Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today Is a Most Unusual Day

Today Is a Most Unusual Day
“Today is a most unusual day, because we have never
lived it before; we will never live it again;
it is the only day we have.”
William Arthur Ward 1921 -1994, Author
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Today is a most unusual day

As you enter the new day it seems most unusual. you’ve had other new days but this one is unusual because its today.

You have never lived in this day before . . . . and the 24 hours belong to you . . . . and you can choose to do with them as you please.

You can build on you day and carry the benefits into the future with you. You can choose to bring sunshine into the lives of the people that you meet today and play the day forward in their lives.

You can plan your day to be productive . . . . and to move you forward and closer to your goals.

This is a great day . . . . today because today is you day to do with it as I please and to use as to choose to.

You have been blessed with a new 24 hour day . . . . and you can look at it as a precious gift  . . . and use it as a bridge to the future. Or you can look at it as just another day in a rut.

How you look at your day will determine what you will see . . . and how you use your day. You can invest your day . . . . and have it pay you dividend in the future. Or you can fritter away your day away without it returning any value to your life.  

Today is a most unusual day; one that you’ve been blessed with. And today it will never come this way again. Make the most of the 24 hours that you have been given . . . . and you make the most of your life today.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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