Monday, August 5, 2013

Your Vision of Success

Motivational Power Quote

Your Vision of Success
“There is one practice that many of those who accomplished
things will admit they have indulged in, especially
during leaner years. They were able to picture themselves,
vividly as already attained their goals, and they retained
that image in their minds constantly, assuring themselves
again and again until they knew they would succeed.”
Dr. Marcus Bach, Author 

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your vision of success

There is a common trait in successful people they have . . . . a clear vision of success in their mind. They also understand what they will have to do to achieve success . . . . before they start their success journey.

They see themselves achieving their goals . . . . and standing in the winner’s circle of success. Their vision becomes their passion and they move forward with the expectations that they will succeed.

Their vision keeps them focused on their goals . . . . and gives them the strength to overcome the obstacles they encounter along the way of their success journey.

Successful people know with clarity that they will achieve their goals. They also know what they will have to do . . . . before they start to ensure a successful outcome.

Your vision of success . . . .  is in your mind and the passion for success is in your heart. They will become your driving force in your career to take you over the finish line of success.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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