Motivational Power Quote
Move Past Your Mistakes
“What to do with a mistake –
recognize it, admit it,
learn from it, forget it.”
Dean Smith, basketball coach
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Move past your mistakes
A mistake can be a learning experience or a weight on our shoulders, what you do with a mistake becomes a personal choice.
Indentify your mistakes and what has caused them. Determine what happen and why and find a way not to repeat the mistakes in the future.
We can admit our mistakes and use the experiences as lessons to grow or be in a state of denial and be destined to repeat them.
We can carry our mistakes around with us to the point of exhaustion or we can move them into our past and forget about them.
Mistakes are the tolls that we pay on our success journey pay them and move on.
Move past your mistake and you will lighten load on your success journey.
©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author