Tuesday, November 12, 2013

He Who Listens Reaps the Benefits

He Who Listens Reaps the Benefits
“Who speaks sows; Who listens reaps.”
Argentine Proverb

As I see it . . . . . . .

He who listeners reaps the benefits

Active Listening Skills Builds Rapport

Active listening engages the other person in the conversation . . . . and in the communications. As you engage the other person by activity listening to them you create the foundation of building rapport.

An Active Listener Reaps the Benefits of Rapport.

When you are activity listening to a person you are showing them respect by listening to them. As a result you are building a common bond of rapport and trust. 

An Active Listener Reaps the Benefits of Trust.

Strong business relationships are built on the foundation of rapport and trust. In a business relationship that lacks rapport and trust the business relationship comes to a stalemate. In almost all of those relationships they will end with no business being successful being completed between the parties. And the relationship turns into missed opportunities.

An Active Listener Reaps the Harvest of Information.

Build your relationships on a solid foundation of rapport and you will create the bridge of trust and a solid business relationship. In that relationship the information will flow freely.

An Active Listener Reaps the Harvest of Building Bridges to Success.

Active listening skills will build rapport and leads to successful long term relationships. With the strength of your relationship becomes a resource on your success journey leading to opening the doors to new and higher levels of success.

The active listener reaps the benefits of being an effective communicator.       

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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