Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Attracting Qualified Buyers

Motivational Power Quote

Attracting Qualified Buyers
In our factory we make lipstick.
In our advertising, we sell hope.”
Charles Revson 1906 - 1975, American Businessman,
 Philanthropist, Founder of Revlon Cosmetics   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Attracting qualified buyers

Who is your target market?

Your target market can be a niche, a geographical area, a lifestyle. It can be short sales, first time home buyers, investors, the luxury market, commercial real estate or land. The list is endless.

The question becomes are you marketing to a target market . . . . or to the world. The most effective marketing is aimed at a target audience that is most likely . . . . to use your product and or your services.

Customers are looking to do business with an expert . . . . and not a generalist. When your marketing into a target market you are far more likely to attracted qualified buyers that would be interested in your product and or your services then marketing to a general audience.

Target marketing will also position you . . . . as an expert in that niche.

The most effective marketing is directed to a targeted audience for a specific reason to attract the most likely qualified prospects . . . . for the product and or the service.

Ask yourself the follow questions:

Who is the most likely customers or user for you product and or services?

Where will I find the customers? When you identify the most likely customers you will know where to find them.

What would peak the customer’s interest in my product and or my services?

What has to be in my marketing . . . . to create customer interest?

What will be your call to action in your marketing?

What would be the best marketing methods to attract qualified customers to me?

One of the essential roles of marketing is attracting the right customers for the product and or services.

A purpose of your marketing is to effectively communicate your message to the most likely users of your product and or your services. The message has to be consistent that matches your professional image and relate to your target audience.

Your marketing has to create interest in your product and or services in order to have a flow of qualified prospects contracting you and taking the sales process to the next level of scheduling appointments with qualified buyers.

In order for marketing to be effective it also has to be flexible . . . . and adjust to meet the demands the changing consumers. 

Is what’s in your marketing in reaching the right market and attaching qualified buyers to you?

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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