Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time is a Priceless Resource

Motivational Power Quote
Time is a Priceless Resource
Time is free, but it’s priceless.
You can’t own it, but you can use it.
You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.
Once you’re lost it you can never get it back.”
Harvey MacKay, author, speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Time is a priceless resource

Time is more valuable then gold . . . . and how you use your time will determine the value it returns to you.

Your time can be frittered away returning no value or benefits to you. Or your time can be used with a purpose. Making your days productive moving you closer to your goals . . . . and returning a long term benefits to you as a result of how you used your time.

The choices you make on the way you use of your time are yours to make . . . . and you reap the benefits of what you sow.

Living a life of purpose puts meaning into your days . . . . . your activities and maximizes the use of your time. The effect will be you will make the most of your day and your time.

When you treat your time as a priceless resource you are placing . . . . a high value on your life and time. Realize that you have been given the special gift the gift of time. To maximize the use of you time you have to take the personal responsibility . . . . to take control of your life and the use of your time.

Prioritize your life and your days . . . . and you prioritize how you live your life and how you use your time. Once you take control of your time you will realize the value of your time and you see it as priceless resource.

Time is a priceless resource . . . . and the choices that you make on how you use your time will determine its ultimate value to you and the benefits and value that your time returns to you. Control your time and you will control its value.  

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Let Go of Your Baggage

Motivational Power Quote

Let Go of Your Baggage
Am I willing to give up what I have in
order to be what I am not yet?
Am I able to follow the spirit of love into the desert?
It is frightening and sacred moment.
There is no return; one’s life is changed forever.
It is the fire that gives us our shape.”
Mary Caroline Richards, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Let go of your baggage   

Your hands can be so full carrying your old baggage around with you that when a new opportunity presents itself to you your hands are so full . . . . that we’re not able to grasp the opportunity.

You have to be willing to give up the old baggage in your life . . . . in order to grasp the new opportunities. In taking advantage of the opportunities you will find that any one of them can become the breakthrough opportunity that can change the course of your life.

Many times you are comfortable with your old baggage. You resist leaving that old baggage behind you. But once you let go of it . . . . you will feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. When you let go of the baggage . . . . you will find yourself breathing a sigh of relief.

It’s not until you let go of the old baggage are you able to open your minds and see the things that are in front of you . . . . and what can be possible.

Once you let go of your baggage . . . .  you will renew your energy and move forward with enthusiasm and motivation.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You Create Your Circumstances

Motivational Power Quote

You Create Your Circumstances
Man is not the creature of circumstances;
circumstances are the creatures of men.”
Benjamin Disraeli 1804 - 1881, British Prime Minister,
Parliamentarian, Statesman

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You create your circumstances  

The circumstances that you find yourself in today have been created . . . . as a bi-product of your thinking and your past actions. You become the person in your thoughts and your actions are a direct reflection of your thinking.

You are not always able to predict a circumstance or control what caused the circumstance to occur. But no matter what circumstance that you find yourself in . . . . you can control how you respond to that condition.

The mindset that you bring into your daily life creates the circumstances that you will experience in that day . . . . and in the results that you achieve.

You can look at your circumstances and walk away from them . . . . we can ignore them . . . . or we can positive actions to resolve them. What we do is your choice and in that choice you either take control of the circumstances in your life or your circumstances control you. What you do with those circumstances will define you as a person.

You create your circumstances . . . . and in those circumstance you create your life How handle your circumstances will determine . . . . the direction that your life takes.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Your Life is a Mirror Image of Your Attitude

Motivational Power Quote
Your Life is a Mirror Image of Your Attitude
Our attitude towards life determines life attitude towards us.”
Earl Nightingale 1921 - 1989, Dean of Professional Development, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your life is a mirror image of your attitude

Everyone has an attitude . . . . how a person decides to use it is a personal choice.

One person will use their attitude as the fuel that to lift their wings to soar with the eagles and to reach great heights. Another person's attitude will become an extinguisher that puts out the spark of their enthusiasm and moves the person into a life of un-fulfillment and discontent. The difference between the two people is their attitude. One person chooses to use their attitude to build a positive life while the other person’s attitude negatively affected their life and results.

A person attitude is the results of . . . . personal choices.

How you approach your life is a mirror image of our attitude.

When you approach your life with a positive can do attitude things seem to turn out that way . . . . and mirror your attitude.

If we see thing hopeless without solutions you’ll find that’s . . . . about the way things turn out.

The person that sees their life and being a life of endless possibilities will find that if they focus their energy . . . . and work hard to achieve the possibilities they do. 

A person with a positive attitude has obstacles, setbacks and failure in their life just like everyone else. The big difference between the person with a positive attitude and the one with a negative attitude . . . . is how they handle the conditions that encounter in their life.

The person with the positive attitude looks at the conditions . . . . and finds the best way to successfully resolve the conditions and continues to move forward. The person with a negitive attitude will look at the same condition . . . . and feel overwhelmed and becomes dead in the water and their forward progress stops.

The person with a positive attitude separates themselves from other people with the strength of their attitude . . . . and becomes a leader in their field.

The way you approach your life will become a direct reflection on how your life turns out.

When you look into the mirror of your life . . . . what you’ll see is the reflection of the person that has been created by your attitude.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, May 27, 2013

The Tiny Things in Your Life Are Big Things

Motivational Power Quote

The Tiny Things in Your Life Are Big Things
I have never been a millionaire. But I have enjoyed a
cracking fire, a glorious sunset, a walk with a friend
and a hug from a child. There’s plenty of life’s tiny
delights for all of us.”
Jack Anthony

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The tiny things in your life are big things

Things can happen very quickly in your life. The moment goes by so fast they . . . . can go by almost go unnoticed. Those moments . . . . and what happens are the tiny things in your life that you don’t think about has they happen.

When you look back and remember those special moments. They will be in a conversation, by looking at a photo or watching a video. Or hear about that moment through another person’s prospective do you realize just how special that tiny moment was.

You can’t go back and relive those tiny moments . . . . but you can enjoy the memories of what those moments meant to you.

Don’t allow outside distractions or the pace of your life . . . . to steal away  the moments yet to be.

Live your life in your moments and make the most of each day in your life . . . . And you’ll begin to see those tiny moments that you may have missed in the past.

The tiny things in your life are the big things . . . . when you take the time to see them and them you’ll enjoy them in the moment.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Reset Your Personal GPS

Motivational Power Quote

Reset Your Personal GPS
You cannot expert to achieve new goals or move beyond
your present circumstances unless you change.”
Les Brown, Motivational Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Reset your personal GPS

The person who takes the same path everyday . . . . arrives at the same destination day after day.

If you are arriving at the destination that you planned on and are happy with what you’re achieving stay on course.  If your desire is to reach greater heights and achieve new goals change your course . . . . and reset your personal GPS to get you to a new destination.

Following the same path gets you more of what you have been getting. Staying on the same old path is likely to put a ceiling on the level of success that you’re achieving and overtime can result in diminishing results.

Staying on the same old path . . . . becomes a rut. At some point that rut becomes so deep that you can’t see out of it and the only thing you see are walls that box you in.

Get out of the rut. Set new and bigger goals that will stretch your limits and increase your reach.  Reset your personal GPS and set a new course that will move you closer to achieving your goals and take you to greater heights.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Find What . . . . You Love To Do

Motivational Power Quote

Find What . . . . You Love To Do
The essence of life is finding something you really love
and then making the daily experience worthwhile.”
Denis E. Waitley, author and speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Find what . . . . you love to do

The person who can find what they love to do . . . . and has the opportunity to do it is indeed a blessed person.

Follow your passion and to find what you really love to do. When you find it do everything within your power to make . . . it your life’s endeavor.

When you’re doing what you love to, it doesn’t feel like your job or that you’re working. You’ll find that what your doing will seem effortless . . . . and your will feel a sense of enthusiasm in your efforts and in your day.

What will result is your day will become productive . . . . and you will find yourself having a sense of accomplishments from your efforts.

The person who’s doing what they love to do will a passion in what they’re doin
. . . . and the passion will fuel their success journey to greater heights. 

Find what . . . . you love to do . . . . and make the commitment to yourself to be the best at what you do.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, May 24, 2013

When You’re in Doubt UseYour Common Sense

Motivational Power Quote

When You’re in Doubt UseYour Common Sense
My success was not based so much on any
great intelligence but on great common sense.”
Helen Gurley Brown, author and publisher

As I see it. . . . . . . .

When you’re in doubt use your common sense

We all have had that feeling in the pit of our stomach . . . . at one time or another about something that you’re thinking about doing. It’s your common sense coming to the surface and speaking to you.

Your common sense is an enormous resource that you have within yourself. It can validate an action that your thinking about taking is correct . . . . and it’s the right thing to do. Your common sense is saying yes that you should move forward. Or it can quietly be speaking to you in your feeling . . . . and saying to you that what you’re thinking about doing to is illogical . . . . and that you shouldn’t go forward.

One of the biggest mistakes a person can make . . . . is to go against their common sense.

Your common sense is a powerful force that we were all born with that can guild your thinking in the right direction . . . . and help you to make the right decisions.

The person with great common sense has a high level of reasoning and are rational in their decision making process. Over a life time they will make far better decisions . . . . then the person that does not take advantage of their common sense.

A person with great common sense and good skills will be more effective . . . . and successful than a person with fair common sense and great skills.

When you put the power of your common sense to work for you, you’ll find that the power of our common sense creates a strategic business advantage that propels you to a higher level of success.

When in doubt use your common sense . . . . to light the path for your success journey and you will activate the powerful power of your common sense.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Ways to do Old Things

Motivational Power Quote

New Ways to do Old Things
Always be on the lookout for new ways to do old things,
and keep your mind open to using alternative methods
and plans of action .”
Amy Jones, artist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

New ways to do old things  

Finding new ways to do old things is passport to change your course . . . . and to travel a new path to achieve your goals.

All the rules have changed . . . . and unless you adjust to the times you will be swept aside. 

Doing what you have always been doing has produced certain results. If you feel that continuing to do the same thing will product . . . . difference results is a fantasy. By doing the same old things continues to product the some old results. 

Embrace change and see the change as an opportunity. Open your mind to try new things . . . .  and look for alternatives to the same old same old things in a new way.  Create a plan of action to implement new strategies and methods to achieve your goals . . . . and to create your desired outcome.

Look for new ways to do old things . . . . and everything changes . . . . you create a new pathway to success and you control and  change your results.   

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Quality is the Result of High Intentions

Motivational Power Quote

Quality is the Result of High Intentions
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high
intentions, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful
exclusion; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
Willa A. Foster,  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Quality is the result of high intentions

Quality is the result of high intentions . . . . On purpose activities . . . .  and Quality is never an accident . . . .

Quality is a philosophy . . . . and a commitment to excellences backed up with your consistent actions that reinforces that what you deliver to your customers that’s superior in its nature.

People will judge you on the level of the quality that we consistently deliver to them . . . . and if you meet their expectations. When what you deliver exceeds your customers expectations your business furnishes and the rate of referrals increase.

Quality is the result of high intentions . . . . Quality is never an accident it’s an on purpose activity that sets a higher standard of commitment and execution for our customers and yourself.  

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, May 20, 2013

Don’t get Fenced In

Motivational Power Quote

Don’t get Fenced In
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.”
Les Brown, self-help expert

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Don’t get fenced in

You can think in terms of unlimited possibilities . . . . or you can fence yourself in with limited thinking. Whatever you decide to think is a matter of a person choice . . . . and what do and achieve will be a direct reflection of that thinking.

Believe that you were born to be great . . . . and that your life is full of unlimited possibilities. Peruse your life’s journey with the mental mindset that unlimited possibilities can be yours. 

To access the possibilities you have to the faith in yourself . . . . be willing to extend yourself outside of your old boundaries by taking down the fences that were limiting your thinking.

Fences of the mind where meant control your mental movement . . . . and the fences of your mind have boundary makers of limitations.

Take down the fences in your thinking . . . . and you will remove your old barriers. Without the barriers in your thinking, everything becomes a possibility. When you stretch your mind you will see that there are unlimited possibilities within our reach.

Don’t get fenced in with your thinking . . . . and the gates of unlimited possibilities will be open to you.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Show Appreciation and Give Thanks

Motivational Power Quote

Show Appreciation and Give Thanks For . . . .
When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning
light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food,
and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks,
the fault lies with yourself.”
Tecumesh, Shawnee Chief  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Show appreciation and give thanks for . . . .

Show appreciation and give thanks to the people who bring joy into your life . . . . and they will become the pillars of your strength.

Focus on the positive things in your life . . . . and give thanks for what you have . . . . and strive for the things you want to achieve.

You have it within your capacity to give thanks for each day that we are blessed with . . . . and to make the most of your day and to take joy in what you accomplish.

When you show appreciation and give thanks for . . . . your day and the people in your life . . . . You change your view of the people in your life and how you see the world.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Yes . . . .You Can

Motivational Power Quote

Yes . . . .You Can
When you believe you can – you can.”
Dr. Maxwell Maltz 1899 - 1975, American Cosmetic Surgeon,
Author of Psycho Cybernetics  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Yes . . . . You can

Whatever you believe that you can do  . . . . you can do.

What you believe you can’t do . . . . you won’t do . . . . or in most cases won’t even make an effort to start  . . . . or attempt to do.

What you do is a result of your personal belief system of what you believe you can do. What we believe you can do . . . . you can achieve.

Your mind is a powerful resource. What you believe becomes the difference between success or failure . . . on what actions you take and the type of life you lead.

What you believe yourself to be . . . .  you are.

Yes . . . . You can when you believe you can. When you believe you can

. . . . engage in the necessary activities to ensure that you do.

Your personal believes points you in a direction . . . . and you actions take you to your destination.

Believe that you can before you start a task . . . . and if you encounter obstacles or setbacks your belief will get you pass them. Tell yourself yes. . . . . I can and push forward in the direction of your goals,

Yes . . . . You can when you believe you can and take the steps to get to a successful outcome. What you believe . . . .  is in your positive thinking.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, May 17, 2013

Speak Clearly and Listen

Motivational Power Quote

Speak Clearly and Listen
“Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word
before you let them fall.”
Oliver Wendall Homes 1809 - 1884, America Physician,
Poet, Professor, Lecturer, Author

As I see it . . . . . . .

Speak Cleary and Listen

For those who speak clearly will be understood . . . .

Those that listen will understand . . . .

When you’re listening you are fully engaging the speaker.

A proactive listener will draw the person into the conversation with their listening skills. The more you listen. . . . the more information you will gather and the better you will understand what the speaker is saying.

Information and knowledge does not come from speaking . . . . it comes a result of listening with the goal to hear and fully understand the speaker.

When you speak . . . . speak clearly . . . . and speak with a purpose.

Ask questions to draw a person into the conversation . . . . and listen to their response. In their response is a wealth of information that you will only hear when you’re listening.

The listeners are the most effective negotiators, the most successful sales professionals . . . . and develop the most successful and lasting relationships.

Speak clearly and listen . . . . choose your words carefully and listen with the intention of understanding.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Respond and Adapt to Change

Motivational Power Quote

Respond and Adapt to Change
It is not the strongest of the species that survive,
nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.”
Charles Darwin 1809 - 1882, English Naturalist,
Evolutionary Biologists  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Respond and adapt to change

Responsive to change . . . . and look at changing business environment as an opportunity not a road block.

When you look at the business environment the one thing that you can count on with certainly . . . . is that the only thing that remains constant in business and life is change. 

Change by it nature can be seen as good . . . . and providing positive benefits for a person as a result of the change. Or change can be seen as negative . . . . and potentially harmful to business. 

A big part of a changing evolutionary is in the person’s perception of change.

The person that’s rigid in their thinking adjusts very poorly to change. They will fight the change with all of their strength. This will result a waste of their energy while making no forward progress. This person will become overwhelmed by change . . . . and sink in to despair and will eventually fail.

The person that remains flexible in their thinking will responsive and adapts to change. They find a way to succeed in a changing business environment. The person that responsive to change will focus . . . . on how to turn the change into a business opportunity.

The real fact about change . . . . is that change happens.

The current status of the people in business or their intellect does not ensure their continued success . . . . or even their survival in a changing business environment.

Change being with it a set of new rules that requires a new aptitude and a new mind set to survive and then to thrive.

The person that survives in a changing business environment is the person that reminds flexible in their thinking and responsive and adapts to change. As you adapt you let go of outdated thinking and adjust your strategies and techniques to effectively do business in a new business environment.

In a changing business environment it’s important that a person ability to be flexible. . . . . Respond and to adapt to change becomes the thin slice that positions you to succeed and propels you in the direction of your goals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Defined Plan Will Show You the Way

Motivational Power Quote

A Defined Plan Will Show You the Way
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and
desire and  begin at once, whether you ready or not,
to put this into action.”
Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970, Self-Help Author and
Motivational Speaker    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A defined plan will show you the way

With a defined plan in place you create a specific pathway to follow . . . . on your success journey with clear-cut objectives to aim for. With that plan in place you are able focus your energy on the clear-cut objectives with laser like accuracy in achieving your goals.

The benefits in having a definite plan are:

You identify what’s most important to you . . . . and what your goals are.

You create the how to plan . . . . and the action steps to achieve your goals.

You are able to maximize the use of your time focusing on doing the important things in your life . . . . and what will move you closer to achieving your goals.

With your defined plan in place you’re able . . . . to take massive action on specific objective which will increase our productivity.

A defined plan will show you the way . . . . to the right pathway to success.  With a defined you will be to take control of your actions and doing what most important for you to reach your objectives.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Climbing the Ladder of Success

Motivational Power Quote

Climbing the Ladder of Success
As you climb the ladder of success,
be sure it’s learning against the right building.”
Quoted in P.S. I Love You

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Climbing the ladder of success

With the zest to achieve success people will jump on the ladder of success . . . . and attempt to climb it as fast as they can. Some of the people will reach the top of the ladder . . . . and look around to find out that they have ended up in the wrong place. They are not where they wanted to be.

Reaching the top of the ladder of success is not always about blindly moving forward as fast as possible. Because many times your haste will move you in the wrong direction.

Before you start to climb the ladder of success you should know that the ladder is pointed in the right direction . . . . and will take you to where we want to go.

If it’s pointed in the wrong direction you will waste valuable time . . . . and energy going in the wrong direction. And you may very well find yourself in a place that you did not intend to go to.

Climbing the ladder of success should be done with a purpose. There should be a clear understanding of what direction you want your success journey to take . . . . and what we want to accomplish.

Put your ladder of success on a solid footing . . . . to support the weight of your climb.

Climbing the ladder of success should take you to . . . . a predetermine destination.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, May 13, 2013

The Face of a Business is People

Motivational Power Quote

The Face of a Business is People
The mechanics of industry is easy. The real engine is
the people: their motivation and direction.”
Ken Gilbert, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The face of a business is people

The difference between a good business and a great business . . . . is people. They become the heart . . . . and the face of the business.

A team of motivated people will boost the morale of the entire business and become the leading edge of the businesses customer satisfaction program. The team’s motivation will rub off on the people that they come in contact with and create a positive impact with their customers and within the business community.

A team of motivated people will pull people together . . . . to work collectively as a team to achieve the businesses goals.

The people set the tone for a business, customer expectations and become the spirit of the business. 

The face of a business is the people . . . . and their motivation pulls everything together for the company and its people to reach a higher level of success.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author