Motivational Power Quote
Be Firm in Your Resolve, But Flexible
in Your Thinking
“I am a man of fixed and unbending principles,
the first of which is to flexible at all times.”
Everett Dirksen 1896 - 1969, American Politician
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Be firm in your resolve, but flexible in
your thinking
When a person is firm in their resolve
they know what they want to achieve, they know how they will achieve it and
they’re steadfast in their resolve to achieve a successful outcome.
But the person is also flexible.
They may get taken off my course at
times in their life. But they will adjust their sails in the winds of life to get
them back on the course that keeps them moving in the direction of their goals.
When they encounter a challenging
situation they will look at their long term objectives and for the best
possible solutions. They find their solutions and to implement a plan of
action, by remaining flexible in their thinking and action.
Being flexible does not compromise a
person’s principles or their goals.
Flexibility allows a person to look at
their circumstances and adjust to withstand the storms in their life. A person
that remains rigid in their thinking and actions will not adjust to the
circumstances and like the limb of a tree will break under pressure.
Be firm in your resolve, but flexible in
your thinking.
©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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