Saturday, November 30, 2013

Asking Questions Opens Doors

Asking Questions Opens Doors
“Asking questions will get you the performance
you are after far better than dictating demands.”
 Dan James

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Asking question opens doors

Asking questions give you insight to the person that you’re speaking with . . . . and makes the person feel important.

Asking questions is a sign of respect . . . . and showing sincere interest in the person that your are speaking with.

In response to asking questions you form a relationship with the person and build rapport.

Rapport opens the door for continuous exchange of information and communication.

When you make demands of people often this can shut off open . . . . and honest communication with the other person. As a result they may feel threatened, angry, or both. From that point forward communications, relationships, and negotiations breakdown.

Making demands can also jeopardize a relationship . . . . and close the door on future opportunities.

As you continue to ask questions you gather information. When that information is properly utilized you are seen as a problem solver. 

As a problem solver, you help the other person and you gain momentum that continuously moves you in the direction of our goals and objectives.

Asking questions opens doors . . . . builds rapport . . . . and increases your performance and places you in a win – win situation.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



To Know the Road Up the Mountain

To Know the Road Up the Mountain
If you wish to know the road up the mountain,
ask the man who goes back and forth on it..”
Zenrin, Quote   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

To know the road up the mountain

The best way find the road up the mountain of success . . . . is to find a person that has successfully climbed the mountain.

That person that has been up the mountain knows their footing . . . . and the best route to travel to the top. They also know the pitfalls and what should be avoided along the way.

They can help you to navigate your success journey by using their knowledge and experience to create a solid foundation to reach the next level of success.

Successful people know how to use the resources at their disposal . . . . They can learn from a person that has successfully climbed the mountain of success before them.

If you want to successfully navigate the road up the mountain of success you have prepare to the journey. You will also have to have the right tools and surround yourself with the people that will help to get to the top of the mountain successfully.

To know the road up the mountain . . . . is to ask the person that have successfully make the climb.

©2010 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, November 29, 2013

Success is Becoming All You Can Be

Success is Becoming All You Can Be
Success means doing the best we can with what we have.
Success is the doing, not the getting;
 in the trying, not in the triumph.
Success is a personal standard,
reaching for the highest that is in us,
become all that we can be.”
Zig Ziglar 1929 – 2012, American Author, Salesman,
Motivational Speaker   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Success is become all you can be

Success is starting from where you are with the resources you have . . . . and in doing your best . . . . to become all you can be.

Finding success is not in measuring yourself by other people’s standards, but by measuring yourself by your standards . . . . and in making the commitment to do your best.

Create the standard for your life by setting your bar high. Compete with yourself everyday to become better and to being all you can be.

Success comes in doing your best . . . . and to continuously striving in the direction of your goals. It’s in achieving your benchmarks and using them as building blocks to achieve your desired outcome.

Success is becoming all you can be. by using all of your resources at your disposal with a targeted purpose of making the most out of them. It’s putting the full weight of your personal beliefs that you will succeed to work for you. Success will come to does that believe and do.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



Thursday, November 28, 2013

Knowledge Released . . . . Becomes Personal Power

But when knowledge stands by itself it becomes worthless. It’s not until you release your knowledge with a purpose through your actions does your knowledge become powerful force in your life.

The power of your knowledge is created in the practice and expansion of your knowledge through your continuous commitment to your personal development.

Once you release your knowledge with proper application . . . . your knowledge gains forward momentum creating new opportunities and in  expanding your future potential and your possibilities. 

With practice your knowledge becomes a source of unlimited power to reach greater heights . . . . and to expand your horizons.

The key is to use your knowledge with a focused effort and direction.

Knowledge released . . . . becomes personal power when it’s released that power will propel you greater success and achievement in your life

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

When You Get a Second Chance . . . . Take It

When You Get a Second Chance . . . . Take It
“We’re given second chances every day of our life,
we don’t usually take them, but they’re
there for the taking.”
Andrew M. Greeley 1928 – 2013, Irish-American Priest,
Sociologist Journalist, Novelist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

When you get a second chance . . . . Take it

Second chances are presented to you everyday of your life. But in the first blush what is the second chance will be disguised.  

To see your second chances you have to have an open mind and an attitude of what can be possible . . . . and not one of what was.

Forward thinkers will see their second chances where others just walk by them.

Your second chances may be dressed working clothes and all you may see at the time is the hard work . . . . and the pain of your past setback. If you are looking behind yourself you’ll not see or recognize the second chance that is in front of you, because you’re looking in the wrong place.

You have look past your previous setbacks and look forward to what you can make of your future and you will see the second chance.

A second chance gives you the chance to pick up the prices in your life. You have the opportunity to start over again from where you are today and in starting over you change your future and create new results.

In order to take advantage of a second chance your mind has to be open to the possibilities and your eyes open to see them.

Look at your second chance as a new lease on life. Grasp the second chance and the opportunity it offers with all the passion in your heart and turn your second chance to the fuel to put you into the winner’s circle of life.

When you get a second chance . . . . Take it . . . . and make the most out of it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Agreeing Can Lead You Down The Path of The Status Quo

Agreeing Can Lead You Down The Path of The Status Quo
“We find comfort among those who agree with us –
growth among those who don’t.”
Frank A. Clark, Author, writer
As I see it. . . . . . . .

Agreeing can lead you down the path of the status quo  

To stretch yourself you have to stretch your assumptions . . . . your beliefs . . . . and your mind. You have to move yourself out of your comfort zone and into realm of boundless possibilities.

If the people that are around you continually are agreeing with . . . . you they may be leading you down the wrong path the path way of the status quo. No one who ever played in the major leagues has ever had a 1000% batting average over their career. And No NFL quarterback has ever completes 100% of their passes over the length of a season.

People around you may be excellent at what they do but they are not perfect. So it becomes very unlikely that you are flawless in your thinking and in your actions. There is always room for personal growth and become better at what you do.

It’s far better to be surrounded by people who challenge you and are willing to look past the status quo and challenge your assumptions of today and to stretch your thinking to what can be possible.

It’s not a question of being perfect in the things you do . . . . it becomes a question of growing and continuous improvement in what you do.

Continually agreeing with you won’t make you better . . . . it keeps you locked in the status quo . . . . and in the no growth zone.

Being surrounded by yes people and people that blindly agree with you will not stretch you or your thinking. You will become stuck in the world of the status quo. Remaining in the status quo won’t make you or the people around you better . . . . you remain on the land of self-denial.

Evaluate your situation; listen to the comments both pro and con and make the decisions on the best way to make progress . . . . and to move forward.

Agreeing can lead you down the path of the status quo, if you want to breakout of the status quo breakaway from limiting thinking and those around you who are unwilling to challenge you and your thinking.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, November 25, 2013

Fear is a Negative Thought Pattern

Fear is a Negative Thought Pattern
“Of course people are afraid. But honestly facing
that fear, seeing it for what it is, is the only way
of putting it to rest .”
Edna Ferber 1885 - 1968, American Novelist, Short Story
Writer, and Playwright

As I see it. . . . . . . .  

Fear is a negative thought pattern

Everyone at some point in there lives will experience fear. How you respond to those fears will determine the direction that your future will move in.

Fears become a death sentence for your minds . . . . and create negative thought patterns.  

You have to look past your fears and remove them from your thoughts and your life. Replace the fears with a positive outlook for your future and see your future as productive and successful.

A fear is . . . . False Evidence Appearing Real . . . .

The only way that you can successfully control . . . . and overcome your fears is to face them head on.

A fear is a negative thought pattern that has to be replaced with a new positive thought pattern.

Facing your fears will take courage and will not always an easy process. You have to recognize and acknowledge your fears . . . . and make the decision to overcome then. That decision will change the course of your life. When you put your fears behind you, you will feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. 

Take corrective measures to overcome the fears and as you do you recapture the control of your life and your future. Then push the fears aside and move on.

Face your fears and you will be facing your future with breath of fresh air and with a positive can do attitude.

A fear is a negative thought pattern that has to be replaced with a new positive thought pattern.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Maturity Is the Ability To . . . .

Maturity Is the Ability To . . . .
Maturity is the ability to stick with a job until it’s finished;
the ability to do a job without being supervised;
to ability to carry money without spending it;
and the ability to bear an injustice without
wanting to get even.”
Abigail Van Buren 1918 – 2013, American Advice Columnist,
Radio Talk Show Host, AKA Dear Abby   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Maturity is the ability to . . . .

Maturity is taking the personal responsible for your life . . . . and the direction that your life takes.

When your life is moving in a direction that we’re not happy with . . . . it will be up to us to change the course of your success journey and to take a new path.

Maturity is in finding answers . . . . and taking responsible for your life and career not in the blaming of others for your conditions or your position in life.

Maturity is not about age . . . . It’s about a state of mind and in the choices we make. Many times you will make progress in your choices when you decide not to make a bad choice

Maturity is looking at both sides of a decision before you make them.

A mature person will do what’s right because it’s the right thing to do and not what’s politically correct because other people when you to make a decision.

Maturity is the ability . . . .  to finding happiness in who you are, in what you have and in striving for what you want to achieve.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Lack of Knowledge Becomes Fatal

A Lack of Knowledge Becomes Fatal
“Learning is not compulsory . . . . neither is survival.”
 Dr. W. Edwards Deming 1900 - 1993, American Statistician,
Professor, Consultant, Author, Lecturer, Consultant

As I see it. . . . . . . .

There is no Success without learning

Moving into future without learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge is like leaving on a cross country trip without directions. The trip will become one of wandering and drifting without any directions.

The future belongs to those who are the continuous learners. They accumulate the knowledge to compete successfully in the new and challenging business environment.

Relevant knowledge properly applied becomes a powerful success tool. The lack of knowledge becomes fatal.

A key element to the future is learning the skills and accumulating the knowledge that gives you the ability to master your field of endeavor and to move forward with a sense of confidence.  When you apply the skills and knowledge in an effective manner you move ahead of your competition.

The price of being a non learner is astronomical and paid over a life time of regrets.

The price for learning is paid today . . . . and in advance of your future success.

Learning opens the doors to the future . . . . and becomes the key to greater success and prosperity. There is no limit on what you can learn but there is no success without learning.

A lack of knowledge becomes fatal . . . . With the knowledge you have the key to open the doors to your future opportunities.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, November 22, 2013

To Achieve Success You Have To . . . .

To Achieve Success You Have To . . . .
“Failures are divided into two classes – those who
thought and never did, and those who did
and thought.”
John Charles Salak, Writer       

As I see it. . . . . . . .

To achieve success you have to . . . .

Within all of us are dreams.

The dreams to make more money . . . . to live in a bigger home . . . .to have a happy relationship . . . . to make more money . . . . to be recognized for your talents . . . . to live a full and happy life there are just a few of many dreams.

The dreams become to you . . . . and they are unique to who you are.

In order to full fill your dreams you have decide what it is that you want. Without knowing what you want there will be very little or no direction for you future . . . . and no target to aim for.

Think about what you want your life to be and where you want your life to take you . . . . and what you want to accomplish.

As you think about your future it will focus you on the outcome that you want to achieve. The clearer your thinking becomes the clearer the vision of future will become.

When you have a clear vision of your future embedded in your thinking, create a written plan of action. Your plan will set the course to achieve your desired outcome and your goals.

Your thinking will put you in the driver seat of your success journey, your planning with give you the direction for your success journey. But

only you can put the key in the ignition to steer your success journey in the right direction.

To achieve success you have to . . . . think it – plan it – and do it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Push Your Doubts Out of Your Mindset

Push Your Doubts Out of Your Mindset
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow
will be our doubts of today.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd U. S. President

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Push your doubts out of your mindset

The only time that your doubts will limit your tomorrow is when you give in to the doubts . . . . And allow them to control your thinking . . . . your activities . . . . and your life.

What you decide to do with your doubts becomes a personal choice . . . . on what you choose to do about them.

You can choose to be negative and succumb to your doubts. Or you can choose to acknowledge that you have doubts and the take steps to overcome them. You can choose to face your doubts with a positive attitude. You can decide what you’re able to control . . . . and to set the course to remove the doubts with positive thinking and positive actions.

Your doubts of today become obstacles on your success journey if you allow them too. Your tomorrows will be the result of positive thinking and overcoming your doubts of today.

Stay firm in your beliefs and don’t allow our doubts of today limit our tomorrow. Push your doubts out of your mindset . . . . and allow the possibilities in.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author 


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It’s More Precious Than Money

It’s More Precious Than Money
  “Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world.
It beats money, power and influence.”
 Henry Chester, Civil War Captain  
As I see it. . . . . . . .

It’s more precious than money

If you lose you will really miss it . . . . and it’s difficult to replace. For those who have it in more precious then money . . . . and more valuable than gold.

A little goes a long way in your pursuit of success . . . . and the lack of it can stymie a career.

You can find it in the rough . . . . and develop it to a fine edge.

When you discover it . . . . and put it to good use it becomes one of your greatest assets.

One of your greatest assets . . . . is our enthusiasm.

It brightens the dark nights in your lives and it gives you the strength to push forward through your obstacles. It’s the sunshine on the cloudy days in facing your obstacles . . . . and in successfully working your way through them. It’s the passion in your heart to strive to do your best that you can to succeed.

Enthusiasm is the fuel that powers the engine of your success journey and takes you to greater heights. Keep your tank full of enthusiasm because you will never know when you may need an extra boost.

It’s more precious than money . . . . Your enthusiasm is one of your greatest assets . . . . and it a rechargeable resource. The more you use the more you have.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

There is No Doubt That I Can and I Will Do It

There is No Doubt That I Can and I Will Do It
The secret of making something work in your lives is,
first of all, the deep desire to make it work:
then the faith and belief that it can work:
then to hold that clear definite vision
in your consciousness  and see it
working out step by step,
without one thought of doubt in his belief.”
Eileen Caddy, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

There is no doubt that I can and I will do it

The achievers in life live their life . . . . with a sense of purpose and positive beliefs.

Achievers have a clear vision on what they want to accomplish in their thoughts long before they take the first step to turn their vision into their desired outcome. They will step forward without doubt or hesitation to reach their goals.

The achiever knows with conviction that they can do what has to be done to be successful . . . . they know that they can do it and they will do it successfully.

There is no doubt in their mind that they can do what is required . . . . of them to succeed. They will move forward with an attitude the leaves no doubt in their mind that they can and that they will succeed.

An achievers attitude keeps them moving in the right direction through . . . . the thick and thin of their success journey. They will maintain the spirit of no doubt in their mind . . . . and that spirit will be reflected in their work ethic and in their attitude.

The achiever sees the outcome that they want to accomplish in their thinking . . . . and they will focus their thoughts and actions into turning their vision a reality.

Achievers believe in their thought that they will succeed and have the mind set of “there is no doubt that I can and I will do it . . . . successfully.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, November 18, 2013

One of the Most Powerful Negotiating Strategies

One of the Most Powerful Negotiating Strategies
The single most powerful tool for winning a negotiation
is the ability to get up and walk away
from the table without a deal.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .

One of the most powerful negotiating strategies

When a negotiation is at a point that it reaches an unacceptable impasse or the other party is making unreasonable demands one of the most powerful negotiating strategies is the ability to walk away from the negotiation table.

Walking away from the negotiation table is telling the other party that you are not able to except their terms or conditions and you are withdrawing from the negotiating process.

You have to know in advance of the negotiations beginning what your limits in the negotiations will be . . . . and at what point you would walk away from the negotiation.

In walking away from the table you are accepting the fact that you may not be able to conclude the negotiation process.

Several things can result from walking away from the negotiating table:

1. You have reached to your limits in the negotiations and any additions concessions on your part could jeopardize your position or become a concession that you would later regret.  

2. Walking away from the table will being unreasonable demands to a stop.

3. At the time you walk away from the table you are withdrawing your last concession. In many cases the other person will change their focus and attempt to keep the last concession in play and the business will be successfully concluded by all the parties excepting the last concession.

4. The other party would be shocked that you leaving the table and can look to conclude the negotiations with a concession on their part to reach a successfully outcome.

5. It shifts the sense of urgency in the negotiations and if the other is interested in moving forward they will most likely make a concession to keep the negotiations moving.

Not every negotiation is concluded successfully and not every successful negotiation creates the desired outcome.

One of the most powerful negotiating strategies . . . . is in have the courage to walk away from the negotiations in order to bring them to a successful conclusion.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Making Less Mistakes

Making Less Mistakes
“Every mistake that I made-and we all make
mistakes – come because I didn’t take the time
to get all the facts I didn’t drive had enough.”
Charles Knight, artist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Making less Mistakes

Make every effort not to make a mistake . . . . get the information . . . . get the facts . . . . and over prepare to put your self in the position to succeed.

But when you do make a mistake . . . . correct the situation as soon as possible doing the best you can and then move pass the mistake with a renewed energy.

Mistakes can happen at any time but when we have the facts . . . and prepare you minimize your mistakes and increase your effectiveness in the things that you do.

When you are moving forward to increase your pace and you fail to get the facts and prepare you will increase your missteps and end up with lost momentum. When you fail to get the facts you diminish your effectiveness . . . . and create a misuse of your time.

Get the facts in advance of taking action places you into a positive position to succeed and in making less mistakes.  Also you will create a clearer vision of what will have to be done and how to do them effectively.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, November 16, 2013

No Problem is Insurmontable

No Problem is Insurmountable
No problem is insurmountable with s little courage,
team work and determination a person
can overcome anything.”
B. Dodge, entrepreneur   
As I see it. . . . . . . .

No problem is insurmountable

You face them everyday . . . . some look like mountains and others look like bumps in the road. Never the less they are part of your life and they need to be overcome or worked through successfully.

A problem that’s not faced will, in time will become a barrier to you on your success journey. They will either delay your success journey . . . . or bring it to a complete stop.

Facing a problem can be very stressful to a person but the alternative to facing the problem is allowing it to linger. A lingering problem not only increases the stress in your life it will also cause a degree of uncertainty and increased your anxiety. And after all the additional stress the problem has created it’s still there and growing.

Not facing your problem creates a . . . .  lose – lose situation in your life.

Face your problem with the convictions that you have the ability to correct the condition. Realizing that thing do not always turn out 100% the way you want them to. By facing the problem you have far better opportunity . . . . to create a successful outcome.|

Be determined to do your best to come up with the best solution to the problem.  

No problem is insurmountable when you have the determination to overcome the problem. When you have the faith in yourself . . . . and you combine your determination with your faith you create the personal power to successfully overcome any problem that you face.    

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, November 15, 2013

There’s Strength in Silence

There’s Strength in Silence
“Silence is a source of great strength."
Lao Tzu 604 BC – 531 BC, Ancient China Philosopher  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

There’s strength in silence              

There are times that you’re prepared to speak . . . . and where it would be to your best interest to remain silence and listen.

The person that has the most in control of a conversation is the person who gathers the most useful information.

That information is collected by asking good questions . . . . and in practicing the 80 – 20 rule of proactive listening. Proactive listening is to listen 80% of the time with interest giving the speaker your full attention . . . . When you’re speaking . . . . speak with a purpose, ask good questions . . . . Speak to draw the other person into the conversation and to gather information.

Be a proactive listener by listening 80% of the time . . . . and speak with a purpose 20% of the time and you will find that there’s strength in silence.

When you’re speaking we are not learning . . . . or gathering information. When you’re asking good questions and listening you are gathering new and useful information and accumulating new knowledge. Both of which can become very helpful in knowing and understanding the other person.

The listener in a conversation . . . . controls the information flow of the conversation.

The person that’s committed to proactive communications becomes a person of influence in the conversation as result of their listening skills. They will draw the other person into the communication by allowing the person to speak . . . .and by showing interest in the other person and what they’re saying.

There’s strength in silence . . . . and knowing when to listen and when to speak.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Problem Solver is in Demand

A Problem Solver is in Demand
Solving problems is the foundation of survival.”
Michael McMillian, Author   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A problem solver is in demand

Many people see the problem . . . . but very few can see the solution.

Problem solving is the unique skill of seeing through the haze of the problem . . . . and the issues.  It’s being a forward thinker and seeing and identifying the solutions.

Problem solvers will find a way to get through the problem with the least amount of pain possible. They look for and will find a creative way to navigate through the conditions . . . . and come up with an acceptable solution.   

When you focus on solutions you begin the process of solving the problem and you make the maximum use of your time and resources for productive purposes.  Focusing on solution is a proactive activity focusing on the problem is a reactive activity and a resource waster.

A problem solver is in demand . . . . as a result of being a forward thinker and for making the best of the situation that they find themselves in. When you find yourself facing a problem focus your thinking and energy on the solutions is makes the best use of your time.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Idle Mind - Idle Hands

Idle Mind - Idle Hands
“Determine never to be idle. It is wonderful how much
may be done if we are always doing.”
Thomas Jefferson 1943 - 1826, Third U.S. President  
American Founding Father, Principal Author of
The Declaration of Independence 

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Idle mind - Idle hands

A person who sits and waits for success . . . .  will come to find out the hard way that the success bus doesn’t stop were there sitting.

The only path that waiting for success will take us is down the wrong path. That path is one that leads to frustration and moves us farther away from a successful life and your goals.

Success doesn’t come to those who sit and wait. Success is attracted by the doer in life . . . . the ones that go out and create their own success.

It’s amazing to watch a doer in action; they seem to be in a state of perpetual motion with a focused target to aim for.  They will continually focus on their target . . . . and if they get knocked off course. They will quickly get back on course and continue to move in the direction of their target.

From time to time a doer will slip and fall and experience setbacks  . . . . But they understand that they are temporary and they will remain focused on their goals and work through the challenges that they encounter.  

Idle mind – idle hands waste your time and accomplish very little.  Create a purpose for your life one that will challenge you to stretch yourself beyond to reach. Do everything within your power to stretch yourself to achieve your purpose and your goals and you will look forward to your future.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author