Monday, June 10, 2013

Pull Other People Up

Motivational Power Quote

Pull Other People Up
There are two ways of exerting one’s strength:
one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.”
Booker T. Washington 1856 - 1915, African American
Educator, Author, Orator  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Pull other people up

There are two ways that a person can lead their lives . . . . and find their real strength and purpose.

One can lead a life of pushing the people around down. They will also try to suppress the person’s personal growth . . . . and ambitions while restraining the person’s progress and success.

This type of person has self-esteem issues . . . . and is they are trying to conceal it by treating the people around them harshly. By pushing people down gives that person the false allusion of satisfaction. 

This person will eventually . . . . self-destruct.

There is another type of person that spends their lifetime in pulling and pushing people up.

They are the mentors in life . . . . that person will be there to give a person a boost at just the right time . . . . and help them to push up when it’s needed.

The mentors are the giver in life and what they do is not done for recognition or personal gain. The giver gains person satisfaction in helping others to succeed . . . . and in helping them to achieve their goals.

But something happens along the way for a giver, they become recognized for what they have done . . . . and what they have contributed to others. They will attract success through their efforts of giving.  

There are two types of pushers in life the person who pushes people down . . . . and the person that pushes people up and boosters them. There are light years of differences between the two.

The path way to success and achievement is to pull other people up and you will find your strength and purpose.    

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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