Sunday, September 7, 2014

Your Self Confidence

Your Self Confidence
“Self confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.”
Aldous Huxley, English Writer

As I see it . . . . . . .
Your self-confidence

True self-confidence is developed through concentrating on your successes . . . . and putting your failures . . . . setbacks . . . . and negatives in your life behind you.
Focusing on the negatives will waste your time . . . .  drain your energy . . . . and provide little or no positive results. Concentrating on your achievements and successes will energize you to see the possibility for your future . . . . And with your future successes you’ll take your self-confidence to a higher level.

Your self-confidence will put a spring into your step and increase your confidence to take on new projects, assignments . . . . and to stretch yourself forward.

Our-self confidence will put the air under your wings . . . .and will lift you to greater heights of success.

Develop your self-confidence . . . . and whole world of possibilities will open up for you.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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