Saturday, August 31, 2013

Knowledge is a Treasure

Motivational Power Quote

Knowledge is a Treasure
“Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.”
Lao Tzu 604 BC – 531 BC, Ancient Chinese Author and

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Knowledge is a treasure

Knowledge becomes a powerful force when . . . . it’s fully released.

But when knowledge stands by itself its worthless. It’s not until you release your knowledge through . . . . your actions does the knowledge become powerful force in your life.

The power of knowledge is created in the practice and expansion of your knowledge through . . . . your continuous personal development.

Once you release your knowledge with proper application . . . . your knowledge gains forward momentum creating new opportunities and expanding your potential and your possibilities. 

With practice and application your knowledge becomes a source of unlimited power to reach greater heights . . . . and to expand your horizons.

The key is to use your knowledge with a focused effort and direction.

Knowledge is a treasure . . . .  and that power that will propel you on to greater success and achievement.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author





Friday, August 30, 2013

Your Goals are a Road Map

Motivational Power Quote

Your Goals are a Road Map
“All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere
unless he knows where he wants to go and what
he wants to be or do.”
 Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, 1898-1993, Minister, Author and
Lecturer of Positive Thinking Material

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your goals are a road map

Successful people know where they want to go . . . . and have a road map to get them to their destination.

Their goals create their road map . . . . and the path they have to take to reach their desired outcome of successfully achieving  their goals.

They also understand the value of planning and goal setting. They will establish specific goals and continuously measure their progress against their goals.

Successful people are also willing to make adjustments to their plan in order to move them closer to their goals . . . . and to achieve greater success.

Your goals will set your internal GPS for your success journey . . . . and keep you move in the right direction.

Successful people have goals and achieving their goals successfully becomes their passion.

Your goals are road map . . . .  to a successful future.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Decide What You’re Going to Do?

Motivational Power Quote 

Decide What You’re Going to Do?
“Acceptance is not submission it is acknowledgement
of the fact of a situation, then deciding what
you’re going to do about it.”
Kathleen Casey Theisen, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Decide what you’re going to do?

Acknowledgement of your situation gives you a starting point . . . . to move forward with a purpose. Determine what needs to be done . . . . what has to be changed . . . . what you want . . . . and how you will move forward to achieve your desired outcome.

When you acknowledge your situation . . . . and you commit yourself to take the actions to do what has to be done  to change it . . . . you put yourself in a position to control your response. 

Decide what you’re going to do . . . . to create greater success and to live the life you where meant to live? Take control of the situation that you find yourself in . . . . and take the personal responsibility to achieve successful results.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Pursue Your Dreams

Motivational Power Quote

Pursue Your Dreams
“When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple
choices; go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase
those dreams.”
Author unknown  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Pursue your dreams

We all have dreams; they range from the dreams of having a better tomorrow . . . . to having good health . . . . for prosperity, having a better life . . . . of changing our circumstances . . . . for success.

Each of us dream our dreams they are personal . . . . they belong to us but they are also meant to be shared.

Dream your dreams as you go bed each night . . . . and believe with a passion that you will fulfill them. As you awake each day take your dreams . . . . and turn them into your goals and pursue them with passion.

Pursue your dreams . . . . with passion everyday of you life and your dreams will be yours to have.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, August 26, 2013

Work Hard to Turn Your Dreams Into Success

Motivational Power Quote

Work Hard Turns Your Dreams Into Success
Some people dream of success . . . while others wake up
and work hard at it.”
Author unknown   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Work hard turns your dreams into success

Your dreams start your success journey when there firmly implanted in your thoughts . . . . of what’s possible and what can be. But it’s not until you take the steps to live your dreams do your dreams become focused and your goals . . . . With focused goals your success journey begins to achieve them.

Your dreams become your hope for tomorrow . . . . for who you want to become . . . . and for what you want to accomplish. It’s the clarity of your dreams . . . . and the quality of your actions that determines the direction that your success journey takes and what you will eventually achieve.

The efforts that you’re willing to expend on a daily basis determine the pace of your success journey . . . . and the level of success that you achieve. There will be times that you will have to work smarter and other times that we will have to commit to hard work to achieve success.

The key is you have . . . . to work to live your dreams.

Believe that you will turn your dreams into goals . . . . and focus you energy and hard work turns your goals into success.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Cornerstone of Your Success

Motivational Power Quote

The Cornerstone of Your Success
If you believe in unlimited quality
and act in all your business dealing with that integrity,
the rest takes care of itself.”
Frank Perdue 1920 – 2005,  CEO and Founder of Perdue Farms

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The cornerstone of your success

The cornerstone of your success is found . . . . in the quality of your product and or services.

The product and or service that consistently exceed the customer’s expectations will become a market leader in its field . . . . and a benchmark that others will try to assimilate. As a leader in your field you will not face the same price pressures . . . . that a product or service with marginal quality will face.

Customers are looking for value in their purchases. When your services provide a high degree of quality at a fair price you are creating a value proposition in the customers mind.  You put yourself into a position to succeed. Your value proposition will separate you from your competitors . . . . and create a strategic business advantage.

In a competitive market place customers consider a lot of things in purchasing a product and or a service. The can look at a low quality, low price provider. In many cases that product falls well short of the customers’ expectations . . . . it may very well have to be replaced prematurely. So the low quality . . . . low cost product actually will cost far more in the long run when you take into consideration the initial cost plus . . . . the replacement cost of the product and or the services.    

The quality of your product and or services becomes your unique selling proposition. Customers are willing pay a fair price for something that exceeds the expectations . . . . and what they see in having value for them. When your product and services standout you become a recognized market leader in your field.

The cornerstone of your success is the quality of your product and services . . . . and in its perceived value to the customer. When the customer places a high value on the quality of your product and or service they become a raving fan and they become a booster for you nad your success journey.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Nothing Hurts in the Winner’s Circle

Motivational Power Quote

Nothing Hurts in the Winner’s Circle
When you win nothing hurts.”
Joe Namath, Football Player

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Nothing hurts in the winner’s circle

Joe Namath one of the all-time great NFL quarterbacks knows a lot about hurting. He played a big part of his professional football career with bad knees . . . .  and in a lot of pain He went on and overcame the pain to become a very successful quarterback. Unfortunately his professional career was cut short by the severely of his knee injuries

He also knows what it feels like to be a winner. He quarterbacked the 1969 New York Jets to an upset victory . . . . over the heavily favored Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III in Miami Florida. Joe Namath was named the Most Value Player of Super Bowl III

Football like life . . . . can be a very physical demanding.

Football players pay a very heavy price physical with their bodies to succeed . . . . and their careers are cut short by injuries. For a professional athlete to succeed they have to learn to play through the pain and their injuries.  

Fortunately as business professionals don’t have to play through the pain and injuries of a football player.

Professionals have to work their way through the emotional pain. Through the scars of their setbacks or they won’t be able to successfully get back into the game . . . . and successfully compete in a competitive market place.

A football player has to rehab their injury to get to get back onto the field and compete. A professional has to get over their emotional setback to get back on track to achieve their goals.

Everything becomes possible when you can work your way through the pain of your setbacks . . . .and nothing hurts in the winner’s circle when you succeed.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, August 23, 2013

It’s Only Through Persistence

Motivational Power Quote

It’s Only Through Persistence

“I think and think for months and years. Ninety nine times the conclusion
is false. The hundredth time I am right.”
Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955, German-Born Theoretical

As I see it . . . . . . .

It’s only through persistence

Successful people are on a mission to succeed . . . .

They look at it as work in progress  . . . . and they will push hard to reach their objectives.

They also know the real secret of success comes from their persistence . . . . And that lasting success comes by combining a string of positive activities together to become the stepping stones to successfully reach their objectives.

When successful people reach their objectives . . . . they have invested their time and resources to reach their destination.

Success is not a single event it becomes a sum total of your combined efforts . . . . and your persistence that propels you forward.

It’s only through persistence . .  . that you can gain the forward momentum  to pull you forward from where you stand today to the winners circle in life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Beliefs Attract Prosperity

Motivational Power Quote

Beliefs Attract Prosperity
“True prosperity is the result of well placed confidence
in ourselves and our fellow man.”
 Benjamin Burt, Goldsmith

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Beliefs attract prosperity

True prosperity is a combination . . . . of several key beliefs.

First you have to have confidence and the belief in yourself and in your abilities to product your desired outcome . . . .

Your confident is projected in your activities . . . . and in your relationships.  You also have to have confidence in the people in your life to create mutually beneficially relationships. 

You attract true prosperity through your relationships with the people in both your personal life and in your profession. Your relationships become the foundation of your prosperity and will support the weight of your success journey.

Your level of confidence in your fellow man will establish a mutual level of confidence and trust. From that confidence and trust you form the relationships that become the foundation of attraction prosperity.

Your beliefs attract prosperity in your life . . . . and is achieved through mutual confidence and the quality of our relationships.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Make a Massive First Impression

Motivational Power Quote

Make a Massive First Impression
Never forget with every new customer, you have only one
chance just one to make a great first impression.”
Mac Anderson, Founder of Simple Truths and Successories  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Make a massive first impression

Making a massive first impression can make the difference forming a strong and productive relationship. Or just becomes passing moment in time with someone that we met that passes . . . . without any impact in either persons lives.

There can be first impressions that we all would like to forget as a result of everything seeming to go wrong with the first contact. Or as they say getting of on the wrong foot in this situation there is . . . . about 99% probability that no relationship will be established.

A massive first impression can lead you to a long lasting business or personal relationships . . . . referrals . . . . and success in our career and personal life.

You have one and only one opportunity to make a massive first impression . . . . and when that moment passes its gone forever along with the opportunity.

A bad first impression leaves a person with a poor impression of you. . . . your company . . . . your products . . . . and or Your services. As a result it can lead to a blemish on your reputation . . . . lost business opportunities. That leads to a non productive relationship with the person.  It can also lead to a lose – lose situation for everyone involved.

Each person that you meet has the potential to have a major impact on your life and you can have the same effect on the life of the other person.

On your success journey you will meet a number of people that can have a substantial impact on the direction that your life takes and the level of success you achieve.

Treat every person that you meet with respect and show interest in the person as a person. Be a good listener and by your listening you’re create rapport with the person . . . . and earn their respect.

Make good eye contact with the person . . . . be friendly . . . . smile . . . . make the person feel like the most important person in the world . . . . and shake hands with the person in an appropriate manner.

Making a massive first impression is about being prepared for the situations that you find yourself in . . . . and maintaining a proper . . . . and professional image. But the most important aspect of a massive first impression is about making the other person feel important.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Let the Glow of the Sunshine Into Your Life

Motivational Power Quote

 Let the Glow of the Sunshine Into Your Life
“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing
in our own sunshine.”
 Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 – 1882, American Essayist,
Lecturer and Poet

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Let the glow of the sunshine into your life

Step into the sunshine of opportunity . . . . and enjoy the warmth and the glow that it will offer.

Don’t create shadows in your life by blocking your sunshine with negative thinking . . . . or a poor attitude.

Let the sunshine radiate in every aspect of your life. See the best in people . . . . and in the opportunities as they present themselves to you. 

Be thankful for the things that you have in your life . . .  and create goals for what you would like to achieve. Don’t pout about what you don’t have . . . . focus your energy on the important things in your life.

Have gratitude and appreciation for what you have and for what you achieve . . . . and you will find yourself becoming a success magnet.

Let the glow of the sunshine into your life . . . . and that sunshine to create the energy for your success journey and the power to your desired outcome. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author





You Will Grow From the Difficulties In Your Life

Motivational Power Quote

You Will Grow From the Difficulties In Your Life
Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.
The human sprit is to grow strong by conflict.”
William Ellery Channing American Writer,
Unitarian Preacher

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You will grow from of the difficulties in your life

Over the course of your life you will face many challenging moments and difficulties. In those times how you respond will form the foundation for your future.

In your times of difficulties you have to learn how . . . . to respond to the challenge and not to overreact. When you respond to difficulties by looking for the best solution you remain in control of your thinking . . . . and your respond and actions become planned.

By thinking through the difficulties before we act . . . . you will find that you are not over reacting to the situation. You will find yourself developing a clearer picture of difficulty . . . . and what will have to be done to arrive at the best possible solution. 

As you successfully navigate your challenges and difficulties you gain the experience and confidence that will pull you forward. That experience will give you the expertise to successfully handle the difficulties that come in to your life with greater effectiveness.

You will grow from of the difficulties in your life . . . . by becoming responsive to the conditions and seeking solutions . . . . and not by over reaction to them.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, August 19, 2013

Put Your Success Plan Into Action

Motivational Power Quote

Put Your Success Plan Into Action
Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire,
and begin at once, whether you’ve ready or not,
to put it into action.”
Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970, Author and Motivational Speaker  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Put your success plan into action

To reach a specific destination in your life . . . . You first have to know what` that destination is  . . . . and then how you’re going to get there.

Your destination is your goals . . . .  

In order to achieve the goals you have to develop a success plan to move you in the direction of your goals. Your success plan details that steps that will be required . . . . and how we’re going achieve your goals.

The more specific your goals are the better your target will be. When you have specific goals you know exactly what it is you want to achieve.

With specific goals . . . . you can create a success plan to active your goals.

Create a success plan and put into action. Begin from where you are today with your current resources. Take the action steps that will build your forward momentum to propel you in the direction of your goals.  

Put you success plan into action . . . . and you take a giant step in the direction of achieving your goals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Aim High - Shoot Straight

Motivational Power Quote

Aim High – Shoot Straight
A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.”
Edmund Burke 1729 - 1797, Irish Statesman, Author, Orator,
Political Theorist, Philosopher

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Aim high – Shoot straight

We have a tendency to hit what we aim at . . . . elevate your sights . . . . aim high . . . . and shoot straight.

Pick the target that you want to hit . . . .  and then put your sights on it and zero in on your target.

Your target is what you aspirer to be and what you want to achieve. Focus your energy on your target . . . . and your actions on achieving your goals.

You will only hit a target that you can see in your thoughts . . . . and visualize in your dreams. Keep the target in your thoughts . . . . and your dreams in your sights aim at it and shoot straight.

A person has no defined goals has nothing to aim for . . . .  and will drift through life without a purpose.

Decide what your goals are aim high – shoot straight . . . .  and keep your sights on your target until you hit it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, August 16, 2013

Sitting on the Fence is Procrastination

Motivational Power Quote

Sitting on the Fence is Procrastination
It doesn’t matter which side of the fence your on you
get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off.
You cannot make progress without making decisions.”
Jim Rohn 1930 - 2009, Self-Help Author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Sitting on the fence is procrastination

When you’re sitting on the fence . . . . you just sit there without making any progress. You’re not moving forward . . . . and all you can do is watch the world passing you by.

Sitting on the fence is actively practicing the art of procrastination . . . . and putting off making decisions to some unspecified time in the future.

The person that’s sitting on the fence is on the fence by their choice. They have ended up sitting on the fence as result of not making the decision to take action . . . . and to move their life forward. The person is just sitting on the fence going no where.

Unless the person sitting on the fence makes the decision to get off the fence and get on with their life the best bet is . . . . that they will eventually just fall off of the fence into obscurity.

When we are facing a challenging decision nothing productive gets done until we get off the fence. Make the best possible decision that we can make under the conditions. Put your decision in motive and move forward and move on.

Sitting on the fence is procrastination . . . .

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


The Pathway to Success Can Be . . . .

Motivational Power Quote

The Pathway to Success Can Be . . . .
The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
Anthony Robbins, Motivational Expert  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The pathway to success is can be

There are many choices that you can choose to make on the path to success.

You can choose to sit on the bench of life . . . . and wait for the success bus to stop and pick us up.  As that person sits waits they will grow old . . . . and wonder what happen to their life. They will have never experienced success.

They will discover that the success bus doesn’t stop . . . . where their sitting.

Another person will take a leisurely stroll on the pathway to success. They feel that there’s no urgency in their journey . . . . and will take a break from their journey at very opportunity they get. As they look back at their journey they will see that they haven’t gone very far and success is no where in sight.

There’s another person that decides what they want . . . . and they know what they will have to do to become successful. They make the decision that they will succeed.  They will push the doors of opportunity open with determination and will take massive action to achieve a successful outcome.

Success will be achieved by the person that’s determined to succeed and takes massive to ensure a successful outcome.

The pathways to success can be . . . . a steep mountain to climb to where we can’t see the top at the start your journey. By taking massive action you separate yourself from the masses . . . . and at some point you turn the pathway to success into an expressway.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Champions Prepare Themselves to Succeed

Motivational Power Quote

Champions Prepare Themselves to Succeed
It’s better to look ahead and prepare
than to look back and regret.”
Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Olympic Champion    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Champions prepare themselves to succeed

What do Olympic Champions and successful professionals have in common?

An Olympic Champion will prepare them self for years to win. They will invest endless hours and days to hone their skills in preparation for the day that they will be at the best . . . . and perform in front of a world wide audience.

Champions will spend many hours and days in isolation preparing to succeed.

It’s in those hours and days is where to champions are make. In those times there may be no one around watching the champion preparing and training.  But the champion is there . . . . and they know what they will have to do to succeed and they commit themselves to do it.  The champion pushes themselves hard even when no one is watching . . . . So they can perform like a champion when the eyes of the world are on them.

A champion is committed to succeed and will work hard staying focused on their goals and desired outcome. They are determined to develop themselves to excel at what they do . . . . and will continually strive to improve themselves to reach that level.

A person makes themselves a champion when they commit themselves to becoming a champion and work hard to turn themselves into a champion.

For a professional to reach the top in their profession they have to ignite the champion that’s within them and works hard to achieve their desired outcome.

Champions prepare themselves to succeed . . . . and business professional conditions themselves with the same intensely and passion as an Olympic Champion. When a business Champion is performing for the world to see, they will perform will excellence.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Success is Achieved One Step at the Time

Motivational Power Quote

Success is Achieved One Step at the Time
One only gets to the top rung of the ladder
by steadily climbing up one at a time.”
Margaret Thatcher 1925 - 2013, Former Prime Minister
of the United Kingdom  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Success is achieved one step at the time

Success is not an overnight event . . . .  Success is achieved by steadily putting one foot in front of another taking one step at time with conviction in the direction of your goals.

Some of your steps will be longer then other and the pace may quicken. Other times it will seem like baby step and a very slow pace. But the one thing that remains consistent  is you have to steadily put one foot in foot of the other a continue to step in the direction of our goals.

It will take perseverance to navigate the turbulence that you encounter is your quest to succeed.  Success is achieved one step at the time when your stay on purpose and you keep you moving in the right direction.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, August 12, 2013

To Remove Your Doubt

Motivational Power Quote

To Remove Your Doubt
The only limit of our realization of tomorrow
will be our doubts of today.”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

To Remove your doubt

Your doubts will create the clouds that will block the sunlight from coming into your days . . . . and makes your future appear dark and overwhelming.

Doubts are self imposed thoughts that make you challenge yourself . . . . and your abilities in a negative way. Not only will those doubts block the sunlight from coming into your life it will also feel like your moving through your life with your brakes on.

To remove your doubts . . . . you have to change your thinking.

You have to believe that you are a special person with unique gifts and with the power of possibility thinking. That person will emerge and comes to the surface. As you step forward with positive thoughts about yourself . . . .  you step forward with increased self confidence.

With each step you take you remove your doubt from your life . . . . and you replace it with the spirit to succeed and to achieve your goals.

Remove the doubt . . . . from your life and replace it with possibility thinking and self-confidence.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author