Sunday, December 15, 2013

Invest In Your Personal Development
“Invest three percent of your income in yourself
self-development in order to guarantee your future.”
Brian Tracy, Motivational Author and Speaker    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Invest in your personal development

You are your brand . . . . you are your business . . . . and you are one of the most importance resources your business has.

No matter what level you’re at in your business. The level of your expertise with the people that you come into contact with will determine your long term success.

As a sale professional you are operating . . . . a personal service business.  Also as that professional you will be judged by the quality of the services you render to others. That service will have a direct relationship in the professional fees that you earn.

If your goal is to earn more . . . .

You have to get better at what you do . . . . and be committed to providing exceptional service.

In order to earn more you have to invest in your personal development to acquire the skills and techniques that will keep you competitive in a shifting business environment. Your personal development will drive your new business model in a shifting business environment. This will keep you on the leading edge of change. Make the commitment to be a continued learner and develop the skills in order to succeed . . . . and to stay on the leading edge of your profession.

An investment in your self is investing in your businesses future and your businesses biggest resource, yourself. The investment in yourself will pay the long term dividend of greater opportunity and greater success.

As you invest in yourself the people that you’re doing business with will recognize you as a leader in your profession  . . . . and that will lead to greater earning capacity . . . . and additional sales and referrals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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