Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Your Days Pass Too Quickly

Your Days Pass Too Quickly
“Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
but today well lived makes every yesterday dream
of happiness and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.”
Source unknown  

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your days pass too quickly

Our days pass too quickly . . . . We need to grasp our days and make the best use of our day to create the hope for a better tomorrow.

We spend much of our thinking in the past yet we live in the present and our lives will be lived in the future.

Today becomes the most important day . . . . in your life.

Well lived . . . . today becomes your hope for tomorrow.

Start each day with a crystal clear vision of your dreams . . . . and build your day around taking positive actions to move your in the direction . . . . of achieving your goals and to live your dreams.

Your thinking will form the foundation for the type of day you will have. Positive thinker will set the stage for a positive day and building a positive future.

Take the positive actions today; do the things that are most important . . . . and do them with excellence. Stay away from the time wasters and your day will become a positive stepping stone to your future.

The quality of your actions taken today forms the basis for your future and future success.

Live your today to the max; then repeat the efforts each and everyday in your life.

Each and every day will become a day full of possibilities . . . . and for your dreams will come true.

Your days pass too quickly grasp each one . . . . and make them a stepping stone to a brighter future.
©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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