Monday, August 5, 2013

A Productive Pathway to a Successful Future

Motivational Power Quote

A Productive Pathway to a Successful Future
Learn to use ten minutes intelligently.
It will pay you huge dividends.”
William A. Irwin, author
As I see it . . . . . . . .

A productive pathway to a successful future

Time is much like the water in a stream.

The waters of the stream of your life it continues flow pass you. In places in the stream the water may flow very quickly . . . . and other place the flow is reduced to a trickle.  But matter what the flow of the water is . . . . it continues to flow like your time. No matter what flow of the water in the stream of your life . . . . it continues to flow way from you.

As you watch the waters of the stream the water will pass by you and as it does . . . . you will never see the same water pass your way again.

Your time is a perishable resource and once the time has passed you can never go back . . . . and recapture the moments of your time.

You can’t go back in time and recapture your time . . . . but you can reach back and recapture the experiences . . . . and play them forward.

As a stream flows in has no power until the water in harnessed and accumulated to create a great force. Your time is similar to the water in a stream. Your minutes and your days will pass you by and it’s not until you harness the power of your time . . . . You can create a powerful force to control the resource of your time.

There is a great value in learning from the past . . . . and using those experiences to become more resourceful  in the future.

You have the capacity to learn from the experiences that have created the successes in your life . . . . You can use the experiences from your past as a springboard forward . . . . and repeat them for greater success in your future.

It’s the experiences that you learn from your failures and mistakes that builds your character . . . . and can have a dramatic and positive affect on your future. What you learn from failure is that failure . . . . is a condition. And you have it within your power to correct it and not to repeat the situation in the future.

The lessons play forward and you learn what not to do when similar situations occur in the future. You also learn to avoid certain situations . . . . and so not to create a similar situation in the future.

As your lessons play forward . . . . you develop a power resource.

Like the water behind a dam; as the water is released it creates power.

Your time is in the dam of your life you can release your time as a tickle . . . . and it just flows away without impact. Or you can control the use of your time and release it with a purpose . . . . and create a powerful force.

Life lessons can be painful to live through. But when you learn from the experiences and use them positively in the future you have reached back on your time for productive purposes.

Use what you have learned are valuable lesson . . . . becoming a dividend on your time. You may not be able to go back in time but you can use the experiences of the past to create a productive pathway to a successful future.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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