Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Neutralize Aggressive Negotiations

Motivational Power Quote

Neutralize Aggressive Negotiations
Am I not destroying my enemies
when I make friends of them.”
Abraham Lincoln1809 - 1865, 16th U. S. President  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Neutralize aggressive negotiations

You negotiate everyday of your life in your personal relationships, in business and in almost every aspect of our life.

Hostile . . . . intimidating . . . . or aggressive negotiations is a negotiating strategy. It can be called negotiating by bullying.

The person that’s doing the bullying is aggressive in the relationship . . . . and is trying to intimidate the other person into becoming submissive. If they can achieve that position in the negotiations they will . . . . control the other person and the negotiating process and the likely outcome.

You see that type of behavior in negotiations all the time. You also see that strategies being used by attorneys in questioning witnesses and in attempting to intimidate the witnesses.

The hostile negotiator relays on aggressiveness and intimidation to control the negotiating process.

They attack the person . . . . and not address the issues.

You defuse the aggressive negotiator by remaining calm and not falling into their traps . . . . and not being baited into confrontation. Don’t allow the hostile negotiator to intimidate or pressure you.

When the hostile negotiator is making statements and asking question or asking you for an answer, ask them to restate or repeat the question. Ask them for additional information or ask them explain what they asking you. Tell them that you don’t understanding what they are asking you.

This will throw the aggressive negotiator of their game and many times they will lose their tempers and lose control of their emotions.

They will also make statements or ask question with mixed messages . . . . and by doing this they are trying to compromise you or you answer. Be very careful in responding to this type of statement or questions as asked. Simple state that what you’re being asked are several questions . . . . that are unrelated with several answers. Ask them to restate or ask the question one at a time so you can answer or to respond to them one at a time to give them the information that they are requesting.      

A hostile negotiator in normally . . . . a type A personally type and will push for fast answers to remain in control or to have you error in your response.  By asking questions they want to throw you off and confuse you. The type A personally game plan is intimidation.  

Before you answer the question of an aggressive negotiator pulse and silently look the person in the eye and count to 5 slowly.  By pulsing you will throw the aggressive negotiator off their game plan and they will become frustrated and lose their composure. Also by pulsing you have a little extra time to formulate your response.

You will witness the following; aggressive negotiator will start to answer their own questions. You will see them to start to speak faster without thinking; they will just be reacting to their frustration. They will increase their aggressiveness and as a result lose complete control of the negotiating process.

They will become confused in their strategies and some will just blow up and look really bad. 

To neutralize aggressive negotiations . . . . remain calm and in control of your emotions. It’s remaining focused on achieving a satisfactory conclusion to the negotiations and not taking things personally. Keep your composure and don’t allow the negotiations to become personal. Keep the negotiations focused on the issues and work towards a successful win – win agreement.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant,  Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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