Saturday, April 21, 2012

Motivational Power Quote

Make Your Success Journey Fun
“Winning is only half of it.
Having fun is the other half.”
Bum Phillips, football coach

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Make your success journey fun

Having goals are essential in creating success targets.

Winning and achieving your goals is an important element in achieving success. Each success is a stepping stone to the next goal.

Having fun and enjoying the success journey makes the journey worthwhile.

There is two important parts to true success, achieving the success itself and the other is enjoying perusing the success itself.

There is great satisfaction in meeting and achieving your goals and when you enjoy what you’re doing it makes the journey pleasurable.

Enjoying what you’re doing in perusing your goals and your success journey becomes fun and gives you a boost to achieve your desired outcome.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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