Sunday, March 31, 2013

Enthusiasm Makes The Difference

Motivational Power Quote

Enthusiasm Makes The Difference
Enthusiasm makes ordinary people extraordinary.”
Source Unknown  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Enthusiasm makes the difference

It takes more than talent . . . . it’s your enthusiasm that makes the difference.

The achievers in life find a way to standout in a crowded field . . . . and become recognized for being a doer. 

Successful people find the degree of separation . . . . and in that degree of separation they find the thin slice that creates their success and places them at the top of their profession. 

The thin slice of separation in successful people is their enthusiasm . . . . it moves them from being ordinary to being an extraordinary person.

When you see a person with enthusiasm it’s like seeing a person . . . . with rocket fuel in their emotions.  Their enthusiasm will propel them forward with passion and a purpose. They have a sense of eagerness in achieving . . . . their goals and objectives.

Successful people stay focused on their goals . . . . and won’t become distracted or quit.

It takes more then talent in becoming successful. Talent will open the doors to success. But it’s the person’s enthusiasm that not only gets them through the door it . . . . also is the spark that creates the zeal to pursue their success journey once they’re through the door.

Enthusiasm makes a difference . . . .

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Motivational Power Quote

Your Lessons of The Past Make You Who You Are Today
Results! Why, Man, I have gotten a lot of results.
I know several thousand things that won’t work.”
Thomas Alva Edison1847 – 1931, Inventor, Businessman

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your lessons of the past make you who you are today  

Prior to inventing the incandescent light bulb Thomas A. Edison discovered the lessons of 10,000 ways that . . . . the light bulb would not work. There could have been 9,999 reasons for him to quit . . . . but Thomas Edison endured. He used his experiences as lessons to learn from what did not work . . . . until he had the break through and invented the incandescent light blub.

Thomas A. Edison learned valuable lessons . . . . on the way to success.

He learned that when things are not going the way he wanted them to, he . . . . . maintained the mindset to keep on going forward using the experiences of the lessons that he had learned.  He also learned a great lesson in turning his setbacks into stepping stones to success . . . . and that failure was only a temporary condition unless you quit.

He had the perseverance to continue to believe in him self . . . . and to work through his obstacles.

It is safe to say Thomas Edison would say . . . . your lessons of the past make you who you are today.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, March 29, 2013

Qualities of Highly Successful People

Motivational Power Quote

Qualities of Highly Successful People
If I had to select one, quality on personal characteristic,
That I regard as being most highly correlated with success,
whatever the field, I would pick that trait of persistence.”
Richard De Vos, Amway co-founder  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Qualities of highly successful people   

Highly successful people who stand out in their chosen field and in their life are not an accident . . . . it’s a result conditioned behavior. They are conditioning themselves to succeed.

One of the key characteristic of highly successful people . . . . is their persistence.  They are committed to see their success journey through to a . . . . successful conclusion. Highly successful people have dedicated their energy and efforts to ensure that they . . . . achieve their goals.

A person with persistence is a person with a purpose and that purpose drives them to maintain the focus on the big picture. They will not to become distracted by the obstacles and setbacks they encounter on their success journey.

The qualities of highly successful people . . . . it’s the little differences that makes the big difference on the level of success that they achieve. That difference is in their persistence to remain focused on their goals through thick and thin and not to quit on themselves or to give up on their goals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, March 28, 2013

When You’re Under Pressure the Real You Comes Out

Motivational Power Quote

When You’re Under Pressure the Real You Comes Out
When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out –
because, that’s what’s inside. When you are squeezed,
what comes out is what inside you.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Self – Development Author and Speaker  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

When you’re under pressure the real you comes out  

Under pressure some people will go on to break records . . . . and go onto achieve greatness . . . .  while other people will break under the stress of pressure.

Pressure creates a great deal of stress in person’s life. Each person reacts differently to the pressure and how the person responds to the pressure . . . . will determine what course of action that person will take.

The person that can control the stress that the pressure creates will be able to respond to the pressure proactively . . . . and stay in control of their emotions and respond with a purpose.

When the person becomes overwhelmed by the pressure they will act out of anxiety and will become reactive to the pressure . . . .and will lose control of their emotions and the situation.

When you take control of the condition . . . . you will remain in control of your emotions and you will control the pressure effectively. When you’re under pressure the real you comes out . . . . bring out your best and you will be in control . . . . of the your emotions and the conditions.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Raising The Bar of Your Aspirations

Motivational Power Quote

Raising The Bar of Your Aspirations
Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising
one levels of aspiration . . . and expectation.”
Jack Nicklaus, Professional Golfer  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Raising the bar of your aspiration

As you travel the path of your success journey you will arrive at plateaus. With each of the plateaus you reach . . . . you create a comfort zone.

You have worked hard and as a result of your efforts you have arrived at a . . . . new plateau on your success journey.

You can bask in the sunshine of your success and the feeling that you have arrived. Or you can challenge yourself . . . . to raise the bar of your aspirations to a new and higher level.

One on the greatest killers on your success journey is in the plateaus that you reached. They give you the feeling of success any many people will stop their success journey . . . . and settle in on a plateau with the sense that they have arrived.

It’s not until you challenge yourself do you realize that the plateau is a rest stop on your success journey.  When you decide to stop it really becomes . . . . a self imposed ceiling for your potential.

To achieve the next level of success you have to challenge yourself. You also have to adjust and expand your expectations. It’s not until you raise the bar of your aspirations . . . . will you rise your self-expectations to move off the plateau and find greater success and achievement.   

Raising the bar of your aspirations and expectations pushes you to expect more from yourself and to expand your potential and your results. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, March 25, 2013

Stick With a Good Idea

Motivational Power Quote

Stick With a Good Idea  
Get a good idea and stay with it.
Dog it, and work at it until it’s done,
and done right.”
Walt Disney 1901 – 1966, Entrepreneur, Screenwriter,

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Stick with a good idea

When you get a good idea keep it alive . . . . and go after it until you turn it into a reality.

When your idea is worth dreaming about it worth achieving . . . . go after it with a driving force and achieve it. Keep the fires of your idea burning brightly in your mind . . . . and use that light to follow you dreams and your idea.

Walt Disney had a great idea and turned that idea into a successful enterprise. Take your good idea and turn it into a lifetime of riches and fulfillment.

Stick with a good idea . . . . until your idea becomes your guiding light in your life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


What’s in Your Glass?

Motivational Power Quote

What’s in Your Glass?   
Stop asking if the glass is half full or half empty.
Instead ask ‘what’s in it?’
How did it get there?
What can I do with it?”
David Kaufman, actor   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

What’s in your glass?

How do you see your glass of life? Do you see that glass as being filled with abundance . . . . or do you see it running on empty?

Also you might want to know, how did all the stuff get into your glass? If the stuff that’s currently in your glass that stuff that you want in your glass. If so then find a way to go out . . . . and get more of it and keep your glass fill.

If you look at the stuff that’s in your glass and you decide you don’t want it in the glass any longer . . . . Empty it so there’s room in your glass for more of what your want.

Remember it’s your glass and it’s your choice on what you put into your glass . . . . and how full your glass becomes.

A great question is to also ask yourself is how do I take what in my glass and put it to its best use . . . .  to help me achieve my goals and create a fuller life? 

Your glass of life belongs to you and you have take control what goes into your glass . . . . . how full you keep your glass . . . . and how you use the stuff that’s in your glass.

What’s in your glass? Is it what you want? If not replace it . . . . with more of what you want.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Price For Procrastination is High

Motivational Power Quote

The Price For Procrastination is High
Procrastination is like a credit card:
It’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.”
Christopher Parker, English actor    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The price for procrastination is high

Procrastination is the art of putting off what can be done today until tomorrow or maybe sometime in the future. The price for procrastination is astronomical when you consider what you get in return for procrastination.

In part the price for procrastination is you are expending your time today without it being any return in tangible benefits for it in the future. By poorly using your time you are not only wasting the time but your resources as well. As a result you will lose your focus. Instead of have a clear path or direction to follow you will find that when you are moving you are moving in circles with no forward progress.

The cost of procrastination is staggering in its cost of lost opportunities, and what you pay in the way of frustration. 

Paying the cost of procrastination is like paying the interest on a credit card. The rate of interest you pay for procrastination is excessive. There in no end in sight on when you will be able to stop paying the bill or the interest for your procrastination. In many case you may never pay the bill off.

The next time you think about procrastinating think about the cost that will be associated with that procrastination.

It’s far better to pay the price for your success today and reap the benefits in your future then to be putting off what has to be done.

The price of procrastination is high and you are putting the cost of that procrastination on the credit card of your life and paying forever.

The price for procrastination is high . . . . Take the steps today that will move in the direction of success and in fulfilling your dream.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, March 22, 2013

It’s How You Look at It

Motivational Power Quote

It’s How You Look at It
One man’s problem is another man’s solution.”
Dr. Joe Vitale, author and speaker   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

It’s how you look at it  

A problem is only a problem . . . . until someone finds a solution.

One person sees the problem and finds themselves emotionally handicapped by the situation. They find the problem to be so overwhelming that they feel that the problem is literary crushing them. The situations become so severe for them that they will get to the point to were they are having difficultly functioning.

This type of person will see the problem controlling their existences and sees no way to take control of the problem. They are focusing all of their energies on the problem and never take the steps to look for or find the solution.

We can look at another person that is experiencing the same problem, but their approach to the problem takes on a difference prospective.

They look at the problem and will immediately start to look for the best solution and will expend their energies on a creative solution.

Once they have identified the problem they spend their time and energy on resolving the problem.

As a proactive person they take the steps to control the situation and to create the desired outcome . . . . and to move pass the problem.

It’s how you look at it . . . . determines what you see. You either see the problem or you see the solution and are a world of difference between the two. The person that sees the solution controls the use of their time and focuses their energies on positive results. The person who sees the problem is reaction to the problem and not the solution.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


More of The Same Old Same Old

Motivational Power Quote

More of The Same Old Same Old
I’ve spent a good part of my life studying economic
successes and failure . . . above all, I’ve learned that
everything takes a back seat to innovation.”
Tom Peters, American Writer and Management Expert


As I see it. . . . . . . .

More of the same old same old

The business environment has shifted and you are now living and operating your business in a whole new world. In this new business environment you are facing new challenges, new opportunities and new rules.

With the shifting business environment you have reached a fork in the road. The choice of what road to take will impact your future and your level of success that you will achieve. 

You can choose to continue to do most of the same old same old which is based on using the same old and outdated techniques and strategies. Using these outdated techniques and strategies will not allow you or your business to keep pace with the new business environment and you will continue to fall behind the business curve.

What will result is you will no longer be able to remain competitive. Unless you make the adjustments to meet the challenges of the new business environment because you will no longer have the right tools to succeed.  

Or you can look at the new business environment and adjust your thinking to meet the new challenges and by acquiring the tools that will create a strategic business advantage.

One of the tools that will make a big difference in the level of your future success that we will achieve . . . . is innovation.

We have to push past doing more of same old same old and grasp the spark of innovation . . . . and break away from playing what I would call following what everyone else is doing.

Success is in creating a degree of separation in business and being seem as an innovator is a big part of that degree of separation. Being a market leader is not in doing what everyone else in doing just because someone else is doing it. An innovator steps away from the pack and will try new and innovative methods and strategies to succeed.

Doing more the same old same old will become the anchor that pulls you down into the abyss of failure and away for the light of success. Stand strong and take an innovative approach to your business and you will find that when you stand strong . . . . you’ll stand out.       

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Your Responsible For Your Success

Motivational Power Quote

Your Responsible For Your Success
Ability is what you’re capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.”
Raymond Chandler 1888 – 1959, Novelist and Screenwriter

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your responsible for your success

You determine the level of your success that you achieve . . . . and the pace of our success journey.

You can choose to accelerate your success journey to move forward . . . . or to stand back and see what’s happens.

What you choose to do on your success journey becomes a . . . . personal choice.

Choose to take your natural abilities and use them to there fullest capacity. Make the commitment to develop new skills to supplement your natural abilities . . . . to create a cutting edge business advantage.

Start each day and new task with the enthusiasm to see the objective through to a successful conclusion.  Your motivation will give you that extra boost energy that may be needed to get you through the challenging days and the obstacles that you encounter. Your enthusiasm will keep you on track and on task to keep you moving forward . . . and in the right direction.

The attitude that you being to your day will determine that type of day and results that you achieve.

Your attitude will determine the quality of your day . . . . and the quality of the efforts that you will make.

You determine your success . . . . with what you being to the table of your life and how we use your resources. You’re responsible for your success and the quality of life, take control of your life and responsibility for your results. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Your Efforts Make a Big Difference

Effort, not ability makes a big difference.

Two people with the equal ability will start a race side by side. But it’s the person that makes the extra effort that will out pace the person . . . . that relay’s only on their ability.

Your ability will open the doors . . . .  but it’s your continued effort makes the big difference in keep the doors open and your continued success and the level of success you achieve.

Effort will make the difference between . . . . success and failure.

Your efforts make a big difference . . . . Focus your efforts on what will move you closer to achieving your goals and success.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Adjust Your Action Steps to Achieve You Goals

Motivational Power Quote

Adjust Your Action Steps to Achieve You Goals
When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached,
don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”
Confucius 551 BC – 475 BC, Chinese Teacher, Editor,
Politician, Philosopher

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Adjust your action steps to achieve your goals

There are times on your success journey that it becomes clear that you’re not going to reach your goals . . . .  doing what your doing.

This is not a time . . . . to quit on yourself or on your goals.

It becomes a time that we have to adjust. Take a realistic look at your strategies and the actions steps that you have been taking to achieve your goals. Make sure both your strategies and your action steps . . . . are pointing you into the direction of your goals. 

If you’re committed to your goals and you have the passion to achieve them . . . . don’t quit; focus on what you have to do to achieve your goals. Make the positive adjustments that are required to get you back on track . . . . and to regain the forward momentum to achieve your goals.

Success and achieving your goals is not sprint to a finish line. It’s far more like a marathon where the winner has to have the endurance to not only finish but has to adjust along the way to the conditions that they find themselves in.

Stays focused on the big picture and adjust your action steps to achieve your goals. Your adjustments will make a big difference on the direction of your success journey and your results.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Motivational Power Quote

Do What Turns You On . . . .
“The one piece of advice I can give you is, do what turns you on. Do something that if you had all the money in the world, you’d still have a reason to jump out of bed in the morning.”
Warren Buffett, American Investor and philanthropist

As I see it . . . . . . .

Do what turns you on . . . .

Do what turns you on . . . . and what you do will never be a job.

There are far too many people that go to work every day and dislike their job and what they do . . . . they live their life for their days off.

They drag themselves out of bed each day and dread the day in front of them. They go through the motions at work with pain and can’t wait to get out the door at the end of day.

Their life is a rut and their career is a job . . . . and they will never reach their true potential as a result.

When you do what turns you on and enjoy what you’re doing . . . . You will never view it as work or a job. It’s your mission and your passion and you will eagerly pursue what you involved in without looking at the clock.

Find what turns you on . . . . and what you would do as a career even if you would not be paid for your efforts. When you find it you would have found you true purpose in life . . . . and the pathway to your greatest success.

Do what turns you on . . . . and you will never WORK a another day in your life . . . . you will be living your passion.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, March 18, 2013

The Breakfast of Champions

Motivational Power Quote

 The Breakfast of Champions
I you try and fail, make another effort,
and still another, until you succeed.”
Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970, Motivational Author and Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The breakfast of champions  

You know a champion when you see them. They’re the person with their feet firmly planted on the ground to withstand . . . . the turbulence that comes into to their lives.

They radiate confidence and are focused . . . . and persistent in their actions.

A champion pursues their objective with a sense of passion. When they encounter obstacles they consider them nothing more then speed bumps on their success journey. The speed bumps may slow them down temporarily . . . . but they will never stop them.

Champions will push past their obstacles with persistence . . . . and with the determination to achieve their objectives.   

The breakfast of champions is their persistence. Their persistence will energize a champion to push pass the challenges that they encounter in their life. Persistence gives the champion the extra boost of energy . . . . to continue to move forward when they feel exhausted.

The breakfast of champions . . . . is in their persistence is do the little extra that will carry the champion over the finish line of life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Refuse To Be Discouraged

Motivational Power Quote

Refuse To Be Discouraged 
History has demonstrated that most notable winners
usually encounter heartbreaking obstacles before
they triumphed. They won because they refused to
 become discouraged by their defeats.”
B.C. Forbes 1880 - 1954, Founder of Forbes Magazine
Journalist, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Refuse to be discouraged

Winners refuse to be discouraged in the face of obstacles.

They have the inner strength to endure overwhelming challenges and remain focused . . . . on their goals and objectives to create a success outcome.

No matter how disruptive the situation becomes refuse to become discouraged. You will find that a positive attitude will help you too successfully overcome your most challenging of obstacles.

The attitude to not get discouraged . . . . is the attitude of a winner.

Refuse to be discouraged . . . . Commit yourself to your success journey and to push forward and succeed.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



Friday, March 15, 2013

What You Consistently Do You Will Become

Motivational Power Quote

What You Consistently Do You Will Become 
In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take
control of consistent actions. It’s not what we do one
in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently”
Anthony Robbins, Motivational Author, Speaker and Consultant  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

What you consistently do you will become

The actions that you consistently repeat do . . . . you will become. Your actions become ingrained into our sub-conscious mind until repeating them becomes a habit. 

What you consistently do will accumulate . . . . . and in time you become that person through your habits in your actions. Those actions either will move you in the direction of success and achievement of your goals. Or your actions will move in the wrong direction and further away from your goals.

Think before you act . . . .  and plan before you take action.

Act in accordance to what you want to accomplish and in who you want to become.

What you consistently do will make you the person of your actions. Be the person in your action that moves you consistently in the direction . . . .  of your goals and greater success.

By taking control of your actions you take control of the direction that your life takes you and the level of your results.

You first become who you want to be in your thinking and then become that person through your actions.

What you consistently do you will become . . . .

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Obstacles Are the Seeds of Opportunities

Motivational Power Quote

Obstacles Are the Seeds of Opportunities
“Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that
there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity
and are able to turn both to their advantage.”
Niccole Machiavelli 1469 - 1527, Italian Renaissance Writer

As I See It . . . . . . .

Obstacles are the seeds of opportunities

Entrepreneurs see obstacles as the seeds of opportunities  . . . . and make the most of any situation that they find themselves in.

Entrepreneurs will find a way to turn their . . . . obstacles into opportunities.

Obstacles are a fact of life and you will encounter them . . . . they will come in many shapes and sizes. When you’re presented with an obstacle step back for a moment and see it from a positive prospective. Look for the solution . . . . and apply the actions to turn the obstacles into opportunities.

Stay focused on the solutions until you achieve the desired outcome.  Don’t allow the obstacle . . . . to become a distraction to you or to take you off course on your success journey.

How you handle obstacles is a choice. Make a choice to master your life and your business, and turn your obstacles into opportunities.

Entrepreneurs see the difference between obstacles and opportunities and the difference will become the seeds of opportunities and become a pathway to unlimited success. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Constant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be the Person In Your Dreams

Motivational Power Quote

Be the Person In Your Dreams
Pretend to be the person you want to be. One day you’ll
realize you are no longer pretending.”
Author Unknown

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Be the person in your dreams

Imagine what you would act like and what you will be doing when you achieved your dreams. See yourself in . . . . that image fulfilling your dreams.

Take on the mind set of that person . . . . and keep that image in your thoughts each day and become that person in your mind and through your actions.

Some people would call it fake it . . . . until you make it. I would like to think about it as being a visionary and a forward thinker.

A person will become the person in their dominate thoughts. What ever the person thinks about most often . . . . they will become.

Turn your dreams into a crystal clear vision of the future with you living and enjoying the benefits of you achieving your dreams.  Keeps that vision burning brightly in your mind and in your thoughts . . . . and in time you will become that person.

Be the person in your dreams first in your thoughts . . . . and then the person in your dream will be you living your dreams.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author