Friday, June 7, 2013

Turn the Good Into the Exceptional

Motivational Power Quote

Turn the Good Into the Exceptional
The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate
apparently ordinary people to unusual effort.
The tough problem is not to the identifying winners:
 it is in making winners out o ordinary people.”
K. Patricia Cross, Scholar of Education

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Turn the good into the exceptional  

There will be times in your life that a person enters it that has the capacity . . . . to have a positive impact on your lives and future. That person brings with them their life experiences and knowledge to you and is willing to share their expertise with you.

You can open your mind and become receptive to listening to the information and drawing on the person knowledge . . . . to enhance our life or we can elect to ignore them.

Turn the good into the exceptional is taking your current level of thinking and expertise . . . . and moving it to the next level.  You have to willing . . . . to open your mind to except new information and concepts. Be willing to sharpen your existing skills . . . . and to apply new techniques and strategies to become exceptional.

A thin slice of difference between the good and the exceptional . . . . is in stepping out of our comfort zone of doing what’s always been done. And stepping into the possible zone of stretching your minds to acquire additional knowledge . . . . and applying that new knowledge in a positive fashion to become better and grow into become exceptional.

Most people start their success journey to be good at what they do in order to achieve their goals. They are committed to achieve success . . . . and will work hard to reach their goals.   

The person that’s passionate about their life and career are lifelong learners . . . . and the will apply their knowledge and skills to succeed. They will continually push forward . . . .and move closer and closer to their goals.  That person will find that they will turn the good into the exceptional. As a result they will reap the benefits of the harvest of the efforts and journey of being an exceptional person.
©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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