Monday, January 14, 2013

A Difference Between Greatness and Mediocrity is

Motivational Power Quote

A Difference Between Greatness and Mediocrity is
The difference between greatness and mediocrity
is often how an individual views a mistake.”
Nelson Boswell, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A difference between greatness and mediocrity is

There is a thin slice that separates greatness from mediocrity . . . . and that thin slice in the way a person views their mistakes and in their attitude.

Once a successful person realizes that they have made a mistake . . . . they step up take the responsibility for the mistake and for correcting it. They will jump into action as quickly as possible . . . . to find the best way to correct the mistake and to minimize the damage.

They also understand that mistakes are a fact of life and will happen . . . . and will not live in the past or make excuses about their mistakes. They focus on the solutions to the mistakes, correct it and then move on.

A person creates success and greatness as a result of their attitude in the way they view their mistakes . . . . and how they address and bring the mistake to a successful conclusion.

The person that drifts into mediocrity is the person that looks at their mistakes . . . . and asks why me. They will also spend their time focusing . . . . on the mistake and making excuses without coming up with a way to solve the condition. They will not make any positive progress.

A difference between greatness and mediocrity is . . . . in a how a person views their mistakes is the persons attitude in finding solutions.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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