Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Take Control of Your Life to Realize Your Full Potential

Motivational Power Quote

Take Control of Your Life to Realize Your Full Potential
Only by coming to grips with difficulty can you realize
your full potential.”
Charles de Gaulle 1890 -1970, President of France  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Take control of your life to realize your full potential

To realize your full potential you have to handle the conditions that you encounter. You have to handle your success and you have to be able to handle the difficulties that you face.  Both have unique challenges and both will move you closer in achieving our goals.

When you encounter difficulties you have a choice . . . . You can choose to deny the fact that you’re experiencing a difficulties which would make the matters worst.

Or you can choose to face the difficulty head on and find the best possible solution to resolve the difficulty.

The person that effectively resolves their difficulties has a sense of control over their difficulties and will approach them and resolve them with confidence.

When you take control of your life to  realize your full potential . . . . When you come to grip with your difficulties and step forward resolve them. You also have to make the most out of your positive conditions that you encounter to turn them into positive opportunities.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Future Holds Unlimited Potential . . . .

Motivational Power Quote

The Future Holds Unlimited Potential . . . .
“The future has several names.
For the weak, it is the impossible.
For the Fainthearted and valiant,
it is the ideal.”
Victor Hugo 1802 – 1885, French Poet, Novelist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The future holds unlimited potential . . . .

The future holds unlimited potential . . . . For those who commit themselves to the journey of discovery to reach their full potential.

The person that believes in themselves  . . . . holds the keys in their hands to unlock the doors to a brighter future. When you open the doors to the future and apply massive effort you will find yourself surrounded with unlimited opportunities.

The future belongs to those are willing to dream big and who are willing to make the efforts to reach for their full potential.

When you see possibilities grasp them and find a way to turn them into opportunities.

The future will look difference for difference people.

Your vision of the future will become engrained in your thinking and will become a dominant thought in your mind. If you can see it in your mind . . . .  You can achieve through our actions.
If you can envision it you can achieve it.  What you do with your thoughts is a personal choice and will become person that you see yourself to be.  

See your future as one of unlimited potential; believe in that vision with all of your heart and pursue your vision with passion until you release your potential.

When you release your potential you create the personal power to turn the impossible into the possible and achieve it.

The future holds unlimited potential . . . . and you hold the keys.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, October 29, 2012

Turn Your Obstacles into Opportunities

Motivational Power Quote

Turn Your Obstacles into Opportunities
“Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there
is little difference between obstacle and opportunity
and are able to turn both to their advantage.”
 Niccole Machiavelli, Italian renaissance writer

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Turn your obstacles into opportunities

Entrepreneurs see obstacles as the seeds of opportunity and the stepping stones to greater success. They will step up and make the most of any situation that they find themselves in.

Obstacles are a fact of life . . . . and you will encounter them. They will come in many shapes and sizes and with difference intensity. When you’re faced with an obstacle step back for a moment and look at the obstacle from a positive prospective. Look for the best solution and apply the action to resolve the condition and stay focused until you achieve the desired outcome.

How you handle obstacles is a choice . . . .

Make a choice to master you life and business, and turn your obstacles into opportunities . . . . and you will pave the way to greater success and achievement.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Enjoy What Your Doing

Motivational Power Quote

Enjoy What Your Doing
You never achieve real success unless
like what your doing.”
Dale Carnegie 1888 – 1955, author, speaker   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Enjoy what your doing

When you find what you enjoy doing and you turn it into your career path you will find true success and fulfillment in your career.

Many people wander through their life not enjoying what they’re doing. As a result they will only apply a minimal effort  . . . . and do just about enough to get by. They will never reach their full potential and lead a very unhappy life.

When you enjoy what they’re doing . . . . Everything changes. You will move through you day with a sense of purpose and enjoy what you’re doing. You will also cheerfully embrace your endeavors and are willing take on new opportunities.

When you enjoy what you’re doing you will routinely make the extra effort that’s required to reach your full potential and you enjoy what you are doing along the way.

Happiness and true success in life in found in . . . . Enjoy what your doing.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Get Your Bearings and Change Your Direction

Motivational Power Quote

Get Your Bearings and Change Your Direction
If you do not change direction, you may end up where
you are heading.”
Lao Szu, Chinese philosopher    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Get your bearing and change your direction

Did you ever have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’re working as hard as you can  . . . . and not getting anywhere?

You may have reached a point in your career or in your life that you . . . .  need to get your bearings and  change your direction.

You can reach a point in your life that if we continue on our present path we may end up in the wrong place. Reassess your present course and make the adjustments to change your direction to get your success journey back on course.

Even with the best intentions you can get off course.

In having written goals they will help you to indentify where you are and to re-examine your goals and if you’re heading in the right direction. Once you have re-examined your goals you can determine if you are on course or will need to change your direction.

When the time comes . . . . get your bearing and change your direction. Welcome the change . . . . get up a head of steam and move in the direction of change with passion.  

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, October 26, 2012

You have to Stay in the Game

Motivational Power Quote

You have to Stay in the Game
Winner lose more than losers. They win and lose more
then lose because they stay in the game.”
Terry Paulson, speaker, author   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You have to stay in the game

When you goal is to win . . . . you have to stay in the game to achieve your goals and objectives.

When you see a person standing in the winner’s circle of life  . . . . You see the result of what the person has accomplished. What you don’t really see is what it took for that person to achieve that level of success.

You don’t see their commitment and dedication to their career to become the best at what they do. You may not see or relate to the persons struggles, their setbacks, failures and them losing, what you see is their success. 

When a winner gets knocked down they get up and bush themselves off and thy again. A winner realizes that they will stumble, face failure and at times suffer defeats and lose. In order for them to succeed they know you have to stay in the game.

No matter how devastating their setbacks may be  . . . . They won’t quit they stay in the game and push forward. 

They may lose but they have the convictions and believe that they will have another day to win.

Winners believe in themselves and understand that in order to win . . . . There are risks in trying and that they may lose. But they also realize that without trying there is no success or forward progress in their life.

Winners will take the calculated risk in order to win and they will . . . . stay in the game.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Motivational Power Quote

Enthusiasm Keeps You Young at Heart 
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.”
Henry David Thoreau 1817 – 1862, American Author,
Poet, Philosopher, Historian

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Enthusiasm keeps you young at heart

Your enthusiasm is the fuel that drives the spirit of your passion and keeps you young of heart.

Nothing ages a person faster then the lost of their enthusiasm.

Your enthusiasm is the spark the lights the fire in your heart to do what has to be done even when what has to be done is said to be nearly impossible.

When you undertake a difficult task with the enthusiasm there is nothing that can stand in your way from achieving your desired results.

When a person loses their enthusiasm they lose the spark in their heart and if it goes out they will lose their direction and drift through their life . .  . . With a purpose or direction.

Keep the sparks of your enthusiasm burning bright in your heart . . . . your enthusiasm keeps you young at heart and in your mind and spirit.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Live Your Dreams . . . . Not You Fears

Motivational Power Quote 

Live Your Dreams . . . . Not You Fears
“Too many of us are not living our dreams
because we are living our fears.”
Les Brown, motivational speaker  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Live your dreams . . . . not you fears

Live a life of your dreams and what can be . . . . Be a seeker of possibility.

Be a person that thinks in the terms of possibilities and open you mind to think in spectrum of what can be possible when many people are thinking in reverse of what use to be. Be a possibility thinker and live in the future and you will find a way to live your dreams.

A possibility thinker stretches their mind . . . . And as a result will increase their reach. The possible thinker is a dreamer and they fulfill their dreams by stepping away from the status quo.

The possible thinker will stretch their limits and unleash their potential and a promise of a better tomorrow.

In pursuing you possibilities you will have to release your fears and step away from the security your comfort zone and step into the possibility zone.

Your future is what you make it . . . . the breakthroughs in life are in the possibility zone, release your fear and move into the possibility zone.

Live a life of possibilities not of fear . . . . and you will live your dreams . . . . . Not your fears.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management, Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Top Priority In Successful Sales is

Motivational Power Quote

Top Priority In Successful Sales is
“Wise are those who learn that the bottom line doesn’t
always have to be their top priority.”
William Arthur Ward 1921 – 1994, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Top priority in successful sales is

The top priority in successful sales is to create satisfied customers.

Creating a high level of customer service leads to customer satisfaction and that satisfaction will contribute to the bottom line. Your bottom line doesn’t create  . . . . satisfied customers.

Satisfied customers = A positive bottom line.

When you put the customer interests first and above your own you create a strategic business alliance with your customer and they grateful for the service that you are providing them.

Focus your energy on helping the customer to achieve their objectives they will help you to achieve your objectives.

Customer’s will sense when you have a sincere interest in helping them and that they are your top priority. They will appreciate your interest and effort and will reward you with their loyalty. 

Dissatisfied customers = No business.

The top priority in successful sales is to create satisfied customers and as a result your customers will help you to create a positive bottom line.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, October 22, 2012

Your Choices Create Your Future

Motivational Power Quote

Your Choices Create Your Future
“Life is 10 percent what happens to me,
and 90 percent how I react to it.”
John C. Maxwell, author, leadership expert

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your choices create your future

The choices that you make today will have a direct impact on your future.

You can make the choice to put your success journey into drive step on the gas and to accelerate your career forward to achieve your goals. Or you can keep your success journey in park and sit in the rest stop.

Your choices create your future . . . .

Stuff happens . . . . How we respond to what happens to you makes a big difference in your choices and direction your career takes.

Life is a series of choices; you won’t always be in control of what happens to you. But you can control what you do as a result of what happens. That choice makes all the difference in the direction of your success journey.  

Life is a series of choices . . . . And your choices create your future.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, October 21, 2012

You Can Do What You See and Believe

Motivational Power Quote

You Can Do What You See and Believe
I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I
set him free.”
Michelangelo 1475 – 1564, Renaissance Sculptor, Printer,
Architect, Poet

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You can do what you see and believe

When you look at the marble of your life what do we see?

Michelangelo could look into a slab of marble and see it’s potential.

When he looked at a slab of marble he had a vision of what the marble could be. Michelangelo looked into a slab of marble and could see the angel hidden inside of it. He had the vision and the talent to turn slab of marble into a great work of art.

While other people missed what Michelangelo could see, he saw the angel and all they only see it as slab of marble.

Our life is a lot like Michelangelo and the slab of marble.

You can do what you see yourself doing. You have to look deep within yourself and chisel away at your marble until you release the potential and the angel within you.

That angel is your personal power to live the life that you where meant to live and to release your power to achieve great things. you have to believe in yourself and see it in your potential.

Don’t walk past the marble of your life without seeing the angel waiting to be released.

You can do what you see and believe. See it, believe it and then just do it.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, October 20, 2012

There’s no Room Service of Your Success Journey

Motivational Power Quote

There’s no Room Service of Your Success Journey 
If you have the courage to begin, you have the
courage to succeed.”
David Viscott, businessman and author   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

There’s no room service of your success journey  

There is no room service on the success journey . . . . If we want something it will be up to you to go after it and get it.

Success is not handed to you . . . . It’s earned as a result of persistent effort and will take time.

You have to have the courage to start your success journey and to go forward into the future with confidence and pursue your goals and dreams with a purpose.

The person that does not have the courage to start their success journey will never be in control of their life or success journey. 

The person that does not start their success journey will never see a successful conclusion to their journey. They will take that path that others lay out for them without ever following their dreams.

The courage to succeed is making the commitment to succeed is to start to start and to follow through on their dreams.

There’s no room service on your success journey . . . . With courage you will make your own way and fill your plate.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, October 19, 2012

Breakdown the Walls of Resistance

Motivational Power Quote

Breakdown the Walls of Resistance
Resistance and obstacles crumble under the relentless
pressure of constant determined effort.”
Tracy Brinkman, writer and speaker  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Breakdown the walls of resistance

You have been sailing along with everything going just fine and out of the blue - BANG - you hit a wall. You don’t create it, you didn’t anticipate it, but there it is right in front you.

When you first look at the wall it can look to be overwhelming with no hope of getting over it or resolving it. You can’t see a way to overcome it, and it looks to big to go around it.

It appears that the weight of the wall and its pressure will crush you.

A wall can be a condition, an obstacle or a gap in your thinking. That wall can become a game changer in your life in how we respond to it.

We all hit walls in our lives some bigger then others, but we all hit the wall at one time or another. If you become overwhelmed by the wall you lose the perspective on how to solve the issue and get wrapped up in the problem and not the solution and the weight will sink you.   

Some walls that you hit can be resolved by adjusting your thinking and or your efforts. At other time it will take a sustained effort on your part to breakdown the walls of resistance.

When you hit the wall we can back up and say that the wall is overwhelming and throw your hands up in the air and give up. Or you can commit yourselves to breaking down the walls of resistance through a focus and sustained effort and time. 

Apply relentless pressure to the wall until you breakdown the walls of resistance . . . . and the wall crumbles from your presistents.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Focus on Why You Can

Motivational Power Quote

Focus on Why You Can
Stop thinking of the all the reasons why you cannot
be successful and instead, think of all the reasons
why you can.”
Dr. David Harold Fink,  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Focus on why you can

You can do what you . . . . believe that you can do.

You will become the person in you dominate thoughts, whatever you want to become or achieve in your life first takes root in your thoughts. Form a crystal clear vision in your mind of what you want to achieve. See that vision in your thoughts as already being achieved and see yourself enjoying the benefits of your efforts and journey.

Keep that vision burning brightly in you mind and heart and pursue that vision with passion.

There’s nothing that can stand in the way of a person that believes in themselves, in their ability and is on a mission in pursuing their vision.

Clear the clutter out of your mind and keep your self-talk positive and focused on your objectives.

Why you can is that when you believe that you can and when you believe that you can you will do it and you will have the persistence’s to turn your vision into a reality.

Focus on why you can . . . . and you’ll find the way to make it a reality.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Unlocking the Secret to Customer Satisfaction

Motivational Power Quote

Unlocking the Secret to Customer Satisfaction 
There’s no great mystery to satisfying your customers.
Build them a quality product and treat them with
respect. it’s that simple.”
Lee Iacocca, auto executive    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Unlocking the secret to customer satisfaction  

A key to satisfying customers is to understand your customer, their motivation, their needs and their expectations. Creating customers satisfaction is not created in a vacuum, it’s a joint venture between the customer, your company and yourself. 

Your product has to meet the customer’s needs and exceed the customer’s expectations in order to be of value to them.

A product that falls short in meeting a customer’s expectations either will result in no business being transacted, no referrals or no future business. Missed expectations creates a, lose – lose situation for all of the parties.

In most cases your product is your service. Your service has to exceed the customer’s expectation for you to remain competitive and to compete in a competitive business environment. Establish the customer’s expectations for your service and make every effort to exceed that expectation.

Be respectful of the customer’s and their needs and you will build rapport and confidence with the customer’s

Unlocking the secret to customer satisfaction is in understanding the customer and exceeding their expectations.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success, Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Find What You Love to Do

Motivational Power Quote

Find What You Love to Do
Find something you’re passionate about and keep
tremendously interested in it.”
Julie Child, chef   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Find what you love to do

You move through your life doing things that you dislike, but you do them because you find them in or comfort zone and you don’t want to challenge the status quo.

You labor your life away and you don’t find fulfillment in your career because you don’t enjoy what you are doing. When you dislike what you’re doing it makes getting started very difficult and procrastination easy and focusing on your career almost impossible. 

Indentify . . . . what it is that you love to do. The moment that you do and then start doing what you love to do, you’ll find that your life and career will change because you’re now doing what you love to do.  

The person that does what they love will do it with passion. They will find that they can’t wait to get started and their days will move at a faster pace because they enjoy what they’re doing.

When you enjoy what you’re doing, what you doing seems to be effortless.

When you find what you love to do . . . . you will have a sense of accomplishment in your career and in your life.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, October 15, 2012

Keep Your Eyes Open For Opportunity

Keep Your Eyes Open For Opportunity
Keep your eyes open and you’ll see the opportunities that are there and available for you. Only when your eyes are open and your minds receptive will we harvest the abundance that’s around you.

Have your eyes open for opportunities . . . .

Seek out the opportunities with positive expectations and you will discover unlimited opportunities. He who waits for those opportunities will see them go to the seekers in life.

Be a seeker . . . .

When you undercover the opportunities take the actions to maximize your opportunities and do it with passion. When you find the door of opportunity ajar; open it to its full capacity and let the opportunities into your life.

Opportunity without action will fade away without benefiting to you or your career. Take massive action to turn an opportunity into a success story.

The page is blank sheet of paper and it’s up to us to write our own success story.

Keep your eyes open for opportnuity . . . . and you will have the success story to write.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Manage Your Tasks

Motivational Power Quote

Manage Your Tasks
You cannot manage people - You can only manage tasks.
People must be led.”
Stephen R. Covey 1932 - 2012, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Manage your tasks

By managing your tasks you manage your lives and control your time.

When you manage your tasks you choose what road you will travel and the pace of the journey. You will determine what the most important tasks are and when you do them and complete them.

In making that choice you decide how and when you invest your time and energy. You choose the tasks that will have the biggest impact on our career and in achieving your goals.

As you manage your tasks . . . . you are controlling the use of your time and using it with a purpose.

A person who manages their tasks is managing there activity for success.

Manage your tasks . . . . and you control your success journey and your results.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Motivational Power Quote

A Burning Desire Creates a Sense of Purpose 
“Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying
power - - a reason to get up every morning or to pick
ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment.”
Marsha Sinetar, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A burning desire creates a sense of purpose

A the burning desire to succeed is your inner voices that’s picks you up after you fall and gets you started and keeps you moving in the right direction.

Your desire gives you a sense of purpose for your life and is a guiding principle for your success.

A burning desire in your thinking creates an attitude of I can, I will. Your desire will turn on your internal switch and the activities to create success.

A burning desire creates a sense of purpose . . . . And will supercharge your success journey forward.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author





Friday, October 12, 2012

Motivational Power Quote

Personal Improvement 
Never Neglect an opportunity for improvement.”
Sir William Jones 1746 - 1794, Anglo Welsh Scholar of
Ancient India

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Personal Improvement

The opportunity for personal improvement will come in many different shapes and sizes with many of them coming when you least expect them. Keep your mind open to the possibilities of new opportunities for personal improvement and they will be there for you to grasp. 

At times the opportunities for personal improvement will come at you very quickly. If you’re not prepared to reach out and grasp the opportunity for your personal improvement it will pass you by in what would appear to be a blink of the eye and be gone forever.

You have to look at every opportunity for personal improvement as a stepping stone into the future with sharper tools. 

Don’t overlook what would appear to a small opportunity for personal improvement because a small opportunity can turn into an opportunity of a lifetime when they are acted on.   

Personal improvement is a progression that takes awareness of the opportunities to grow and time. With the steps that you take in the direction of personal improvement you will find that your steps are compounded with the law of accumulation.

In your journey of personal improvement you will find yourself growing to a new height and into a highly productive person. With that growth you will open doors that have been previously closed to you and follow a new path that you did not see in the past.

Personal improvement becomes the thin slice that leads to achieving your destiny and to unlimited success. 

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author