Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blame is Not the Answer

 Blame is Not the Answer
“A man may fall many times but be won’t be a failure
until he says someone pushed him.”
Elmer G. Letterman, Author   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Blame is not the answer

If a person doesn't stumble and fall in life they are not pushing themselves or try hard enough.

At one time or another all trip . . . .  stumble . . . .fall and fail. Each one of them is mile markers along the side of the road . . . .and the tolls you pay on your success journey to get you to your destination.

You would like to think about your success journey as being an expressway with no tolls. In reality your success journey is a toll road. There is a price to be paid to become successful. Each toll that you pay moves you closer to your goals.

Success becomes a result of being resilient . . . . and through your persistence. Not in never having experienced a setback or a failure.

The only real failure in life comes in quitting . . . . and in blaming others for your conditions.

Successful people take the personal responsibility for the conditions that they find themselves in today . . . . and the responsibility to change the conditions to create the desired outcome.

Blaming others for your conditions is a total waste of time and energy. It will not have any positive impact on your success journey and becomes a sentence to average. Taking responsibility is the fuel to change the conditions in your life . . . . and change the results that you have been getting.

The blame game is a losing proposition that no one comes out as a winner. Take control of your life, take responsibility for your future and be willing to pay the tolls to get you the desired outcome.

When you do you will understand the blame is not the answer . . . . blame is the anchor that will sink you and your career.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, September 29, 2014

Focus on Getting Better One Step at a Time

Focus on Getting Better One Step at a Time
“Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.”
Emile Coue, French Psychologist

As I see it . . . . . . .
Focus on getting better one step at a time

There will be times that you encounter obstacles on your success journey. In those times you have to make a decision on how you’ll going to respond to the conditions.

You are also going to have to make a choice on how you’ll going resolve the conditions.

With positive thinking and a positive attitude you will approach your obstacles with a positive prospective . . . . and proactive approach to solving any difficulties that you face.

When you face your challenges with positive thinking . . . . and a positive attitude you are getting better . . . . and getting closer to resolving the condition.

Once you have successfully resolved a challenging situation your self-confidence grows. As your confidence grows you become more productive . . . . and are getting better.

You will use what your accomplishments as the stepping stone into the future to become better at what you do. As a result of the obstacles you have faced and succeed in overcoming you become better and more productive.

Focus on getting better one step at the time and you will never look back with regret. With hard work and focus we will go from good to better to best.

Focus on getting better one step at a time . . . . and with step you take you will become better . . . . until you become the best

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Life Becomes a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Life Becomes a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
“Winner expect to win in advance. Life is a
self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Author unknown
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy

The life you lead . . . . is the life you expect to live. In other words your life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Successful people expect to succeed before they start a task. Winners expect to win before they play the game. Both groups of people create a self-fulfilling prophecy of successful results in their thinking before they start.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is creating a mental image of what you’re about to undertake . . . . and seeing the outcome exactly as you want it to be.

A person that can create a mental image creates a strategic advantage in achieving their goals . . . . and to reaching a higher level of success.  Their mental image for their future creates a road map to succeed . . . . and creates the mile markers to keep them on track.

Your live is what you make it . . . . life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy first through your thinking and matching that thinking with your actions.  You can make your life anything that you want it to be.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Champions Have Endurance

Champions Have Endurance
The man who wins may have been counter out several times,
but he didn’t hear the referee.”
H.E. Jensen, Author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Champions have endurance   

The champions in life have one thing in common . . . . they have mastered the art of endurance. The stand and face the storms in their life . . . . and when the storm has passed they are still standing to continue to try another day.

The champions will find themselves getting knocked down . . . . but they will not give up. When champions get knocked down they get up . . . . and if they get knocked down again they get up again. No matter how many times a champion is knocked down . . . . they get up.

Getting knocked down are the tolls that they pay on their success journey to become a champion.

When the going gets really rough . . . . and you feel that you can’t take another step reach deep down into your resolve . . . . and keep going. There is a thin slice of differences between becoming a champion . . . . and being average. That thin slice of difference is found . . . . on the extra mile in doing a little more then you think you can do when you feel too exhausted to continue.

The pace of your journey in becoming a champion will vary but over time. Your endurance will make a big difference in keeping you moving forward in the direction of your goals.

Champions have endurance . . . . and  that endurance becomes the breakfast of champions . . . . . . .

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, September 27, 2014

You Control Your Destiny

You Control Your Destiny
“Control your destiny or somebody else will.”
Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric

As I see it . . . . . . .
You control your destiny

Take the responsible for where you are today . . . . and for the direction that you want your life to take you in the future.

When you take control of your life, you take control of your destiny.

Don’t blame other for you circumstances take the actions that will change your circumstances for the better . . . . and in taking action you’re taking control of your destiny.  

Once you take personal responsibility for your life . . . . and your circumstances you take control of your outcome . . . . and your destiny.

The choice is simple you either that control of your destiny . . . . or someone else will control it for you.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author 

Friday, September 26, 2014

You Achieve What You Believe

You Achieve What You Believe
“We cannot achieve more in life than what we believe
in our hearts we deserve to have.”
 James R. Ball, Businessman

As I see it. . . . . . . .
You achieve what you believe . . . . you will achieve

Believing in yourself is a choice. To achieve success you have to believe in yourself . . . . in your dreams, . . . . and in your abilities.

Your personal belief system begins with your attitude. A positive can do it attitude creates a positive self-image, positive beliefs and will move you in the direction of positive results. While a negative attitude creates a negative self-image . . . . negative beliefs . . . . and very limited results. Your outcome will be a mirror image of your attitude.

Believe in yourself . . . . and what you can do. Setbacks and obstacles will occur on your success journey. But they are only temporary conditions . . . . unless we decide to quit.  

Believe in what you can do . . . . take advantage of your positive outlook and build a bridge to the future on the foundation of your strengths.

The choice of what you believe you can accomplish . . . . and what you believe is your choice.

You will achieve in life what you believe you can do. Become a possibility thinker . . . . believe you deserve to be successful. Set your goals and then go out and take the actions to achieve them.

You will achieve what you believe . . . . you will achieve. 

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Find the Way or Make One

Find the Way or Make One
“We must either find a way or make One.”
Hannibal 247 BC – 183 BC, Military Commander

As I see it . . . . . . .
Find the way or make one

We live in a world where the only constant . . . . is change.

When you encounter change you will either have to find a way to work through the change . . . . or make your way around it.

Entrepreneurs seek change to stay ahead of the curve . . . . by finding it first. When they find change, they will make the most of it . . . . and search for the hidden opportunities that change offers.  

Embrace change . . . . and the new opportunities that change offers and turn change in success.

When you encounter change . . . . find the way or make one to embrace change . . . . Find the opportunities and to make the most out of what that change offers.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sometimes You Make the Adjustments

Sometimes You Make the Adjustments
“Sometime you make the right decision,
sometimes you make the decision right.”
Dr. Phil, Author, Talk Show Host  
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Sometimes you make the adjustments

You will make many decisions in your lifetime . . . . and when you make them they will seem right at the time. Some of them will be good decisions . . . . and some them you would like to forget about; quickly.

Guess what? It’s physical impossibly to go through life . . . . and never to have made a bad decision. 

Your objective should be to make the best possible decision you can with the information you have . . . . and in the conditions that you find yourselves in.

You have seen the results of bad decisions . . . . and many times they where made by people you know.

The biggest pitfall in making a bad decision is accelerating it through having a case of denial.  Bad decisions have to be recognized for what they are (bad) . . . . and the quicker the issue recognized . . . . and resolved the better it will be for everyone involved.

It takes courage to admit that you made a bad decision . . . . and the self-confidence to correct it.

Bad decisions that are left to fester become worst . . . . and create an infection in your thinking and drain your energy. You have to look for the best possible solution under the conditions that you find yourself in.  Make the adjustments that are required to correct the situation and move pass the bad decision as quickly as possible and move on.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Secret in Achieving Your Goals

The Secret in Achieving Your Goals
“You are the person who has to decide. Whether you’ll do it
or toss it aside; you are the person who makes up your
mind. Whether you’ll lead or will linger behind.
Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar, or
 just be contented to stay where you are.”
Edgar A. Guest 1881 – 1959, American-Born Poet

As I see it . . . . . . .
The secret in achieving your goals

The secret in achieving your goals is you have to decide what you want to accomplish . . . . and have the determination to achieve the desired outcome.

To effectively move forward to achieve your goals, it’s imperative to have a clearly defined vision of what you want to accomplish. From that vision you have to develop a define plan to achieve your goals.

Once your plan is in place . . . . take massive action in the direction of your goals to accomplish the desired outcome . . . . and to successful achieve  your goals.

As you strive to achieve your goals . . . . tenacity of purpose will keep you pushing through your obstacles with your focus on your desired outcome . . . . and a sense of purpose to achieving successful results.

The secret of achieving your goals is to have a vision of your goals into your thinking . . . . A plan to achieve them and to take massive actions to make you goals come true. Move in the direction of your goals with commitment to achieve them . . . . and persistence in your efforts.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, September 19, 2014

Specialize in a Niche . . . . .

Specialize in a Niche  . . . . .
“You specialize in something until one day
you find it is specializing in you.”
Arthur Miller, playwright

As I see it . . . . . . . 
Specialize in a niche

Become a specialist . . . . focus and specialize in a market niche.

Put your full energy . . . . and efforts into growing that niche into an unstoppable business force. Build that force to the point, to where you are seen as an expert in your niche and in your field.

As an expert in your field people will seek you out for your advice . . . . and counsel to the point to where you will become their go to person in your profession.

The road to success and prosperity is paved by being an expert in your field.

Specialize in a niche . . . . will creates a strategic business advantage. 

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivation, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, September 18, 2014

It’s Takes Personal Courage

It’s Takes Personal Courage  
“There is often in people to whom ‘the worst’ has
happened an almost transcendent freedom, for
 they faces ‘the worst’ and survived it .”
Carol Pearson, Author   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
It’s takes personal courage

Personal courage is having the inner strength . . . . to weather the storms of life.

There will be times that your storms pass quickly . . . . and are soon forgotten. At other times the storms in your lives seem so overwhelming that you question your abilities. You will also question yourself . . . . and if there will be anyway to survive the storm. 

In the dark times in your lives you have to have . . . . the personal courage to weather the storms that you face. You have to stand your ground to step up . . . . and do the best you can in the conditions that you find yourself in.

You may become battered in withstanding the storms of life but as you come out of the other side . . . . you emerge a better and stronger person.

In your persistence’s you overcome your adversities . . . . and grower stronger.

The storms may bend you with its force . . . . but you won’t break . . . . unless you quit. You may get knocked down . . . . but you can   get back up and dust yourself off . . . . and push forward.

It takes the will to win . . . . and it takes personal courage to withstand the storms of life to achieve greater things. 

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Your Days Pass Too Quickly

Your Days Pass Too Quickly
“Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
but today well lived makes every yesterday dream
of happiness and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.”
Source unknown  

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your days pass too quickly

Our days pass too quickly . . . . We need to grasp our days and make the best use of our day to create the hope for a better tomorrow.

We spend much of our thinking in the past yet we live in the present and our lives will be lived in the future.

Today becomes the most important day . . . . in your life.

Well lived . . . . today becomes your hope for tomorrow.

Start each day with a crystal clear vision of your dreams . . . . and build your day around taking positive actions to move your in the direction . . . . of achieving your goals and to live your dreams.

Your thinking will form the foundation for the type of day you will have. Positive thinker will set the stage for a positive day and building a positive future.

Take the positive actions today; do the things that are most important . . . . and do them with excellence. Stay away from the time wasters and your day will become a positive stepping stone to your future.

The quality of your actions taken today forms the basis for your future and future success.

Live your today to the max; then repeat the efforts each and everyday in your life.

Each and every day will become a day full of possibilities . . . . and for your dreams will come true.

Your days pass too quickly grasp each one . . . . and make them a stepping stone to a brighter future.
©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today Is a Most Unusual Day

Today Is a Most Unusual Day
“Today is a most unusual day, because we have never
lived it before; we will never live it again;
it is the only day we have.”
William Arthur Ward 1921 -1994, Author
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Today is a most unusual day

As you enter the new day it seems most unusual. you’ve had other new days but this one is unusual because its today.

You have never lived in this day before . . . . and the 24 hours belong to you . . . . and you can choose to do with them as you please.

You can build on you day and carry the benefits into the future with you. You can choose to bring sunshine into the lives of the people that you meet today and play the day forward in their lives.

You can plan your day to be productive . . . . and to move you forward and closer to your goals.

This is a great day . . . . today because today is you day to do with it as I please and to use as to choose to.

You have been blessed with a new 24 hour day . . . . and you can look at it as a precious gift  . . . and use it as a bridge to the future. Or you can look at it as just another day in a rut.

How you look at your day will determine what you will see . . . and how you use your day. You can invest your day . . . . and have it pay you dividend in the future. Or you can fritter away your day away without it returning any value to your life.  

Today is a most unusual day; one that you’ve been blessed with. And today it will never come this way again. Make the most of the 24 hours that you have been given . . . . and you make the most of your life today.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, September 15, 2014

You Will See Your Possibilities

You Will See Your Possibilities
“Man is so made that anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.”
Jean de La Fontaine, French Poet

As I see it . . . . . . .
Your will see your possibilities

Have a passion in your heart for what you want to accomplish . . . . and a vision in your mind for how you will achieve you desired outcome.

Dare to dream big dreams that create the vision for your tomorrows. See the possibilities . . . . in your dreams until your dreams become your realities.

When you pursue your dreams with passion . . . . what once seemed to be impossible becomes within your reach and possible.

The only thing that becomes impossible is what you believe to be impossible.

Open you mind to what can be . . . . and you will see you possibilities . . . . and as you do you will open a new world of what you life will be.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Success is a Journey of Endurance

Success is a Journey of Endurance
“First say to yourself what you will be; and then do,
what you have to do. Life is a grindstone, whether it
wears you down or polishes you up depends
on what you are made of.”
Zig Ziglar 1926 – 2012, American Author,
Salesman and Motivational Speaker
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Success is a journey of endurance

Your success journey starts with a vision that you have for the future and the first step in the right direction.

Your dreams for the future . . . . see the things that you want to accomplish. Let those visions become crystal clear in their mind on what they are . . . . and on what you want accomplish.

Even with a crystal clear vision . . . . success can remain elusive. Why?

A dream remains a dream of what can be. It not until you decide to take action on your dreams . . . . will anything positive happen to live them. The moment that you take positive action on your dreams . . . . you start your success journey to fulfill your dreams.

Once you decide to take action on your dreams . . . . you have to create a road map to achieve your desired results.  Turn your dreams into written goals with a timeline to achieve them. Your goals become an effective way to measure your forward progress . . . . They create the mile markers to keep you moving in the right direction.

Written goals can make all the difference on your success journey hitting its mark.

Having written goals create a sense of purpose in your days . . . . and in your activities. The closer your goals are aliened with your activities the steadier your success journey will become.
Control the use of your time . . . . and the energy that you’re put into your days. Focus your activities on the actions that will move you forward and closer to your fulfilling your goals and dreams.

Wasting your time and energy moves you further away from your dreams and leaves you with a feeling of exhaustion being unfulfilled.  

Your success journey will experience many twists and turns along the way some creating an expressway and some creating a detour. No matter what conditions you face on your success journey . . . . Your conditions become temporary conditions that you’re able to adjust to or work around when you have written goals and a plan to guide you.

You have to remain focused on your objectives . . . . and many times your success journey becomes a journey of endurance. Stay strong . . . . stays focused . . . . and keep moving forward.

Success is a journey is a journey of endurance . . . . not an expressway.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, September 13, 2014

When You Have A Curious Mind and Ask Why

When You Have A Curious Mind and Ask Why
 “Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why.”
Bernard Baruch 1870 - 1965, American Financier,
Stock Investor, Philanthropist, Statesman,
Political Consultant

As I see it . . . . . . .
When you have a curious mind and ask why

Ask question to gather new information . . . . and you will increase your base of knowledge.

Listen to understand . . . . and you’ll discover far more then you ever will by talking.

Be curious and look all around you . . . . and you’ll see what you’ve missed . . . .  and you will discover a whole new world.

Take a new path of discovery . . . . and you’ll open up a new world of opportunity.

Have an open mind with fresh eyes . . . . and look for ways to make a difference in people lives . . . . And you’ll find that they will make a difference in your life . . . . and they will be there for you.

Look up . . . . look down . . . .  look behind you . . . . look forward and look all around you . . . . and you be amazed that there is a whole new world all around you that you missed in the past.

What you’ll find by having a curious mind will be truly amazing . . . . and enlightening.

When you have a curious mind will . . . . and ask why . . . .  and you will get the answers.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Marketing Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, September 12, 2014

Successful People Think Big . . . . and Prosper

Successful People Think Big . . . . and Prosper
“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway,
think big.”
Donald Trump, American Entrepreneur
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Successful people think big and prosper

A person who thinks big sees a much larger picture . . . . than most people. In that picture they see far more opportunities to choose from . . . . and they will pursue their opportunities with passion to achieve them.

They will have an expectation of succeeding in a big way . . . . and do what necessary to achieve their objectives. 

Thinking big starts with a positive mindset . . . . and is actualized in your actions and results.

Successful people think big . . . . and prosper.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Your Expectations Shape Your Future

Your Expectations Shape Your Future  
“Our minds can shape the way a thing will be
because we act according to our expectations.”
Federico Fellini, Director  
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your expectations shape your future

It is said . . . . that expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies of  your future and it is no difference with our personal expectations. What you believe will be and happen to you in your life . . . . normally will happen.

Your life will become one of a self-fulfilling prophecies’. 

What you believe will occur in your future . . . . will.

You sharp your future in the way you think . . . . and in that thinking is your expectations that you have for yourself.

When you believe that your future holds unlimited opportunities to create success . . . . you will find a way to bring that success into your life. When you believe that your future is dark with no opportunities on the horizon . . . . you will find that you are right. 

Raise the level of your thinking . . . .and raise the bar for your expectations . . . . and when you achieve your goals . . . . raise them again.

What you think . . . . you believe and in time you turn your thoughts into self-fulfilling prophecies for your future.

Your thoughts form your expectations for the future . . . . and as you think you become.

Your expectations shape your future . . . . in your thoughts . . . . and what your thoughts tell you . . . . you will do . . . . and you become.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Achievers Will

Achievers Will
“Nothing is a waste of time if you use the
experience wisely.”
Augusta Rodin, French Sculptor

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Achievers will

A common trait among achievers . . . . is they learn from their experiences . . . . and they play there experiences forward. They turn their experiences into useful knowledge that has the ability to enhance their life and career.

Achievers refuse to let their experiences take them off track . . . .or to discourage them. They use their experiences to plan for the future . . . . and move forward with a purpose.

Achievers form the habit of making good decisions based on their knowledge gained from their activities . . . . and past experiences.  Achievers also have confidence in themselves . . . . and their decision making capacity. They will make their decisions with confidence.

Achievers will take positive actions that will move them in the direction of their goals.

Achievers excel because they discard rejection . . . . and continually move forward without fear. Regardless of the circumstance’s that are presented to them.

Achievers will . . . . embrace change as positive opportunity.

Every experience offers a message . . . . and an opportunity to learn from when you use those experiences wisely.

Achievers will . . . . Learn from their life experiences . . .  and move forward with confidence . . . . and their confidence becomes the foundation of what makes achievers who they are.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When You Look at a Door . . . . What Do You See?

 When You Look at a Door . . . . What Do You See?
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but
after we look to long at the closed door we do see
 the one which has been open for us.”
Helen Keller 1880 - 1968, American Author,
Political Activist and Lecture

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When you look at a door . . . . What Do You See?

Do you seen that when one door closes a new door will opens?

The door of happiness is there for you to open. You will see it when you look for it . . . . and believe it’s there for you to open. When you see the door of happiness, have the courage to open it . . . . and to step through it.

When one door of happiness closes move on . . . . and look for a new door to open.

Don’t spend your time in the past looking at the door that has closed.

Living in the past serves no positive purpose . . . . and you are looking in the wrong direction. When you’re looking in the wrong direction . . . .  and you’ll miss the opportunities that are there for you today.

Keep you mind and eyes open for the new doors to open . . . . and you’ll find them. When one door closes a new door will open.

When you look at a door . . . . What do you see? As to what you see . . . . will determine what you will do.
©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Fear is an Obstacle To Be Overcome

A fear is that quite voice that’s inside you that produces apprehension and at other times can cause flat out panic in your thinking. Fear can also paralyze you into inaction.

A fear is an obstacle that you have to conquer . . . . or fear will box you in to negative thinking and inaction. Don’t let your fear box you in . . . . and take control your life. Take control of your fear . . . . and you will take control your future.

Have the courage to look fear in the eye, put it in prospective and . . . . find a way to remove the obstacle from your life. Once you do will you feel renewed energy coming into your life . . . . and a sense of freedom in your actions to move forward more efficiently.

A fear is an obstacle to be overcome . . . . and put behind you as you move forward on your success journey.

©2014 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Your Self Confidence

Your Self Confidence
“Self confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.”
Aldous Huxley, English Writer

As I see it . . . . . . .
Your self-confidence

True self-confidence is developed through concentrating on your successes . . . . and putting your failures . . . . setbacks . . . . and negatives in your life behind you.
Focusing on the negatives will waste your time . . . .  drain your energy . . . . and provide little or no positive results. Concentrating on your achievements and successes will energize you to see the possibility for your future . . . . And with your future successes you’ll take your self-confidence to a higher level.

Your self-confidence will put a spring into your step and increase your confidence to take on new projects, assignments . . . . and to stretch yourself forward.

Our-self confidence will put the air under your wings . . . .and will lift you to greater heights of success.

Develop your self-confidence . . . . and whole world of possibilities will open up for you.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Imagine Your Future As It Could Be

Imagine Your Future As It Could Be
“All successful men and woman are big dreamers. They imagine
what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and
then they work every day towards their distant
vision, that goal and purpose.”
Brian Tracy, Self-Help Author and Motivational Speaker

As I see it . . . . . . .
Imagine your future as it could be . . . .

What you imagine your future to be . . . . is your to achieve . . . .  when you believe in yourself and work hard towards achieving it.

Dream big dreams . . . . and then make every effort to turn your dreams into success stories.

Turn your dreams into goals . . . . and then take the actions on your goals to make them become a reality.

When obstacles occur on your success journey . . . . find the best way to work through them . . . . and do it with determination.
Success will be attracted to those who are willing to take the calculated risks to overcome their obstacles that stand in the way of achieving their goals and pursuing their dreams.

Imagine your future as it could be . . . . Make the choice to work toward achieving that future with passion and confidence. The key is to take action and to take action now.

©2014 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author