Sunday, August 17, 2014

Are You Making Your Customers Feel Important?

Are You Making Your Customers Feel Important?
“The customers is a rear-view mirror,
not a guide to the future.”
George Rembach, Consultant

As I see it . . . . . . .
Are You making your customers feel important?

Your customers are the life line for your business . . . . and your future success. Make them feel important.

Your customers have been a critical element in your past successes . . . and they are the foundation for your future success.

In a shifting business environment your existent customer base becomes one of the most cost effective . . . . and productive ways to create our businesses future success.

Each of your customers becomes a valuable business resource . . . . and has the potential to have a positive influence on your business success.

Satisfied customers when nurtured are more likely to do business with you in the future when the need arises. Based on your relationship with the customers they are very likely to refer business to you in the future.

Make your customers feel important . . . . and you will enjoy the benefits of a productive and stronger business relationship.

Set the expectations for that business relationship and then over deliver on those expectations create a wow experience for your customers. The business relationship that you establish with the customers during a transaction is a reflection of what they will expect from you in the future. It will also lay the ground work for future business and referrals.

Your customers will judge you . . . . your service . . . . and your product during the transaction. They will make a determination if they count on you in the future . . . .  and if they will consider doing business with you in the future. They will also make a decision if they would will to refer you to   others.

Are you making your customers feel important? When you do you give your customers a reason to continue to do business with your and to refer others to you.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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