Your Thoughts and Attitude
“Some minds seem almost to create
themselves, springing up under
very disadvantage and working their
solitary but irresistible
way through a thousand obstacles .”
Washington Irving 1783 – 1859, American
Essayist, Biographer, Historian and
As I see it . . . . . . .
Your thoughts and attitude
What your mind can see in your thoughts
. . . . Your mind will believe and that belief will be mirrored your actions.
Your thoughts are a powerful driving
force in your life. They have the capacity to fuel you in the direction of your
goals and objective. They also have a major impact in living a full and
productive life.
One’s thought’s can also be negative . .
. . those thoughts become part of your thinking process. Negative thinking will
perpetuate themselves in your beliefs. Unless your remove them . . . . your
beliefs will become negative and limit your future . . . . to the level of your
negative thinking.
In your thoughts you determine the
direction that your life will take.
Your attitude will determine the way you
approach your life and how you respond to your thoughts.
With a positive attitude you will
approach your thoughts with a positive outlook . . . . looking for the best . .
. . and for the possibilities.
With negative thinking you will have a
mindset of limited believes . . . . and many times feel trapped by the
conditions in your life.
Your thoughts and attitude . . . . will
determine the direction your life moves in . . . . and in what you accomplish
in life.
Keep your thoughts and attitude positive
. . . . and your actions will move in
the same direction.
©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power
Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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