Monday, September 30, 2013

Champions Are Made . . . .

Motivational Power Quote

Champions Are Made . . . .
There are those days when it’s hard to put one foot in front of
the other, but those are the days when champions are created.
It’s about making the most of the minutes your are given.”
David McNally, Author     

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Champions are made . . . .

A champion is not made in the calmness of their days. The person that rises to the top of their profession and becomes a champion . . . is a person that does what others won’t or can’t do. Champions successfully navigate the turbulence that they encounter in their lives with confidence.  

A champion is made in the moments of pressure where others step aside . . . . the champion steps up. It’s in those moments they will reach deep down into their inner strength . . . . and musters that something extra that’s within them.  The champion will do a little more or push a little harder in their moments of exhaustion . . . . and in doing the little extras they releases the champion that’s within them.

A champion has prepared for this moment all their lives. They have developed the professional skills to make them a champion and as result they have confidence in themselves, in their actions . . . . and in their abilities.

The champion has a positive attitude and personal belief system that allows them to take charge of the moment . . . . and to grasp the moment with confidence.

Champions are made . . . . far away from the fields of competition. Champions are made . . . . in their preparation to take advantage of the moments that will change their lives and make them a champion.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, September 27, 2013

Take a Chance and Go For it

You can’t catch the fish until you take a chance . . . . and put your line and hook into the water.

To succeed we have to be willing to take a chance . . . . and to step out of our comfort zone . . . . and to step into the future of possibilities. The first step takes courage to step away from the status quo . . . . and step move forward.

Once you take the first step you will free the freedom to explore the possibilities that will create the fuel for your success journey.

Take a chance to move out of your comfort zone . . . . live in the world of possibilities.  

Take a change and go for it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, September 26, 2013

One Thing That You Can Give and Keep

Motivational Power Quote

One Thing That You Can Give and Keep
One thing you can give and keep is your world.”
Source unknown

As I see it. . . . . . . .

One thing that you can give and keep

The one thing that you can give and keep is a more valuable gift then precious metals.

If you decide to give it and then take it back . . . .  and you will break a business relationship and shatter a personal friendship.

By keeping it you are able to open the door of unlimited opportunities. By taking it back those doors will become . . . . closed to you.

When you give it and keep it you will pave the path of your success journey with a smooth surface to travel on.

Giving it can be easy . . . . but keeping it can become very challenging.

For those who are committed to their success journey they will give it . . . . and they will do everything in their power to keep it.

The person who is able to consistently give it . . . . and keep it will be seen as a person of integrity. Others will seek you out for their advice and consult. You will be considered a leader in their profession and become a go to person.

The one thing you can give and keep . . . . is your word.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Best Way to Avoid Mistakes

Motivational Power Quote

The Best Way to Avoid Mistakes
“Every mistake that I made - and we all make mistakes-
came because I didn’t take the time to get all the facts
Charles Knight 1791 -1873, English Publisher,
Editor, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The best way to avoid mistakes

Mistakes are a fact of life and we all make them. The question is . . . . how to we respond to the mistake . . . . and what do we do to prevent the mistake from recurring?

You learn from your mistakes but only when you’re willing to look at them realistically . . . . and take responsibility for your actions that has gotten you this point.  You will have to decide on the best course action to remedy the mistake . . . . and look at the best course of action to prevent the mistake from happing in the future.

With this course of action you have created a valuable learning experience that can play the lesson forward boosting your future success.

Or you can be in dentinal of the mistake and hope it goes away.

Hope is not a strategy . . . . and inaction makes the situation worst. 

Intense preparation prepares you for success . . . . and lessens the changes of making a mistake.

The best way to avoid mistakes . . . . is to prepare your self for success is through massive preparation and the wiliness to hard work. Be willing to pay the price of success in advance . . . . and you have formed a solid foundation for your success journey.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Marketing Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Leaving No Stone Unturned is Looking Pass The Obvious

Motivational Power Quote

Leaving No Stone Unturned is Looking Pass The Obvious
To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb
of all is that which say; Leave no stone unturned.”
Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1803 - 1873, English Novelist, Poet,
Playwright and Politician

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Leaving no stone unturned is looking pass the obvious

As you travel the road of life you may find gold nuggets laying in clear sight. You can easily reach down and pick them up.

As you see the gold nuggets laying on the ground you start to look down for what appears to be the easy picking . . . .and we fail to look up and discover the real opportunities.

Over time you condition your mind . . . . and form the habit of looking for what’s in plain sight. But the real opportunities are those where we have to do a little digging for . . . . and leave no stone unturned in the search for opportunity.

Anyone can see what’s in plain sight. The achiever digs deeper . . . . and works harder . . . .  longer . . . . and leaves no stone unturned in your quest for success.

If you are going to find the goal nuggets in life you will have be willing dig deep into your resolve to succeed . . . . and take massive action to leave no stone unturned in your success journey.

To leaving no stone unturned is looking pass what’s obvious . . . . and digging for the opportunities.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, September 23, 2013

Be a Positive Influence and Role Model

Motivational Power Quote

Be a Positive Influence and Role Model
I never thought a role model should be negative.”
Michael Jordan, HOF Basketball Player  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Be a positive influence and role model

Be a positive influence and role model to those you come into contact with.

Young children and teenagers are searching for positive role models to be in their lives. They are looking for someone that can look up to . . . . and aspire to be like.

In the absences of a positive role model they will become like the people in their lives . . . . and the people they associate with. In many cases they are lead down the wrong path in life . . . . and they may never recover from the negative influences.

Young children and teenager become very receptive to a positive role model in their lives. The role model can be parents or grandparents, family members, teachers, coaches, clergy, big brothers, big sisters the list is endless.  A positive role model can change the direction in a person’s life . . . .  and help them to go down a positive and productive path in their life.   

When the opportunity is there reach back and be a positive influence and role positive model . . . . grasp the opportunity to be a person of influence and the experience will change the person’s life for the better.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, September 22, 2013

True Happiness is Found in Enjoying the Journey

Motivational Power Quote

True Happiness is Found in Enjoying the Journey
Someone has said, Success is a journey not a destination.
Happiness is to be found along the way,
not at the end of the road.”
Robert Updegraff, Business Consultant

As I see it. . . . . . . .

True happiness is found in enjoying the journey

The success is not found in reaching the destination it found in enjoying the success journey . . . . and in achieving the milestones along the way.

The person that enjoys their success journey is a person that celebrates successfully reaching each of their stepping stones on their journey. With each stepping stone that’s achieved they will gain forward momentum.

They enjoy their achievements and their progress of pushing forward to the next milestone. 

They view their success journey as a mission that has been broken down into smaller incremental steps with each one becoming a stepping stone to the next level. 

In enjoying your success journey you focus on your moments and making the most of the moments that you are blessed with. By enjoying your moments you begin to value your time and the experiences that your moments provide to you.

The person who takes joy in their moments creates the foundation to enjoy their days and years of their lives.

True happiness is found in enjoying the journey. The joy of life is in their journey not is in the destination. For the person who enjoys the journey will find that they achieve things in their life that are far beyond their original destination.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Want to . . . . Know How to

Motivational Power Quote

Want to . . . . Know How to
Life is a combination of “Want to” and “How to”
and we need to give equal attention to both.”
Jim Rohn 1930 - 2009, American Entrepreneur, Author,
Motivational Speaker   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Want to . . . . Know how to

To achieve success you have to have a burning desire to want to succeed . . . . and the expertise to know how to do what has to be done . . . . and ability to make it happen.

The want to . . . . is in your determination to succeed. Your determination is a burning desire that’s deep within you that you bring to the surface to blossom. It’s your inner strength that pushes you into action to succeed . . . . and lifts you above your obstacles and  pass your setbacks.

Your want to become’s your commitment to yourself to succeed. A person with a like too is a wish . . . . and wish without substances or action fades away.

When you have a deep want to . . . . you have the desire to make it happen and stick with it until you get it done.

The want to starts the success journey . . . . and it’s your how to that will get you to the finish line.

To succeed you have to have the how to skills . . . . and expertise to turn your want to into success.

You have to want to . . . . Know how . . . . To succeed you have release them with determination to achieve your desired outcome.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Visions of Your Possibilities to Live Your Dream

Motivational Power Quote

The Visions of Your Possibilities to Live Your Dream
It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain
new levels of experience. Someone with the courage to
live his dreams.”
Les Brown, Motivational Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The visions of your possibilities to live your dream

Dream your dreams and have a vision of the possibilities of what you can be . . . . what you will accomplish . . . . and for your future as you want it to be.

The visions of your possibilities are unlimited if you believe they are . . . . if you can dream it . . . . you can accomplish it.

Your visions of your possibilities will stretch your thinking and you into new levels of experiences . . . . that will become a spring board expanding your career and you’re potential.

Create the visions of your possibilities . . . . are endless. Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and to act on your vision. With that step you will release your personal power. Your personal power becomes the driving force to turn your vision into achievement. Dream it . . . . create the vision . . . . act on it . . . . and just do it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Motivational Power Quote

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
The main thing is to keep the main thing
the main thing.”
Stephen Covey 1931 - 2012, American Educator, Author,
Businessman, Keynote Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Keep the main thing the main thing

Know what main thing is in your life . . . . and why it’s important to you.

Focus on your priorities . . . . and your high value targets . . . . to make the main thing happen.

Your main things are the priorities in your life . . . . your goals . . . . your aspirations . . . . the people . . . . and your concerns. They are the things that have the biggest impact on your life . . . . you career . . . . and your future.

Put you efforts into things that will move you forward in the direction of achieving your goals . . . . and your time and efforts will return to you ten fold.

Focus on your thinking and efforts  . . . . to keep the main thing the main thing in your life . . . . Focus and the purpose will keep the main in you life the main thing.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Get Started and Be a Doer Not a Talker

Motivational Power Quote

Get Started and Be a Doer Not a Talker
The way to get started is to quit talking, and begin doing.”
Walt Disney 1901 – 1966, American entrepreneur, Animator,
Producer, Screenwriter

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Get started and be a doer not a talker

The talker may sound good and talk a big game . . . . but talkers are prone to continue to talk . . . . and rarely will take action on their thoughts.

What a talker will do is to make excuses for their lack of action . . . . and use the blame card for the reason that they can’t get started. A talker life is a life of smoke and mirrors with very little substances.

A doer is a difference type of person . . . . they are the path finders in life and will go where other people have not gone before. 

A doer has a vision for their life and goals. There vision of their life burns brightly in their thinking and becomes their purpose.

Doers know what they want to achieve . . . . and what they will have to do to achieve a successful outcome. They are committed to their vision and will focus their time and efforts to make their vision become a reality.

When a doer encounters a obstacles they see it as a challenge that needs to be conquered . . . . and does everything in their power to find a successful solution.

A doer will verbalize what the want to achieve . . . . and then take the actions to achieve their goals. The talker will talk a big game and won’t take action.

The talker continues to talk and wait, while the doer is doing.

Get started be a doer and not a talker.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Your Vision and Determination

Motivational Power Quote

Your Vision and Determination
Good or bad, the vision and determination of creative people,
have and will continue to impact our lives.”
Michael Mc Millen, Olympian   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your vision and determination

A person with a vision has a dream . . . . of what can be.

That vision without action remains a dream until it fades away . . . . and goes into the recycled bin of our life. It will eventually be deleted from your thoughts and memory.  

Your dreams are your hopes for the future . . . .  and your actions bring them into a focused vision and make them your goals.

Take massive action on your vision to push your vision forward. With your actions you’ll ensure that you are building forward momentum in fulfilling you dreams and achieving your goals.

Your vision and your actions will move you in the right direction of making your vision . . . . and your goals become a reality.

Your determination becomes the supercharger for your success journey. Determination will keep you going on the bad days and give you a little push when you feel like sitting it out.

Determination will give you . . . . an extra boost of energy to keep pushing forward.

Your vision and determination . . . . when applied with a purpose will push you across the finish line and into the winner’s circle of life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, September 16, 2013

Is Your Marketing Going Unnoticed?

Motivational Power Quote

Is Your Marketing Going Unnoticed?
If your advertising goes unnoticed everything else is academic.”
William Bernbach 1911 - 1982, American Businessman and
Advertising Legend   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Is your marketing going unnoticed?

Marketing that goes unnoticed can not only becomes very costly to you financially . . . . but it also will have a negative affect on your business and income.

Marketing that misses your target market is likely to go unnoticed by your target market . . . . or to bring you unqualified prospects for your product and or services.

The marketing that go unnoticed becomes slippery and either will go unnoticed . . . . or will leave no lasting impact with your target market.

Effective marketing has a sticky effect with your target market . . . . and create top of the mind awareness for your product and or services. Sticky marketing will build your brand awareness with your target market and a reason to remember you and your brand.

Sticky marketing creates a reason for a qualified prospect to contact you for additional information . . . .  to schedule an appointment and to do business with you.

Monitor you marketing for effectiveness and adjust your marketing to reach . . . . and standout with your target market.

Make your marketing an attention getter and standout in your target market.  Sticky marketing will attract positive attention to you and your brand. Keep your marketing sticky and you will create a flow of qualified prospects coming to you.

Is your marketing attaching your target market . . . or is your marketing going unnoticed? The answer to the question will determine the direction and level of success for the business.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Have the Vision to Live Your Dreams

Motivational Power Quote

Have the Vision to Live Your Dreams
It takes someone with a vision of the possibilities to attain new
levels of experience, someone with the courage to live
his dreams.”
Les Brown, Motivational Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Have the vision to live your dreams

Believe in yourself . . . . and in your dreams . . . . and believe that it’s possible for you to make your dreams come true.

Dream your dreams with the vision that you have achieved your dreams. Create the picture in your mind of what your life will be when you’re living your dreams . . . . and let that vision burn brightly in your thoughts.

Live the vision of your dreams with passion . . . . and your passion will open the doors. Your actions will create a future for unlimited possibilities to come into your life.

When you live your life with the courage to dream . . . . and act on the vision of your dreams, your dreams will become within your reach.

Have the vision to live your dreams . . . . Start with the vision of your dreams and your future in your thoughts. You achieve your dreams when you have the passion to make them come true . . . . through our actions. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer, and Author

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Life is About How You Look at Things

Motivational Power Quote

Life is About How You Look at Things
“I can tell you about a sawmill man with whom I sat with one
night while every dollar he owned was going up in smoke
before his eyes. He was very quiet. I tried to be sympathetic.”
“I’m imagining how the new mill will look,” he said.
 Clarence Budington Kelland 1881 - 1964, American Writer,
From the American Magazine

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Life is about how you look at things

Good things will happen to you and some things will happen that you would like to forget about. No matter happen to you . . . .  it’s how you look at the situation that will determine what you do.

When you look at a situation that you find yourself in . . . . look for the opportunities you will find opportunity. If you look at the situation and see there’s no way to resolve it . . . . you’re right.

The way you look at things will determine what you see. Based on what you see will determine . . . . how you respond to the situation . . . . and what actions you’ll take.

Life is about how you look at things . . . . and how you look at things is through our attitude. When you look at things in your life through a positive attitude you tend to see the opportunities and possibilities. With a negative attitude you end up seeing the dark side and will act accordingly.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, September 13, 2013

Measure Your Progress Against Your Ability

Motivational Power Quote

Measure Your Progress Against Your Ability
“Don’t measure yourself by what you’ve accomplished,
but rather by what you should have accomplished
with your abilities.”
John Wooden, basketball coach

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Measure your progress against your ability

As you travel the path of your success journey you reach a level of achievement. To get to the next level you have measure your progress . . . . and compete with yourself to reach the next level.

Success comes in many incremental steps. The key is to continual push yourself forward from stepping stone to stepping stone . . . . and to measure your progress as you go.

When you compete with yourself to get better . . . . your find that you make continuous progress in your professional growth. You will also find yourself improving your skills. As you improve your progress can be measured.

True success is determined by reaching down deep into your heart . . . . and becoming the best person that you can be. Then complete with yourself to make the most of your abilities.

As you compete with yourself and you maximize your abilities . . . . you will be able to measure your progress against your ability.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



Thursday, September 12, 2013

Others Will Judge You By What You Do

Motivational Power Quote

Others Will Judge You By What You Do
“People may doubt what you say,
but they will believe what you do.”
Lewis Cass 1782 – 1869, American Military Officer and

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Others will judge you by what you do

Your actions speak far greater then your words. Others will judge you by what you do . . . . not by what you say you’ll gong to do.

In both your business and your personal relationships not only will the people judge you by what you do?  There judgment of you will influence their decision if they have confidence in you and trust you enough to continue the relationship,

What you do; is to keep your word through your actions and if your actions are in harmony with what you said you would do. You will create a strong bond of trust and you will be judged fairly.

Let what you do be your calling card . . . . and let your actions be done with excellence. Let the people judge by the excellences of what you do.

Others will judge you by what you do . . . . and what you do is a personal choice. Do the things you do in your life with excellences and you will know that you have done your best . . . . and you will live a life without regrets.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Time Is Capital

Motivational Power Quote

Time Is Capital
Yesterday is a cancelled check. Today is cash on the line.
Tomorrow is a promissory note.”
Hank Stram, American Football Coach

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Time is capital

This minute and today is all you have. How you invest your capital of time each day of your life will determine . . . . the dividend that your capital returns to you in the future.

A day of positive building blocks will accumulate to support the endeavors that you take on in the future . . . . and the weight of your success journey.

Invest the capital of your day in activities that will support your success journey . . . . and moves your closer to achieving your goals  to product a high rate of return on your time and efforts.

Your past is behind you . . . . and your future is a promise of what you make it to be.

Time is capital . . . . and the way you invest your time today will become a reflection of how you will live your future.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Things Happen in the Things You Believe in

Motivational Power Quote

Things Happen in the Things You Believe in
The thing always happens that you really believe in;
and the belief is the thing that makes it happen.”
Frank Lloyd Wright 1867 – 1959, American Architect,
Interior Designer, Writer, Educator     

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Things happen in the things you believe in

Your beliefs will power . . . . your success.

As you belief . . . . you will achieve.

What you believe to be true will influence your thoughts . . . . and your thoughts will be in harmony with your actions.

When you have the belief that you can achieve success your belief will become a driving force in the way you think and in the passion you have to become successful.

What you believe to be true in your thoughts you will make true through your actions.

The great people in history had three common traits . . . . they believes in themselves . . . . in their dreams . . . . and took bold action to achieve success.

Things happen in the things you believe in . . . . Your beliefs will power your success . . . . and in the your actions you take to move you forward to achieve your desired outcome.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, September 9, 2013

Carry Out Your Success Plan

Motivational Power Quote

Carry Out Your Success Plan
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin
at once, whether you’ve ready or not, to put it into action.”
Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970, Best selling Author and
Motivational Speaker     

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Carry out your success plan

Your success plan starts your success journey . . . . but it’s your actions that get you to your goals.

To reach a specific destination in your life you first have to know what` that destination is . . . . and then how you’re going to get there.

Your destination is your goals. In order to achieve the goals you have to develop a success plan to move you in the direction of your goals. Your success plan details that steps that will be required . . . . and how you’re going achieve your goals.

The more specific your goals are the better your target will be. When you have specific goals you know exactly what it is you want to achieve.

With specific goals you can create a success plan to active your goals.

Carry out your success plan. Begin from where you are today with your current resources. Take the action steps that will build forward momentum to propel you in the direction of your goals.  

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author