Thursday, April 12, 2012

Success Is Attracted By Effort

Motivational Power Quote

Success Is Attracted By Effort
“The highest form of success . . . .
comes . . . . to a man who
does not shrink from danger,
from hardship or toil;
and who out of these wins
the splendid ultimate triumph.”
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.S. President

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Success is attracted by effort

Success doesn’t arrive at our door step, it attracted by those who put in the effort and open the door of opportunity with their hard work.

Success is attracted to those who are willing to apply themselves and do what’s necessary to succeed.

It’s remaining focused on our objective and navigating the detours that we encounter and overcoming the challenges on our success journey.

At times it’s working a little harder; at other times its working a little smarted. It’s doing what’s required to achieve our objectives and succeed. But in all cases elements of work will be involved to reach our objectives.

Success is attracted by remaining focused on the big picture and a continued effort to achieve our goals.

Success is attracted by effort.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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