Motivational Power Quote
Exceptional Customer Service is a
Personal Choice
“No one can make you serve customer well.
That’s because great service is a choice.”
Ken Blanchard, author
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Exceptional customer service is a
personal choice
Exceptional customer service just
doesn’t happen by chance; it takes a personal commitment and hard work. The
level of the service that we deliver is a personal choice. Exceptional customer
service is the choice to pay the price to become successful through our efforts
of today for the success that we will enjoy over a life time.
Establish a mutual understanding of the
expectations for the level of the service that the customer should expect you
to deliver. And then do everything
possible to exceed the customer’s expectations and WOW them.
The person that decides the level of our
service in the business relationship is the customer.
We control the level of the services that
we provide to others. The choices we make and the activities we perform in the
pursuit of exceptional customer is a personal choice, the choice that only we
can make.
Create and deliver an exceptional
customer experience and we create the pathway satisfied customers, referrals
and to our business success.
©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management
Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author
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