Friday, August 15, 2014

Turn Your Goals Into Your Passion

Turn Your Goals Into Your Passion  
“Don’t just pursue your goals inhabit it, wear it, act it,
live it, taste it: get committed, take action.”
Gary Ryan Blair, Author   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Turn your goals into your passion

Turn your goals into your passion live them in your thoughts . . . . act then out in your daily activities . . . . and take massive action to achieve them.

Make your goals your priority . . . . and focus your thinking on finding the best way to successfully achieve your goals.

When you peruse your goals with passion you change the dynamics of your goals from an “I would like to” to “a must’. The difference between “would” and “must” is in your passion. When your goals are a must you will become driven to successfully achieve them.

Your passion is translated into excitement and your excitement creates enthusiasm. Your enthusiasm will keep you focused on your goals at a high level and will help you to get through the obstacles you encounter along the way.

When you live your goals with passion you look at your goals through the prism of passion and enthusiasm. Your passion and enthusiasm creates the unstoppable forward momentum to keep you moving forward in the direction of your goals.

Turn your goals into your passion . . .  . and you will live your goals with passion.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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