Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nothing Hurts in the Winner’s Circle

Motivational Power Quote

Nothing Hurts in the Winner’s Circle
When you win nothing hurts.”
Joe Namath, Football Player

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Nothing hurts in the winner’s circle

Joe Namath one of the all-time great NFL quarterbacks knows a lot about hurting. He played a big part of his professional football career with bad knees . . . .  and in a lot of pain He went on and overcame the pain to become a very successful quarterback. Unfortunately his professional career was cut short by the severely of his knee injuries

He also knows what it feels like to be a winner. He quarterbacked the 1969 New York Jets to an upset victory . . . . over the heavily favored Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl III in Miami Florida. Joe Namath was named the Most Value Player of Super Bowl III

Football like life . . . . can be a very physical demanding.

Football players pay a very heavy price physical with their bodies to succeed . . . . and their careers are cut short by injuries. For a professional athlete to succeed they have to learn to play through the pain and their injuries.  

Fortunately as business professionals don’t have to play through the pain and injuries of a football player.

Professionals have to work their way through the emotional pain. Through the scars of their setbacks or they won’t be able to successfully get back into the game . . . . and successfully compete in a competitive market place.

A football player has to rehab their injury to get to get back onto the field and compete. A professional has to get over their emotional setback to get back on track to achieve their goals.

Everything becomes possible when you can work your way through the pain of your setbacks . . . .and nothing hurts in the winner’s circle when you succeed.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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