Saturday, August 30, 2014

You Develop Your Character Under Pressure

You Develop Your Character Under Pressure
“You never will be the person you can be
if pressure, tension and discipline
are out of your life.”
James G. Bilkey, Author      
As I see it. . . . . . . .
You develop your character under pressure

Your character is a lot like a diamond . . . . and its true value is developed under pressure.

In your moments of pressure you are being tested. How you respond to that pressure and test is a choice. The choices you make will make you who you are . . . . and will become the foundation of your character. As you develop you character you will build the inner strength . . . . to stand strong in the changing conditions that you face.

In your most challenging moments you will find the resilient to withstand the storms in your lives . . . . and make good decisions. You may come out of your challenging situations with some bumps and bruised . . . . but with your character in place you will come out standing strong.

Character is the moral fiber to stand strong . . . . and to face your future with the strength to work through any conditions that you encounter.

You develop your character under pressure . . . . and the life you lead will be the reflection of your character . . . . and how you handle the pressures that you encounter in your lives.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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