Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Move Pass Your Roadblocks

Motivational Power Quote

Move Pass Your Roadblocks
Determination gives you the resolve to keep going
in sprite of the roadblocks that lay before you.”
Denis Waitley, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Move pass your roadblocks                                          

STOP, YIELD, DETOUR AHEAD . . . . are signs that are meant to get your attention to either to slow you down . . . . to have you change your direction . . . . or to flat out stop you.

Those signs come into your life every day. They can enter your life through your thinking . . . . or by the actions of people who may be trying to derail your success journey.

Without determination you will let the roadblock . . . . either to slow you down or completely take you off your course.

With determination you will have the faith . . . . to withstand the roadblocks that you encounter in your life. You will have a sense of purpose in your life.  You will also look at your roadblocks . . . . indentify the best solution and take the actions to resolve them as quickly as possible and move pass then.

Determination is the will power to overcome the conditions in your life that we encounter . . . . and too remained focused on the big picture of your goals and objectives.

The roadblocks in life are also opportunities. Too many people will stop and read the signs and believe that they can no longer go forward. The winners in life look at the signs and find a way to win.

Move pass your roadblocks . . . . in your life with determination.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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