Motivational Power Quote
The Bigger They Are - The Harder They Fall
“You don’t have to be
the biggest to beat the biggest.”
Ross Perot, entrepreneur
As I see it. . . . . . . .
The bigger they are - the harder they fall
We don’t have to be big to beat the biggest; we have the determination to do it.
We don’t have to be the strongest, we need to be smart and out think them.
We don’t have to be the fastest, we need to out plan them and out work them.
When they stand in the way, we need to out think them and get pass them ; we need to take the action and either to go over or around them.
The prize goes to the person that finds a way to stay persistent, when others say it can’t be done and find a way to gets it done.
The bigger they are – the harder they fall. When you’re facing a overwhelming obstacle there is a way to overcome them, want we look for solutions and take massive action to resolve the obstacle. The bigger they are – the harder they fall when we believe we can overcome the obstacles.
©2010 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author