Thursday, May 2, 2013

Believe That There is no Such Thing as I Can't

Motivational Power Quote

Believe That There is No Such Thing as I Can’t
I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.
Michael Jordon, NBA Hall of Fame Basketball Player

As I see it . . . . . . .

Believe that there is no such thing as I can’t

If we believe that you can . . . . we will find a way to do it . . . . if you believe you can’t . . . . you won’t.

What ever you believe becomes your dominant thought . . . . and in time, what you think and believe you will do.

I can or I can’t is a choice. I can is a choice of push forward overcoming obstacles to reach your goals. I can’t is a choice to quit on yourself . . . . and starts the slide backwards.

There is no such thing as I can’t. The person that says they can’t is a person that’s really saying . . . . that they won’t try.

Your beliefs determine the outcome before you start. The possibility thinker thinks in terms of I can and then takes the actions with the positive outlook of I will.

There is not such thing as I can’t only those with the mind set of I won’t.

Believe that there is no such thing as I can’t . . . . believe you can and you will find the way to do it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Marketing Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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