Friday, January 4, 2013

When Your Facing a Problem Deal With it

Motivational Power Quote

When Your Facing a Problem Deal With it
Happiness is not the absence of problems
but the ability to deal with them.”
Cardinal Leon Joseph Suenens 1904 -1996, Archbishop
of Malines-Brussels   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

When your facing a problem deal with it

A problem that is not effectively dealt with . . . . festers in your mind and as it ages it worsens . . . .until the problem becomes overwhelming.

A problem dealt with . . . . is half solved . . . .

The person thinking that if they ignore a problem it will either . . .  get better or go away is inviting a disaster to occur.

Unresolved problems become . . . . an anchor around our neck that will pull you down under it’s weight.

A problem dealt with is . . . . half solved . . . . A problem left unaddressed grows out of control.

The moment that you acknowledge that you have a problem . . . . you have taken the first step to solving the problem. At that moment you will feel a weight been lifted off of our shoulders and a sense of relief in your actions.

Success is not the absence of problems . . . . success is found in acknowledging that a problem exists and in finding a satisfactory solution.

Focus your thinking on looking for solutions and in successfully resolving the problem and you will find yourself increasing to productively and solving the problem

When your facing a problem deal with it . . . . and your on a path to find the answers and solving the problem.

A problem dealt with is half solved in the moment we acknowledge the problem and take the steps to resolve it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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