Friday, April 27, 2012

Master Your Goals

Motivational Power Quote

Master Your Goals
“Do it now. You become successful the moment
you start moving towards a worthwhile goal.”
Samuel Johnson English Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Master your goals

We either take control our success journey that moves us in the direction of our goals. Or we give someone else the controls to our journey by our inaction. What we do is a personal choice.

Either way there will be a result with our success journey the result that we control or the result that someone else creates for us.

Take control of your goals and your success journey.

Plan your future, create your goals and put your goals in writing. Your written goals will become the road map for your success journey and will move us closer to achieving your goals.

Every positive action we take will create forward momentum and move you closer to your goals and success.

You start your success journey the moment you step in the direction of your goals. When you continue to move in the direction of your goals with passion you accelerate the pace of your success journey

Be the master of your future and your goals. Take the responsible for your succes and take the actions that will move in the direction of your goals and over the finish line of success.

Master your goals and you will become the master of your success journey.

©2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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