Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Energy of Enthusiasm

Motivational Power Quote

The Energy of Enthusiasm
I have found that men and woman who got to the top were
those that did the jobs they had with everything they had
of energy, enthusiasm and hard work.”
Harry Truman, 33rd President of the United States    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The energy of enthusiasm

You can spot it from a mile away . . . .  there’re the successful professionals in any field. They live there lives by a set of rules . . . . and have consistent characteristics that sets them apart from the other people in their professions.

The characteristics of successful professionals . . . . is the energy of their enthusiasm.

The successful professional that reach the top in their profession are committed to their career . . . . and their success. They are willing go the extra mile to achieve their goals. They also are willing to address the tasks at hand . . . . They will give the tasks 100% of their effort to complete the tasks successfully . . . . and they do it with enthusiasm.

They will stay on course . . . . and will commit their energy, enthusiasm  and hard work to reach the desired outcome.

The characteristics of successful professionals set them apart. They approach their day and tasks with the energy of enthusiasm. Their enthusiasm sets them apart and makes a big difference in their results and in reaching the top of their profession.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Change What Your Doing to Change What You’re Getting

Motivational Power Quote

Change What Your Doing to Change What You’re Getting
If you keep doing what we’re doing,
We’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.”
Stephen R. Covey 1932 - 2012, American Education, Author
Businessman, Keynote Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Change what you’re doing to change what you’re getting

What we’re currently getting is a result of your thinking . . . . and what you’re currently doing.

To change what you’re getting . . . . you’ll have change your thinking and what we’re doing.

It sounds simplistic in nature . . . . but it takes a real effort to change.

What you do on a consistent basis become your habits . . . . and what you’re currently getting is a result of those ingrained habits.

Your condition your minds to think in curtain patterns . . . . and that conditioning is the foundation of your habits. By focusing your thinking on what you want to achieve . . . . and what the desired outcome will be.

You will begin to change your thinking . . . . your patterns and your habits.
As your thinking becomes focused you are conditioning you mind to think in new patterns . . . . which is the foundation for new habits and results.

If you want to change what you’re getting you have to change . . . . your habits.

The best way to change a habit is to replace it with a new activity . . . . one that will get you in harmony with what you want to achieve and closer to your objectives. It will take your new activity about 30 days to form the basis that will become the foundation of a new habit.

Change what you’re doing to change what you’re getting . . . . By focusing your thinking on what you want to achieve and change you habits to align with you thinking and the desired results.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, June 28, 2013

The Price To Succeed

Motivational Power Quote

 The Price To Succeed
Success is like anything worthwhile it has a price.
You have to pay the price to win and you have to pay
the price to get to the price where success is possible.
Most important, you must pay the price to stay there.”
Vince Lombardi 1913 - 1970, Football Coach
As I see it. . . . . . . .

The price to succeed

The person that’s determined to succeed commits themselves to the pursuit of their success . . . . and to pay the price that has to be paid to achieve their goals. They realize that their success journey is not a free ride to the top.

They understand that there is a price that has to be paid to succeed . . . . and a price to stay on top.

The success journey is a toll road . . . . and to reach the top of your profession you have to be willing to pay the tolls to reach your destination.

The person with the desire to succeed . . . . but is unwilling to pay the tolls will find that their success journey will come to a stop at the toll booth of life. Their success journey will only go as far . . . . as their commitment to pay the price to succeed.

The person that commits themselves to succeed is focused on their purpose of seeking . . . . and achieving success. The person that commits themselves to pay the price to succeed now has a purpose . . . . and the motivation to succeed.

The price to succeed . . . . may seem high as we travel the path of your success journey.  But when we achieve success and look back on your success journey and you will see that the price was a small price to pay in comparison to your achievements.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

When it’s Not There Create It

Motivational Power Quote

When it’s Not There Create It
Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be part of.”
Geri Weitzman, psychologist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

When it’s not there create it

When you’re looking for an opportunity . . . . and it’s not there create your own opportunities.

When you want to be part of a winning team . . . . and there’s not a place for you on the team create your own team.

When you want to achieve greater success . . . . . create it.

When you believe that something is not available to you . . . . it’s becomes a self-limiting belief. When you encounter an obstacle and you’re told that it can not be overcome. You can conquer the obstacle and create a moment in time that you separate yourself from a self-limiting belief . . . .  and turn it into everything is possible moment. 

In turning it can’t be done . . . . into a successful achievement creates a degree of separation from the world of self-limiting beliefs into to the world of I can . . . . I will . . . . and I did.

When something is being denied . . . . and you buy into it . . . . and accept it. You’re limiting yourself base on someone’s option.

If you’re being limited find a away to successfully create a pathway past the limiting belief . . . . and you create the pathway to creating your destiny.

When it’s not there create it . . . . and create your own way. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Achieving Success is a Work in Process

Motivational Power Quote

Achieving Success is a Work in Process
A man watches his pear tree day after day, impatient for the
ripening of the fruit. Let him attempt to force the process,
and he may spoil both the fruit and tree. But let him patiently
wait, and the ripe pear, at length fails into this lap.”
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Achieving success is a work in process

Success is much like that pear tree. You have to cultivate the fields of your career before you can plant the seeds of your success. In your career you have to prepare your mind and spirit . . . . and make a personal commitment to pursue your success with passion.

The first step of success is preparation . . . .

Once you have prepared yourself for success you plant the seeds for a successful career. To see your career flourish you have to plant your seeds of success . . . . to grow deep roots. Those roots have to withstand the winds of the challenges that you will face in your life.   

The second step of success is you have to plant the seeds of success to grow deep roots . . . .

When your success seeds have been success planted the real work begin. You will have to continually work the field of your career . . . . to ensure the tree grows and bears fruit.

The third step of success is you have to maintain your success journey with the continuous enchantments of knowledge and skills and to be a life long learner.

Achieving success is a work in process . . . . and at times a moving target. Your advanced preparation will get you started on the right path and gives you the ability to adjust to the changing conditions in your life.

The third step of success is success is a moving target . . . . and you have to adjust . . . . and adapt our strategies to the changing conditions in our career.

You will have to put down deep roots and stand strong in the face of adversity. There will be no success without the commitment to weather the storms in your life.

Achieve success is a work in process . . . . and is achieved when you focus on the process of success and your efforts on continuous personal improvement to become the best that you can be.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Maximize the Use of Your Talent

Motivational Power Quote

Maximize the Use of Your Talent
“If a man has a talent and cannot use it, he has failed.
If he has a talent and uses only half of it, he has
partially failed. If he has a talent and learns somehow
to use the whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded,
and won satisfaction and triumph few men ever know.”
 Thomas Wolfe, American Writer

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Maximize the use of your talent

We all have natural talent that we were born with . . . . and talent that you create over a lifetime through your continuous personal development. You may have difference levels of talent . . . . but you have talent. It becomes a question of . . . . how we use it.

No matter what level of talent you process talent along will not create your success.

Raw talent is energy and it’s not until we harness the energy of your talent does your talent become powerful force.

Your talent will take you to the threshold of success. But it’s not until you maximize the use of your talent are you able to release the power of your talent . . . . and turn it into an unstoppable force.

The person who learns to use all of their talent succeeds beyond their wildest expectation.

Maximize the use of your talent . . . . and you’re make the most of the talent you have.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Attracting Qualified Buyers

Motivational Power Quote

Attracting Qualified Buyers
In our factory we make lipstick.
In our advertising, we sell hope.”
Charles Revson 1906 - 1975, American Businessman,
 Philanthropist, Founder of Revlon Cosmetics   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Attracting qualified buyers

Who is your target market?

Your target market can be a niche, a geographical area, a lifestyle. It can be short sales, first time home buyers, investors, the luxury market, commercial real estate or land. The list is endless.

The question becomes are you marketing to a target market . . . . or to the world. The most effective marketing is aimed at a target audience that is most likely . . . . to use your product and or your services.

Customers are looking to do business with an expert . . . . and not a generalist. When your marketing into a target market you are far more likely to attracted qualified buyers that would be interested in your product and or your services then marketing to a general audience.

Target marketing will also position you . . . . as an expert in that niche.

The most effective marketing is directed to a targeted audience for a specific reason to attract the most likely qualified prospects . . . . for the product and or the service.

Ask yourself the follow questions:

Who is the most likely customers or user for you product and or services?

Where will I find the customers? When you identify the most likely customers you will know where to find them.

What would peak the customer’s interest in my product and or my services?

What has to be in my marketing . . . . to create customer interest?

What will be your call to action in your marketing?

What would be the best marketing methods to attract qualified customers to me?

One of the essential roles of marketing is attracting the right customers for the product and or services.

A purpose of your marketing is to effectively communicate your message to the most likely users of your product and or your services. The message has to be consistent that matches your professional image and relate to your target audience.

Your marketing has to create interest in your product and or services in order to have a flow of qualified prospects contracting you and taking the sales process to the next level of scheduling appointments with qualified buyers.

In order for marketing to be effective it also has to be flexible . . . . and adjust to meet the demands the changing consumers. 

Is what’s in your marketing in reaching the right market and attaching qualified buyers to you?

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ask Questions to Learn

Motivational Power Quote

Ask Questions to Learn
Ask questions all your life. It is the best way to learn.”
Peter Ueberroth, Former Major League Baseball Commissioner   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Ask questions to learn

An excellent way to learn and gather information is to ask questions . . . .  and to do it with an open mind. When you consistently ask question with an open mine you become a learning magnet.

A person that becomes a lifelong asker of question . . . . builds a vast base of knowledge. That knowledge will accumulate . . . . and over time becomes a valuable resource of information to you to draw on. Based on your knowledge you will become a recognized leader in your field.

When you turn your information into knowledge you gain a competitive business advantage. When your knowledge is applied appropriately you move the into the possibility zone of greater opportunity.

Ask questions to learn . . . . and ask the questions with an open mind and you will ask yourself into the winners circle.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Planning Gives Your Life Direction

Motivational Power Quote

Planning Gives Your Life Direction
“I find it fascinating that most people plan their
vacation with better care than they plan their lives.
Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.”
Jim Rohn 1930 - 2009, American Entrepreneur,
Motivational Author and Speak  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Planning give your life direction

Your planning will give you a starting point . . . . and a target to aim for  on your success journey.

Without a plan there will be a lack of direction . . . . or target to aim for. Without a direction your life will drift without . . . . a purpose or a destination.

A clear written plan focuses your efforts . . . . . and gives you a defined purpose.

Plan today, focus your energy and pursue your plan with passion.

A planning gives your life direction . . . . and in following your plan you create a life of purpose.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author





Saturday, June 22, 2013

Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

Motivational Power Quote

Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words
A thousand words will not leave so deep an
impression as one deed.”
Henrik Ibsen, 19th century Norwegian Playwright

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Actions speak louder than your words

You can talk up a storm . . . . but it’s your actions that speak louder than your words.

When you make a commitment to people they will expect you to keep your word . . . . and horror your commitment.  You will be judged by the fact that you either have kept your word . . . . or you did not.

Once we set the expectation for an action by giving your word people will expect you to keep your word . . . . and do what you said you would do. They except action . . . . and will not except excuses as an option.

Once you give your word it becomes a promise.

No matter what station you hold in life you will be held . . . . to the standard of keeping your word.

Over a lifetime people will judge you . . . . by your actions being in harmony with your words.

Actions speak louder than your words. Your life and success will be measured . . . . by what you have done not by what you said.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, June 21, 2013

Don’t Pass The Buck . . . . Make it Happen

Motivational Power Quote 

Don’t Pass The Buck . . . .  Make it Happen
“The best job goes to the person who can get it done
without passing the buck.”
Napoleon Hill, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Don’t pass the buck . . . . Make it happen

People will judge you by your actions . . . . and the success that you create. They don’t want to hear excuses . . . . they want to see you making it happen.

Your actions will either open the doors of opportunities for you . . . . or actions will locked out of the doors.

Referrals, new business, opportunities and success go to the person that has demonstrated their value to others. They make it their purpose to a positive reputation through their deeds and actions.

Don’t pass the buck . . . . Make it happen. Keep your thinking positive and don’t make excuses

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author




Thursday, June 20, 2013

Awaken and Release Your Full Potential

Motivational Power Quote

Awaken and Release Your Full Potential
Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart.
Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside, awakens.”
Carl Jung, Psychologist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Awaken and release your full potential

We are all born with potential . . . . and its deep within us at birth. But we are the only one that has the key to awaken our full potential.

You have to be willing to look deep within yourself to discover . . . . and awaken and release your full potential.

Your potential is internal and for you to awaken that potential you have to believe and have faith in yourself . . . . and that you have the potential to aspirer to achieve greater things in your life.

Have the courage to release your potential . . . . and you will find that your life will change for the better.

You awaken and release your full potential . . . . when you believe in yourself . . . . and have the confidence in your ability and your actions.  

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Move Pass Your Roadblocks

Motivational Power Quote

Move Pass Your Roadblocks
Determination gives you the resolve to keep going
in sprite of the roadblocks that lay before you.”
Denis Waitley, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Move pass your roadblocks                                          

STOP, YIELD, DETOUR AHEAD . . . . are signs that are meant to get your attention to either to slow you down . . . . to have you change your direction . . . . or to flat out stop you.

Those signs come into your life every day. They can enter your life through your thinking . . . . or by the actions of people who may be trying to derail your success journey.

Without determination you will let the roadblock . . . . either to slow you down or completely take you off your course.

With determination you will have the faith . . . . to withstand the roadblocks that you encounter in your life. You will have a sense of purpose in your life.  You will also look at your roadblocks . . . . indentify the best solution and take the actions to resolve them as quickly as possible and move pass then.

Determination is the will power to overcome the conditions in your life that we encounter . . . . and too remained focused on the big picture of your goals and objectives.

The roadblocks in life are also opportunities. Too many people will stop and read the signs and believe that they can no longer go forward. The winners in life look at the signs and find a way to win.

Move pass your roadblocks . . . . in your life with determination.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

You Can When You Believe You Can

Motivational Power Quote

You Can When You Believe You Can
“Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the
foundation of courage and true progress.”
Nicholas Murray Butler, American philosopher  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You can when you believe you can  

What you believe you can achieve . . . . you will achieve.

When you believe in yourself . . . . you open the doors of unlimited possibilities.

When you’re hopeful about your future . . . . you see the world as an optimist.  

When you have faith in yourself . . . . your confident in your actions.

When you believe you’re destine for success . . . . your actions are in harmony with your beliefs.

An optimist lays the foundation for their future in their thinking. The thinking of I can and will . . . .  and then will do everything in their power to turn their thinking into a reality.

Live your life with positive expectations. Just like everyone else you will have your share of bad days and encounter setbacks and failures. But with the mindset of being an optimist you will get up . . . . dust yourself off and get back on track.

An optimist is hopeful about their future . . . . and with the positive self expectations that they will achieve their desired outcome.

Be the optimist and have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone . . . . and to move in the direction of their goals with confidence.

You can when you believe you can . . . . and you will do and be . . . .what you believe.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, June 17, 2013

Learn Like Beginner . . . . Earn Like an Expert

Motivational Power Quote

Learn Like Beginner . . . . Earn Like an Expert
You can learn new things at any time in your life
if you’re willing to be a beginner.
If you actually learn to like being a beginner,
the whole world opens up to you.”
Barbara Sher, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Learn like a beginner . . . . earn like an expert

When you observe a young child you will see that they have . . . . an inquisitive mind. They’re curious . . . . and seem to always be asking questions.   They have endless thirst to learn and are continually probing for answers . . . . and are curious about the world around them.

It’s a great thing to be around those small children to watch them innocently asking their questions . . . . or even better yet being the person that asking the questions for them.

But something strangely happen to that child they grow up . . . . after a lifetime of asking questions and learning. As an adults they stop asking question and stop learning.

When you reawaken that child that’s within you . . . . You start to learn like a beginner again . . . . and reignite the inquisitive mind that you had as child and a whole new world reveals itself to you.

Learn like a beginner . . . . earn like an expert. In a changing world the person with a curious mind is open to learning like a beginner . . . . and will expand their mind. They acquire the tools and skills that will put them on the cutting edge of their profession . . . . and will be seen as an expert and enjoy the benefits that you earn as an expert.

As a result of learning like a beginner you expand your mind . . . . your skills . . . . attract increased success . . . . you will change your results . . . .  and you will earn like an expert.

Learn like a beginner . . . . earn like an expert becomes a game changer in your life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, June 16, 2013

You are in Business for Yourself

Motivational Power Quote

You are in Business for Yourself
Spend a portion of every day working on your
personal development. It’s just as important as the
time you spend building your business.”
Donald Trump, American Entrepreneur  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You are in business for yourself

No matter what your career is or the type of work you do . . . . your in business for yourself . . . . and you are your business.

If you’re an independent contractor or an employee . . . .  you are in  business for yourself  . . . . and a personal service business of one.

If you are a business owner . . . .  management . . . . or part the support team . . . . you are your business.

You are your business . . . . and to bring value to your personal services that you provide to others.  It’s critical that you remain at the top of your game in the services that you provide. To be at the top of your game you have to be willing to condition your mind with continuous personal development. 

When you committed to your personal development you will grow as person . . . . and becomes a recognized leader in their profession. You will create value in your services and be in demand as a result of the business expertise that you process.

No matter if you’re a business owner . . . . in management . . . . a sales professional . . . . or part of a support team the customers write the check to pay you. Your compensation is determined by the quality of the services you provide.  

You are your business and you are in business for yourself. The level of your personal development will have a direct impact on your level of the service that you provide . . . . the your success that you achieve and the compensation you earn. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, June 15, 2013

As You Treat Others They Will Treat You

Motivational Power Quote

As You Treat Others They Will Treat You
The people who are lifting the world onward
are those who encourage more than they criticize.”
Elizabeth Harrison 1849 – 1927, American Educator

As I see it. . . . . . . .

As you treat others they will treat you

The people that make the most of their lives have a simple . . . . and yet very effective psychology . . . . never criticize, condemn or complain.  The people who practice this psychology live their life . . . . in a positive world of self-expectation for themselves. They will make it a practice to treat the people that they meet with a sense of encouragement.

As you think you become, as you treat others they will treat you.

When you live in a world of positive self-expectations . . . .

You’re find yourself living a positive and productive life. How you live your life will influence . . . . your relationships and the people that you interact with. You also will find that the overwhelming majority of the people will reciprocate and treat you in the same manner . . . . as they are being treated.

Words to live your life by are . . . . to never criticize . . . . condemn . . . . or complain. With that psychology you will find that you will become a person of influence . . . . and you will stand out in your life and profession.

As you treat others they will treat you . . . .  as your treat others will determine if you establish a business relationship with them . . . . and if they will do business with you.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, June 14, 2013

Going in the Right Direction is a Choice

Motivational Power Quote

Going in the Right Direction is a Choice
Keep your head and your heart going in the right direction
and you will not have to worry about your feet.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Going in the right direction is a choice

There are a number of directions that you can choose for your life.

You can choose to have someone set the course and direction for your life . . . . and surrender your choices to another person. Or you can decide to be in control of your life . . . . and the direction that your life takes by making the choice of being in control of your life.

The first choice is you have to make a choice. Without that choice you will have no clear direction or focus for your life . . . . and you will spend a lifetime drifting without a purpose.

Define your future . . . . know in what direction that you want your life to take you. What you want to achieve . . . . and make the choice and commitment to the actions that will be required to accomplish your goals and dreams.

What you do is a choice . . . . you can make the proactive choices to control the direction of your life or to take what life gives you.

You know in your minds what you want to accomplish. But your mind can send us mixed messages one telling you to move forward and one cautioning you not to take risks or to step out of your comfort zone.

You know in your mind what direction you want your life to take you and in your hearts that it the right choice. You have to leave the fear behind you of moving out of your comfort zone and leave your fear at the curb. Point your feet in the right direction and take the first step in the direction that you want your life to take you.   

Going in the right direction is a choice . . . . a choice of living the life you were meant to life and following your dreams to achieve your goals. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author