Friday, June 14, 2013

Going in the Right Direction is a Choice

Motivational Power Quote

Going in the Right Direction is a Choice
Keep your head and your heart going in the right direction
and you will not have to worry about your feet.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Going in the right direction is a choice

There are a number of directions that you can choose for your life.

You can choose to have someone set the course and direction for your life . . . . and surrender your choices to another person. Or you can decide to be in control of your life . . . . and the direction that your life takes by making the choice of being in control of your life.

The first choice is you have to make a choice. Without that choice you will have no clear direction or focus for your life . . . . and you will spend a lifetime drifting without a purpose.

Define your future . . . . know in what direction that you want your life to take you. What you want to achieve . . . . and make the choice and commitment to the actions that will be required to accomplish your goals and dreams.

What you do is a choice . . . . you can make the proactive choices to control the direction of your life or to take what life gives you.

You know in your minds what you want to accomplish. But your mind can send us mixed messages one telling you to move forward and one cautioning you not to take risks or to step out of your comfort zone.

You know in your mind what direction you want your life to take you and in your hearts that it the right choice. You have to leave the fear behind you of moving out of your comfort zone and leave your fear at the curb. Point your feet in the right direction and take the first step in the direction that you want your life to take you.   

Going in the right direction is a choice . . . . a choice of living the life you were meant to life and following your dreams to achieve your goals. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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