Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pursue Your Goals and Ideas with Intensely and Passion

Motivational Power Quote

Pursue Your Goals and Ideas with Intensely and Passion
“The more intensely we feel about
an idea or a goal,
the more assuredly the idea,
buried deep in our subconscious,
will direct us along the path of fulfillment .”
Earl Nightingale, writer and author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Pursue your goals and ideas with intensely and passion

Your intensely creates a sense of purpose in your subconscious mind. That purpose becomes buried deeply within your subconscious, and a constant thought in our mind.

Our thoughts become the foundation for our actions and our future. What we think about most often we do.

Our intensely drive us to action and helps to stay focused on our desired outcome.

Focused intensely will direct us on our success journey to fulfill our visions.

Pursue your goals and ideas with intensely and passion and your success journey will be in overdrive.

©2010 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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