Motivational Power Quote
Enthusiasm Makes The Difference
makes ordinary people extraordinary.”
Source Unknown
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Enthusiasm makes the difference
It takes more than talent . . . . it’s
your enthusiasm that makes the difference.
The achievers in life find a way to
standout in a crowded field . . . . and become recognized for being a doer.
Successful people find the degree of
separation . . . . and in that degree of separation they find the thin slice
that creates their success and places them at the top of their profession.
The thin slice of separation in
successful people is their enthusiasm . . . . it moves them from being ordinary
to being an extraordinary person.
When you see a person with enthusiasm
it’s like seeing a person . . . . with rocket fuel in their emotions. Their enthusiasm will propel them forward with
passion and a purpose. They have a sense of eagerness in achieving . . . . their
goals and objectives.
Successful people stay focused on their
goals . . . . and won’t become distracted or quit.
It takes more then talent in becoming
successful. Talent will open the doors to success. But it’s the person’s
enthusiasm that not only gets them through the door it . . . . also is the
spark that creates the zeal to pursue their success journey once they’re
through the door.
Enthusiasm makes a difference . . . .
©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author