Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Agreeing Can Lead You Down The Path of The Status Quo

Agreeing Can Lead You Down The Path of The Status Quo
“We find comfort among those who agree with us –
growth among those who don’t.”
Frank A. Clark, Author, writer
As I see it. . . . . . . .

Agreeing can lead you down the path of the status quo  

To stretch yourself you have to stretch your assumptions . . . . your beliefs . . . . and your mind. You have to move yourself out of your comfort zone and into realm of boundless possibilities.

If the people that are around you continually are agreeing with . . . . you they may be leading you down the wrong path the path way of the status quo. No one who ever played in the major leagues has ever had a 1000% batting average over their career. And No NFL quarterback has ever completes 100% of their passes over the length of a season.

People around you may be excellent at what they do but they are not perfect. So it becomes very unlikely that you are flawless in your thinking and in your actions. There is always room for personal growth and become better at what you do.

It’s far better to be surrounded by people who challenge you and are willing to look past the status quo and challenge your assumptions of today and to stretch your thinking to what can be possible.

It’s not a question of being perfect in the things you do . . . . it becomes a question of growing and continuous improvement in what you do.

Continually agreeing with you won’t make you better . . . . it keeps you locked in the status quo . . . . and in the no growth zone.

Being surrounded by yes people and people that blindly agree with you will not stretch you or your thinking. You will become stuck in the world of the status quo. Remaining in the status quo won’t make you or the people around you better . . . . you remain on the land of self-denial.

Evaluate your situation; listen to the comments both pro and con and make the decisions on the best way to make progress . . . . and to move forward.

Agreeing can lead you down the path of the status quo, if you want to breakout of the status quo breakaway from limiting thinking and those around you who are unwilling to challenge you and your thinking.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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