Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Climbing the Ladder of Success

Motivational Power Quote

Climbing the Ladder of Success
As you climb the ladder of success,
be sure it’s learning against the right building.”
Quoted in P.S. I Love You

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Climbing the ladder of success

With the zest to achieve success people will jump on the ladder of success . . . . and attempt to climb it as fast as they can. Some of the people will reach the top of the ladder . . . . and look around to find out that they have ended up in the wrong place. They are not where they wanted to be.

Reaching the top of the ladder of success is not always about blindly moving forward as fast as possible. Because many times your haste will move you in the wrong direction.

Before you start to climb the ladder of success you should know that the ladder is pointed in the right direction . . . . and will take you to where we want to go.

If it’s pointed in the wrong direction you will waste valuable time . . . . and energy going in the wrong direction. And you may very well find yourself in a place that you did not intend to go to.

Climbing the ladder of success should be done with a purpose. There should be a clear understanding of what direction you want your success journey to take . . . . and what we want to accomplish.

Put your ladder of success on a solid footing . . . . to support the weight of your climb.

Climbing the ladder of success should take you to . . . . a predetermine destination.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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