . . to what you believe your worth.

A person with high self-esteem believes that there are no limitations on what they can earn . . . . And they will find themselves taking giant steps in that direction. They will continually strive to extent their reach to go a little farther for greater success . . . . and to expand their ability to earn more. Once that they stretch themselves . . . . they will repeat it again and again.

What a person believes about their self-worth is in their thinking.  Those thoughts then are acted out everyday in their actions. What you believe about yourself will be a reflection of your self-image and what you believe you are worth.

Believe in yourself . . . . in who you are . . . . and you will be

Create the vision in your thinking of who you want to be . . . . and in your actions to become that person. Believe in your self-worth as a person . . . . and everyday take the steps that will make you’re that person.

You earn . . . . what you believe your worth. When you believe in yourself and take the actions to earn what you believe your worth. Believe in yourself and don’t allow anyone to take that belief away from you.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



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