Friday, September 19, 2014

Specialize in a Niche . . . . .

Specialize in a Niche  . . . . .
“You specialize in something until one day
you find it is specializing in you.”
Arthur Miller, playwright

As I see it . . . . . . . 
Specialize in a niche

Become a specialist . . . . focus and specialize in a market niche.

Put your full energy . . . . and efforts into growing that niche into an unstoppable business force. Build that force to the point, to where you are seen as an expert in your niche and in your field.

As an expert in your field people will seek you out for your advice . . . . and counsel to the point to where you will become their go to person in your profession.

The road to success and prosperity is paved by being an expert in your field.

Specialize in a niche . . . . will creates a strategic business advantage. 

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivation, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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