Thursday, September 18, 2014

It’s Takes Personal Courage

It’s Takes Personal Courage  
“There is often in people to whom ‘the worst’ has
happened an almost transcendent freedom, for
 they faces ‘the worst’ and survived it .”
Carol Pearson, Author   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
It’s takes personal courage

Personal courage is having the inner strength . . . . to weather the storms of life.

There will be times that your storms pass quickly . . . . and are soon forgotten. At other times the storms in your lives seem so overwhelming that you question your abilities. You will also question yourself . . . . and if there will be anyway to survive the storm. 

In the dark times in your lives you have to have . . . . the personal courage to weather the storms that you face. You have to stand your ground to step up . . . . and do the best you can in the conditions that you find yourself in.

You may become battered in withstanding the storms of life but as you come out of the other side . . . . you emerge a better and stronger person.

In your persistence’s you overcome your adversities . . . . and grower stronger.

The storms may bend you with its force . . . . but you won’t break . . . . unless you quit. You may get knocked down . . . . but you can   get back up and dust yourself off . . . . and push forward.

It takes the will to win . . . . and it takes personal courage to withstand the storms of life to achieve greater things. 

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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