Become The Master of Your Life
“The eye of the master will do more work
than both his hands.”
Benjamin Franklin, American Statesman, Founding
Author Political Theorist, Postmaster, Scientist,
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Become the master of your life
Master your life . . . . and you master
your future. When you master your future you master your destiny. Mastering your
destiny is a personal choice to do what you do with excellences.
As you master your life you create
excellence in your thinking, proficiency in your activities . . . . and you create
new results.
Becoming the master of your life is
making the decision to leave the good behind you and to go for the great.
Step away from the shadows of the status
quo and step into a life of mastery and you will be in control of your future
and your results.
Become the master of your life . . . .
and you will master your future.
©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power
Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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